Trump’s claims that he’s done more for black Americans than any president since Lincoln.

Trump’s claims that he’s done more for black Americans than any president since Lincoln.

Then why is there more racial unrest than the US has had in 60 years?

Unrest is coming from democrats feeding them fake news, trump has called you all fake news for years
trump is an idiot just like you.

Except he's the president.

You are just some asshole on a message board.
TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome) post #238,634
Ok tds
I speak for no black people. My point is white people should listen to black people so they may better understand their plight.

Again, you take the racist position that all black people are the same and mindlessly follow whatever your evil party tells them.

I do listen to black people. I listen to Candice Owens, I listen the Charles Payne, I listen to Walter Williams, I listen to David Clark, I listen to David Webb.

I listen to smart people, to decent people, some of whom happen to be black.
I speak for no black people. My point is white people should listen to black people so they may better understand their plight.

Again, you take the racist position that all black people are the same and mindlessly follow whatever your evil party tells them.

I do listen to black people. I listen to Candice Owens, I listen the Charles Payne, I listen to Walter Williams, I listen to David Clark, I listen to David Webb.

I listen to smart people, to decent people, some of whom happen to be black.
I do not say all black people think the same. I know they do not think the same because i listen. But here is a common thread. Every black person i know has experienced racism theirwhole life. I realize, I cannot fully understand it because I have not experienced it. It is not one episode of racism. Racism continually sticks it head up.
maobama had 5 record high black unemployment years. He did nothing for blacks.


Obama entered office nearly penniless. He left worth $100 million. Obama did a great deal for ONE black man, himself...
Do you begrudge Obama making the same money every ex President has made? Are you saying it is OK for white Presidents to become wealthy after they leave office but it is not OK for a black President to become wealthy?
Racist asshole.
I speak for no black people. My point is white people should listen to black people so they may better understand their plight.

Again, you take the racist position that all black people are the same and mindlessly follow whatever your evil party tells them.

I do listen to black people. I listen to Candice Owens, I listen the Charles Payne, I listen to Walter Williams, I listen to David Clark, I listen to David Webb.

I listen to smart people, to decent people, some of whom happen to be black.
How do you dtermine who is decent and and smart? You do not appear to be decent or smart, how do you judge?
I listen to you. I learn from an indecent, stupid individual how stupid, indecent individuals think.
I speak for no black people. My point is white people should listen to black people so they may better understand their plight.

Again, you take the racist position that all black people are the same and mindlessly follow whatever your evil party tells them.

I do listen to black people. I listen to Candice Owens, I listen the Charles Payne, I listen to Walter Williams, I listen to David Clark, I listen to David Webb.

I listen to smart people, to decent people, some of whom happen to be black.
I am concerned if a minority considers me racist not a dumbshit white person, like you.
With decades of Liberal Mayors and 8 years of Obama, what has been done to make life better for Inner City Blacks?
Prison reform

Enterprise zones.

Lowest unemployment in history.

Better than anything Obamakov did.

maobama had 5 record high black unemployment years. He did nothing for blacks.

Are you black? If not shut the f##k up. Let blacks determine what Presidents have done for them.

They are, that's why Trump is polling higher than any other republican contender with blacks, 40% and climbing. It will likely go much higher when blacks realize the commies allowed the burning of their neighborhoods and did nothing to stop it.

Trump’s False Claim That ‘Nobody Has Ever Done’ More for the Black Community Than He Has Stories&pgtype=Homepage

“This may well be the president’s most audacious claim ever,” said Michael K. Fauntroy, a professor of political science at Howard University. “Not only has he not done more than anybody else, he’s done close to the least.”

Earlier this week, Mr. Trump claimed on Twitter — also falsely — to have done more for black Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln. On Friday, Mr. Trump omitted even Lincoln, who issued the Emancipation Proclamation and urged passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery.

Among modern presidents, the most significant legislative achievements arguably belong to President Lyndon B. Johnson, who shepherded the passage of the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act. (Last year, the White House celebrated the passage of the Civil Rights Act as a “historic milestone.”)

