Trump's Address on Iran On Now

You TrumpTards, answer my questions:

Where's the video of the bases that were damaged by the missiles?
Richard Engel/NBC is IN Erbil, and yet he has no video.
Where's the "immediate" retribution for attacking an American base, as Trump promised?
Not gonna' happen.
Trump has backed down.
Fat Bastard has backed down.

Trump promised immediate retribution if any American was harmed. No American was harmed. As Trump said when a drone was shot down, he doesn't kill people for property damage.
Do you just make shit up to fit the argument you want to make?! It’s amazing how you can Do that and expect to be taken seriously.

here is trumps quote. He did not say what you just said he said. notice the bold.

“ Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," he said. "The USA wants no more threats!"

Same old crap. Nothing new learned. He's such a terrible speaker.

Maybe you are just a terrible listener.

I heard him repeat the 150 billion dollar lie again.

So you are a terrible listener.

Are you saying he didn't repeat the 150 billion dollar lie?

Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Your a jerk. There was no struggle there. Go back and watch your floppy bastard. That idiot couldn't talk WITHOUT a prompter. Reading off a screen a pre-written thing just isn't Trump's gig, he likes to speak off the cuff his own words. But this was too serious and important a world event to do that.
First off I’m not talking about Obama. Second I’m not talking about off prompter speeches.
Trump is great off prompter. That’s his sweet spot. He used to make fun of the prompter Guys until Conway shoved one up his butt. Maybe that’s why he’s having such a hard time reading it.

Trump is great without a prompter because he knows who he is and doesnt have to hide anything. Rush Limbaugh is the same way..speaks for hours with no prompter and never worries about a contradiction or "being consistent" or offending anyone. The truth is the truth.

Genuineness has its advantages.

Genuineness is a foreign word to democrats. Their every presidential candidate is like a cardboard cutout with a suit draped over it and a poll-tested speech in the wings.
You TrumpTards, answer my questions:

Where's the video of the bases that were damaged by the missiles?
Richard Engel/NBC is IN Erbil, and yet he has no video.
Where's the "immediate" retribution for attacking an American base, as Trump promised?
Not gonna' happen.
Trump has backed down.
Fat Bastard has backed down.


Not a video, but satellite photo of one of the bases......


Iranian leader calls missile attack a 'slap' at US bases

and not sure where I'd seen it, but there was a report that the attack was timed with the least amount of casualties. Seems Iran played it on the safe side and more for show than actual 'death to America'.

They were afraid of a counter attack by the US if they did anything of substance.

Trump kicked their asses on this one.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Your a jerk. There was no struggle there. Go back and watch your floppy bastard. That idiot couldn't talk WITHOUT a prompter. Reading off a screen a pre-written thing just isn't Trump's gig, he likes to speak off the cuff his own words. But this was too serious and important a world event to do that.
First off I’m not talking about Obama. Second I’m not talking about off prompter speeches.
Trump is great off prompter. That’s his sweet spot. He used to make fun of the prompter Guys until Conway shoved one up his butt. Maybe that’s why he’s having such a hard time reading it.

Trump is great without a prompter because he knows who he is and doesnt have to hide anything. Rush Limbaugh is the same way..speaks for hours with no prompter and never worries about a contradiction or "being consistent" or offending anyone. The truth is the truth.

Genuineness has its advantages.
Haha, did you just accuse trump and rush of speaking that truth?! That’s amazing!! Good one
Jeebus, don't you ever read and retain anything?

The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

You know, that your link does not support the 1 billion dollars worth of drugs through the southern border...right?

Yes, it does.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension, it really sucks...the 1 billion was for a whole host of things that did not all have to do with this country.

that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

And your link does not once talk about the southern border.

Poor widdle woowoo. It's sad to see you support a terrorist organization smuggling drugs into the U.S.

I support accuracy and honesty. Two things you seem to have a disdain for.

Would it not be easier to just admit you made a mistake?
Hahah honesty hahah that’s funny haha
Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

For fucks sake you dicks, how much sleep did Trump get in the past 24 hours maybe a couple hours? You sit in the big chair and address the world on little sleep and we'll see how well you speak live on camera. :eusa_hand:
This wasn’t a sleep thing he does it all the time. Not a big deal. He is way better than I’d be if I was thrown in front of cameras, no doubt, I hate that shit. But then again he is POTUS. I just think he could use a little training

So why don't you analyze the actual CONTENT of his speech by reading it and get back to us on your thoughts? (Although, I don't have a lot of hope for you on the "reading" part of it honestly)
the speech was fine if you agree with Trumps handling of the situation. I think the whole thing has been mishandled bigly so I shake my head at it. Especially when he reaches out to NATO for help after reeming them for years. And then promising Iran riches with the world market if they play ball, immediately after accusing Obama’s lifted sanctions as funding terrorism. The irony was very rich.
so how many more americans did you need to see die before any action was taken? For me, 600 seemed like a good count to stop at. obviously, you wish more death to americans. wow. openly admitting it. Did you get a fresh 'hug a terrorist' sticker for your car? MM.
You TrumpTards, answer my questions:

Where's the video of the bases that were damaged by the missiles?
Richard Engel/NBC is IN Erbil, and yet he has no video.
Where's the "immediate" retribution for attacking an American base, as Trump promised?
Not gonna' happen.
Trump has backed down.
Fat Bastard has backed down.


