Trump's Economic record

I disagree with the "postponed" the Nukes
Iran admitted that no interruption in progress occurred.
So you are seriously accepting the word of the world's leading sponsor of terrorism?

Yeah, North Korea told Barry they had no intention of building a nuke, too... SOaB! Who knew they were lying?


I think that I have confused you somehow.

Iran admitted than they didn't do what Barack Hussein paid them to do.
They scammed him.
Again Off Topic...

Please the heading is Trump's Economy

It has been spectacular
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

Europe could handle the truth... Very Anti-American attitude..

not just europeans...

new zelanders...

they were all handling the truth while trump was fooling his people like bunch of kindergartners...

We got them all in you understand the difference?

whatever thats supposed to mean...

the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

if WW2 leaders were as weak as trump, the people would not hear about the war for months...
Trump lost because of voter fraud plain and simple you have to be an idiot not to see it.

Voter fraud is a white collar crime so hard to catch

Tell us more....

Here is your star witness

even rudi realized the mistake he made by pushing that karen up on the stage... :)
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

Europe could handle the truth... Very Anti-American attitude..

not just europeans...

new zelanders...

they were all handling the truth while trump was fooling his people like bunch of kindergartners...

We got them all in you understand the difference?
There was Americans in all those countries too and none of them jumped out of windows when the heard the news...

At no time when foreign leaders were going on TV did they say "Please could Americans leave the room, you can't handle it"

koreans were very specific about the virus and its impact from day 1 and all their broadcast was translated into english by the tv personel at the us base in korea and uploaded to youtube daily...
again, no chaos...
everybody handled the truth like mature adults...
The problem Obama had when he inherited the economy, it was falling off the cliff, the money he borrowed he needed to stop a crash... EVERYONE AGREES WITH THIS. He then got a handle on it and reduced the debt... Obama had a rough ride the first four years and his handling ot the economy has been credited to him in difficult situation...

Obama got the Deficit down to $438bn and handed over to Trump at $585... Trump was due to borrow over a Trillion this year...

Anyway this is about Trump not Obama, Trump said it is the best economy, why is he borrowing 5.6% of GDP (late 2019)?

Now please this thread is about Trump...

Bwuhahaha....what a crock of 'Hit-and-Run' Bullshit. You spew lies about Obama and the economy, then you demand 'everyone stop talking about Obama'....

As far as the lies you told, so much for your 'Intellectual honesty'...or perhaps you are just that stupid.

Before we 'stop talking about Obama' and focus on Trump we need to correct your BULLSHIT:

1. CONGRESS is responsible for the Budget, spending, and the economy, NOT a President.

2. 'Obama inherited the bad economy' - YES HE DID. HE INHERITED IT FROM HIW OWN DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED Congress, THE BUDGET, SPENDING, AND THE ECONOMY Bush's last 2 years in office and Barry's 1st 2 years in office.

Under Bush - during 9/11/01, the economic fall-out, and 2 wars, the GOP controlled Congress added $2.5 Trillion in new debt over 6 years. After Democrats seized a near-super control over both the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office the Democrat-run Congress added $1.5 for a total of $4 trillion added under Bush. In only 2 years the Democrats added $1 Trillion less than the GOP had added on 6 years. EVERYONE intelligent can acknowledge this fact.

Democrats also ran the House and Senate -controlling the budget, spending, and economy during Barry's 1st 2 years. The economy Barry 'inherited' was the economy the DEMOCRATS had forged under Bush during his last 2 years in office and gave to Barry.

'Barry 'got a handle on' the spending / economy? Yup....HE got a handle on the budget / spending / economy as soon as the Republicans took back power they had lost.

Snowflakes (and Democrats) have a nasty habit of - as Barry did - blaming everything that went wrong on the previous President and claiming as their own the successes of their replacement.

CONGRESS, not the President, is responsible for the budget, spending, and economy. Presidents do get blamed ignorantly for all the financial / economic success or failure when they do not have anything to do with authoring and passing the budget, spending, you have done.

The Democrats repeated the same mistakes / policies over and over, always expecting different results. President Trump succeeded based on the fact that he broke the 'SOP' DC mold, and the country was rewarded with unprecedented success.....