Experts also pointed to an array of major contributions by other presidents. President Ulysses S. Grant sent troops to South Carolina against the Ku Klux Klan to protect the constitutional rights of freed black Americans during Reconstruction. President Harry S. Truman issued an executive order desegregating the armed forces. President Dwight D. Eisenhower enforced the landmark Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education. President Jimmy Carter diversified the judiciary, and President Bill Clinton the executive branch."
As the country erupts in protests over police brutality and racism, two-thirds of Americans think President Trump has increased racial tensions in the U.S., according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

The poll offers a snapshot of a nation in upheaval after a video captured a Minneapolis police officer with his knee on the neck of a black man named George Floyd, who was pleading for his life before he died.

Overall, 67% said Trump has mostly increased racial tensions, including 92% of Democrats, 73% of independents, 88% of Africans Americans and 63% of whites.

Its true

but the chinese disease wiped it all away in three months

then black people lost their minds and began looting and burning
Prison reform

Enterprise zones.

Lowest unemployment in history.

Better than anything Obamakov did.

maobama had 5 record high black unemployment years. He did nothing for blacks.

Are you black? If not shut the f##k up. Let blacks determine what Presidents have done for them.

They are, that's why Trump is polling higher than any other republican contender with blacks, 40% and climbing. It will likely go much higher when blacks realize the commies allowed the burning of their neighborhoods and did nothing to stop it.

Where in the hell do you get your polling. The majority of polls have his approval well below 20%. This recent poll shows 14%. Another says 12% approve of how he has handled race.

I do not say all black people think the same. I know they do not think the same because i listen. But here is a common thread. Every black person i know has experienced racism theirwhole life. I realize, I cannot fully understand it because I have not experienced it. It is not one episode of racism. Racism continually sticks it head up.

Dude, you're a racist, a bigot. Every human on earth has experienced prejudice of some sort.

Get over it, or don't, I don't really give a fuck. You want to be a self-hating moron? Have at.

You want me to go along with your mental illness? Not a fucking chance.
Do you begrudge Obama making the same money every ex President has made? Are you saying it is OK for white Presidents to become wealthy after they leave office but it is not OK for a black President to become wealthy?
Racist asshole.

It's funny that you Communists HOWLED about "emoluments" when you thought you could attack Trump. But with Obama, well that's different.

We all, including you, know the majority of what went to Obama came from China and Iran.
How do you dtermine who is decent and and smart? You do not appear to be decent or smart, how do you judge?
I listen to you. I learn from an indecent, stupid individual how stupid, indecent individuals think.

Dude, you are an acolyte of Pol Pot, hate filled an evil.

I take shits smarter than you, every morning.
I am concerned if a minority considers me racist not a dumbshit white person, like you.

I'm unconcerned what a self-hating retard like you thinks. You want to pay penance for some imagined slight? Go kill yourself. No one is going to miss you. The problem is you mentally ill piles of shit want to drag decent people into your psychosis.
Prison reform

Enterprise zones.

Lowest unemployment in history.

Better than anything Obamakov did.

maobama had 5 record high black unemployment years. He did nothing for blacks.

Are you black? If not shut the f##k up. Let blacks determine what Presidents have done for them.

They are, that's why Trump is polling higher than any other republican contender with blacks, 40% and climbing. It will likely go much higher when blacks realize the commies allowed the burning of their neighborhoods and did nothing to stop it.

Where in the hell do you get your polling. The majority of polls have his approval well below 20%. This recent poll shows 14%. Another says 12% approve of how he has handled race.

I heard it on the radio a couple of days ago, as for your links one is old and the other is from a biased source that reflects the attitude of the MSM.

It seems to this white guy that Trump's statement exhibits both a lack of knowledge and lack of respect for the plight of the country's blacks between the Civil War and today. I wonder how he sees his accomplishments as compared to Harry Truman (with quite the racist background) who during his presidency desegregated the military, ended discriminatory hiring practices in the federal government, and established a Committee on Civil Rights? A week or so ago I stated opinion that Trump would gather less than 10% of the black vote. I really don't see how his boastful statement helped him in any way.

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