Not a video, but satellite photo of one of the bases......


Iranian leader calls missile attack a 'slap' at US bases

and not sure where I'd seen it, but there was a report that the attack was timed with the least amount of casualties. Seems Iran played it on the safe side and more for show than actual 'death to America'.

Here is my opinion:

Iran got a called from Putin warning them an all out war with the U.S. would not benefit Russia, China and Iran and told Iran to figure out a way to appease it radicals while not opening pandora box.

Iran called Iraq knowing Iraq would inform the U.S. about the strike and allowed people to clear the area...

Now will this appease the radicals of Iran?

My bet is no and tension will rise before the November Election.

I also believe Trump has been informed a straight out conflict with Iran is not wise at this moment and to get his Impeachment Trial in the Senate done first and get through this election.

As for Trump speech it was more controlled and not what most expected...

Now back to meditating and enjoying thoughts of Ana De Armas...
Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

So much winning! However I'm still not tired of it, so so far Trump was wrong there. However I'm pretty sure the dumbcrats are really sick and tired of conservatives wins and them losing and losing and losing, time after time after time. And now he's got Iran screaming at it sky too by shooting expensive missiles at empty sand. Now I wonder who's gonna wise up first and give in, the dumbocrats or Iran.

Obummer must be feeling especially stupid right now after being shown to be the fool he so clearly is.

Obama is diseased (among other afflictions)
With Narcissist Immunity.
At least we know he can read.
Good thing Barry Hussein never used a teleprompter, huh?

Scuze moi, but TOTUS was the brains of the outfit.

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I thought it was Valerie Jarrett + Michele.

I am glad that it looks like things are calming down and tensions are de-escalating. Doubt it'll last too long though, Iran is not going to suddenly become a buncha choir boys. I wouldn't be surprised if we aren't watching where they're putting their supply of missiles for a future attack should it become necessary. And it will become necessary at some point.

My take: Iran is engaging in a huge internal power struggle now that Soleimani (and other leaders) are gone. They are screwed. Trump has the strong hand, and they know it.
BTW, what Trump demonstrated to the rest of the world is what he would actually do to a terrorist if a shot was there to be taken. HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I heard yesterday evening that that really was a great shot. That evil cowardice prick always traveled with the public, it was why he flew commercial jets, he was safe there. The mere fact he was isolated was a one in a million opportunity, and Trump's team cashed in. Remarkable. 15 miles from the Embassy.
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Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Your a jerk. There was no struggle there. Go back and watch your floppy bastard. That idiot couldn't talk WITHOUT a prompter. Reading off a screen a pre-written thing just isn't Trump's gig, he likes to speak off the cuff his own words. But this was too serious and important a world event to do that.
First off I’m not talking about Obama. Second I’m not talking about off prompter speeches.
Trump is great off prompter. That’s his sweet spot. He used to make fun of the prompter Guys until Conway shoved one up his butt. Maybe that’s why he’s having such a hard time reading it.

Trump is great without a prompter because he knows who he is and doesnt have to hide anything. Rush Limbaugh is the same way..speaks for hours with no prompter and never worries about a contradiction or "being consistent" or offending anyone. The truth is the truth.

Genuineness has its advantages.

Genuineness is a foreign word to democrats. Their every presidential candidate is like a cardboard cutout with a suit draped over it and a poll-tested speech in the wings.
Just because somebody is being blunt, offensive, unPC, and speaking off the cuff does not mean they are being truthful and honest. I can’t think of two individuals that spew more lies and distorted propaganda than Trump and Rush.
And once again the left media look like the laughing court jesters they are.
Especially CNN, there dire Armageddon take on the killing of their top terrorist - dreading and speculating just how bad Iran's retaliation could be. Speculating about neighboring countries... in the end... the "retaliation" was Iran giving our military heads up they were going to toss some missiles in some empty fields near our bases.
So now...there are a few more holes in Iraq soil.
That's it.
Or... as CNN desperately HOPES for - this was just an evil decoy to a much greater attack.... ANY DAY!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
You knocked wood just then, didn't you?
This is nothing to play around about. It was serious, dude. Let's not go back there with bunch of loose lips.
There is a difference between a group of talking heads (on any "news" outlet) speculating on any number of things. But CNN is hopeful... I have absolutely zero doubt a significant number of CNN elites would have been secretly gleeful if some US soldiers were killed so they could spend all day today making Trump out to be a maniac rouge war criminal. I am serious. No doubt about it. Their hate for Trump clouds any sentiment of patriotism.
It might be a good idea for everyone to stick to talking about their OWN opinions and thoughts and letting other people express theirs. I am on the receiving end of that hateful conservative imagining quite often and it is not amusing.
Once again, it was all about him. Is he capable of talking without taking all the credit?

Come on now, Obama used the word “I” more than all other presidents combined.

one more way him and Trump are alike.