..and the 1st thing CCP Joe claims he intends to do - and has begun based on his Cabinet Picks - is force the return of failed Democrat /Obama liberal policies and ideology - a return to Obama's record-setting number of job-killing regulations, raise taxes during a pandemic that has destroyed millions of small business owners' lives and f* up the economy, and the other policies of 'economic slavery'.

Without even being in full power yet the Democrats managed to almost reverse all of AMERICA's economic success through oppressive Constitution and Civil Rights-violating shutdown edicts, that they have hypocritically broken repeatedly themselves, which after the FIRST shutdown resulted in:

46% of ALL black-owned small businesses being driven into collapse closure
34% of ALL Latino-owned small businesses GONE
31% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses GONE
25% of ALL women-owned small businesses GONE

In the name of COVID-19 prevention the Democrats have found a way to eliminate all the success Americans experienced in Trump's 1st 3 years, wipe out all hard-earned financial success and independence (versus relying on Democrat handouts to survive in exchange for votes). Add in Biden's decision to return to Obama's economy / policies / ideology, raising taxes, etc...America is being ground under the 'massah's boot heel and forced back onto the DNC 'plantation' again.

YOU started this conversation by continuing to bring up Obama, not me /us....want to stick to the thread topic of posting BS against Trump based on irrational hatred of our President and your own uneducated opinions? Then stop hijacking your own thread, going off on propaganda-based tangents and stick to your own topic.

NOW that your lies, false claims, and false information have been corrected, we can now move forward with the discussion about Trump...
The problem Obama had when he inherited the economy, it was falling off the cliff, the money he borrowed he needed to stop a crash... EVERYONE AGREES WITH THIS. He then got a handle on it and reduced the debt... Obama had a rough ride the first four years and his handling ot the economy has been credited to him in difficult situation...

Obama got the Deficit down to $438bn and handed over to Trump at $585... Trump was due to borrow over a Trillion this year...

Anyway this is about Trump not Obama, Trump said it is the best economy, why is he borrowing 5.6% of GDP (late 2019)?

Now please this thread is about Trump...

Bwuhahaha....what a crock of 'Hit-and-Run' Bullshit. You spew lies about Obama and the economy, then you demand 'everyone stop talking about Obama'....

As far as the lies you told, so much for your 'Intellectual honesty'...or perhaps you are just that stupid.

Before we 'stop talking about Obama' and focus on Trump we need to correct your BULLSHIT:

1. CONGRESS is responsible for the Budget, spending, and the economy, NOT a President.

2. 'Obama inherited the bad economy' - YES HE DID. HE INHERITED IT FROM HIW OWN DEMOCRATS WHO CONTROLLED Congress, THE BUDGET, SPENDING, AND THE ECONOMY Bush's last 2 years in office and Barry's 1st 2 years in office.

Under Bush - during 9/11/01, the economic fall-out, and 2 wars, the GOP controlled Congress added $2.5 Trillion in new debt over 6 years. After Democrats seized a near-super control over both the House and Senate during Bush's last 2 years in office the Democrat-run Congress added $1.5 for a total of $4 trillion added under Bush. In only 2 years the Democrats added $1 Trillion less than the GOP had added on 6 years. EVERYONE intelligent can acknowledge this fact.

Democrats also ran the House and Senate -controlling the budget, spending, and economy during Barry's 1st 2 years. The economy Barry 'inherited' was the economy the DEMOCRATS had forged under Bush during his last 2 years in office and gave to Barry.

'Barry 'got a handle on' the spending / economy? Yup....HE got a handle on the budget / spending / economy as soon as the Republicans took back power they had lost.

Snowflakes (and Democrats) have a nasty habit of - as Barry did - blaming everything that went wrong on the previous President and claiming as their own the successes of their replacement.

CONGRESS, not the President, is responsible for the budget, spending, and economy. Presidents do get blamed ignorantly for all the financial / economic success or failure when they do not have anything to do with authoring and passing the budget, spending, you have done.

The Democrats repeated the same mistakes / policies over and over, always expecting different results. President Trump succeeded based on the fact that he broke the 'SOP' DC mold, and the country was rewarded with unprecedented success.....

..and the 1st thing CCP Joe claims he intends to do - and has begun based on his Cabinet Picks - is force the return of failed Democrat /Obama liberal policies and ideology - a return to Obama's record-setting number of job-killing regulations, raise taxes during a pandemic that has destroyed millions of small business owners' lives and f* up the economy, and the other policies of 'economic slavery'.