Thanks for pointing that out
Wrong. Trump doesn't talk about himself that much in speeches. He does boast about his achievements. He has to because the press sure isn't going to mention them.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Your a jerk. There was no struggle there. Go back and watch your floppy bastard. That idiot couldn't talk WITHOUT a prompter. Reading off a screen a pre-written thing just isn't Trump's gig, he likes to speak off the cuff his own words. But this was too serious and important a world event to do that.
First off I’m not talking about Obama. Second I’m not talking about off prompter speeches.
Trump is great off prompter. That’s his sweet spot. He used to make fun of the prompter Guys until Conway shoved one up his butt. Maybe that’s why he’s having such a hard time reading it.

Trump is great without a prompter because he knows who he is and doesnt have to hide anything. Rush Limbaugh is the same way..speaks for hours with no prompter and never worries about a contradiction or "being consistent" or offending anyone. The truth is the truth.

Genuineness has its advantages.

Genuineness is a foreign word to democrats. Their every presidential candidate is like a cardboard cutout with a suit draped over it and a poll-tested speech in the wings.
Just because somebody is being blunt, offensive, unPC, and speaking off the cuff does not mean they are being truthful and honest. I can’t think of two individuals that spew more lies and distorted propaganda than Trump and Rush.
to which you can never post a lie they made. too fking funny. you got your hug a terrorist pet?
Sure there's a struggle, Trump hates the teleprompter. His face gets really orange and he sniffs a lot. Reading somebody else's words is humiliating for him.

It's so depressing what some people think passes for wit these days.

When OrangeManBad is all you've got, you ain't got much. Just sayin'.
Is there a way for you to go back to Iran? I'll pay for it.
Never been there... got many other places on my travel list above Iran. Think my next adventure is going to be Iceland
So, maybe we send you to Siberia, then?
I’m already booked to Iceland. Go ahead to Siberia without me, let me know how you like it
went to iceland in october. it's surreal in the most of amazing of ways.
Really?! That’s good to hear. How was the weather there in October?

I’m probably gonna go in June/July
40s give or take. but the wind is the killer. i gave up any pretenses of setting up a tripod for pictures with the wind going on usually. when it wasn't, there was usually a herd of japanese tourists with a line of tripods on the walkway or bridge getting in peoples way. :)

but the scenery coming out of the Reykjavik airport was the surreal part. broken up ground that was in fact more or less lava w/moss on them to give a green appearance.

we stayed on the south of the island and went to the most southern point for a drive. at that point the weather was freaking insane. wind, rain, and just power of it all. drove out of that town 5 minutes and it was back to just a summer rain.

did some of the VIKINGS waterfalls tours.

my first real attempt to photoshop out people and "man-made" stuff.
Yes, it does.

You might want to work on your reading comprehension, it really sucks...the 1 billion was for a whole host of things that did not all have to do with this country.

that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.

And your link does not once talk about the southern border.

Poor widdle woowoo. It's sad to see you support a terrorist organization smuggling drugs into the U.S.

You can't seem to prove a source for your claim. This is what GG is pointing out.

I already did.

And even Newsweek confirms it - Iran (via Hezbollah) smuggled tons of cocaine into the U.S.

The Islamist militant group Hezbollah exploded into a major cocaine trafficker for the United States over the past decade—and it happened under former President Barack Obama's watch to help score a nuclear deal with Iran, a report revealed Monday.

Project Cassandra, a campaign launched by the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2008, found that the Iran-backed military and political organization collected $1 billion a year from money laundering, criminal activities, and drug and weapons trade, according to Politico. Over the following eight years, the agency found that Hezbollah was involved in cocaine shipments from Latin America to West Africa, as well as through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States.

Hezbollah smuggled tons of cocaine into the U.S. during Obama administration, report reveals


Once again...nothing about a billion dollars of drugs and nothing about the southern border.

Keep digging, bub.

You lose again!
And once again the left media look like the laughing court jesters they are.
Especially CNN, there dire Armageddon take on the killing of their top terrorist - dreading and speculating just how bad Iran's retaliation could be. Speculating about neighboring countries... in the end... the "retaliation" was Iran giving our military heads up they were going to toss some missiles in some empty fields near our bases.
So now...there are a few more holes in Iraq soil.
That's it.
Or... as CNN desperately HOPES for - this was just an evil decoy to a much greater attack.... ANY DAY!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
You knocked wood just then, didn't you?
This is nothing to play around about. It was serious, dude. Let's not go back there with bunch of loose lips.
There is a difference between a group of talking heads (on any "news" outlet) speculating on any number of things. But CNN is hopeful... I have absolutely zero doubt a significant number of CNN elites would have been secretly gleeful if some US soldiers were killed so they could spend all day today making Trump out to be a maniac rouge war criminal. I am serious. No doubt about it. Their hate for Trump clouds any sentiment of patriotism.
It might be a good idea for everyone to stick to talking about their OWN opinions and thoughts and letting other people express theirs. I am on the receiving end of that hateful conservative imagining quite often and it is not amusing.
take your 'hug a terrorist' sticker off your car, mm, it would be more helpful for you.

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