Without even being in full power yet the Democrats managed to almost reverse all of AMERICA's economic success through oppressive Constitution and Civil Rights-violating shutdown edicts, that they have hypocritically broken repeatedly themselves, which after the FIRST shutdown resulted in:

46% of ALL black-owned small businesses being driven into collapse closure
34% of ALL Latino-owned small businesses GONE
31% of ALL Asian-owned small businesses GONE
25% of ALL women-owned small businesses GONE

In the name of COVID-19 prevention the Democrats have found a way to eliminate all the success Americans experienced in Trump's 1st 3 years, wipe out all hard-earned financial success and independence (versus relying on Democrat handouts to survive in exchange for votes). Add in Biden's decision to return to Obama's economy / policies / ideology, raising taxes, etc...America is being ground under the 'massah's boot heel and forced back onto the DNC 'plantation' again.

YOU started this conversation by continuing to bring up Obama, not me /us....want to stick to the thread topic of posting BS against Trump based on irrational hatred of our President and your own uneducated opinions? Then stop hijacking your own thread, going off on propaganda-based tangents and stick to your own topic.

NOW that your lies, false claims, and false information have been corrected, we can now move forward with the discussion about Trump...

President Trump has been spectacular.
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
and when you close everything down for a month or however long and businesses go bankrupt and people lose their savings and cant pay bills or buy supplies, then what?....$600/$1200 aint shit.....whats your plan then?....

the plan is; put someone in the office who is not in denial with science and logic and will be capable of steering off the rocks, unlike how trump steered a whole nation straight into it...

other than that, good luck to all who is trying to survive an incompetent trump presidency...
god help em all...
that didnt answer my question did it?....
....and when you close everything down for a month or however long and businesses go bankrupt and people lose their savings and cant pay bills or buy supplies, then what?....$600/$1200 aint shit.....whats your plan then?....

Ordering businesses to close, giving their businesses ... and dreams ... a 'death sentence', and then fining them hundreds of thousand of dollars for remaining open while they are practicing all of the guidelines (social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks, sanitizing, and / or just allowing take-out only) is just a big ol' 'FU@K YOU' to hundreds of thousands of Americans trying to provide for their families.

Case in point, there was the woman in Ca, I believe, who spent every dime she had to open an open-air tent-covered outdoor restaurant was FORCED to shut down, destroying her dream / business...afterwards, not 30 yards from her own tent-covered restaurant the govt allowed a Hollywood-connected company to come in and do the exact same thing the woman was doing. Shutting her down was bad enough, but then allowing a company /group to come in 30yards away and set up and run an IDENTICAL tent-covered restaurant / out-door dining business was a 'F* You' slap in the face of this woman.

The government's edicts are Un-Constitutional and keep getting shot down by the USSC, but no one is coming to the defense...RESCUE'... of Americans whose businesses are being driven into ruin, their lives / dreams shattered!

To top it off, these rich self-appointed demi-god Liberal politicians destroying millions of lives and businesses flaunt their 'political privilege' by continuously being caught violating the very same edicts they are imposing on their constituents / American citizens. This proves if citizen despising politicians don't believe the threat is big enough for them to obey their own edicts then it shows the rest of us that these economy-destroying edicts are just a TOOL to control every aspect of citizens' lives. The threat must not be too serious if Democrats are ignoring their own mandates.

Its all about power and control, the ability to strip Americans of their Constitutionally protected and Civil Rights, to drive Americans into servitude and dependence n government / Democrats....socialist / Marxist forced servitude.
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...

I live in a Red State - I would not have standing, Professor.
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...

Not really sure about "the big man" comment

The entire world saw Governors like Cuomo issue orders that Killed people.
Big, little, everyone saw it -
You don't care because it was Democrats and it didn't affect you.
The US economy became China's economy on January 21, 2000, when the first case of the their virus was detected in the US.

It will continue to be China's economy throughout the next four years. There's really nothing a Biden administration can do to fix that, so buckle up.
lol. Not at all. Biden being a democrat could solve simple poverty by executive order since the reality tv guy doesn't want to get that Real, with just a pen.

And, Your guy's trade war is not free market capitalism but socialism on an international basis.
....and when you close everything down for a month or however long and businesses go bankrupt and people lose their savings and cant pay bills or buy supplies, then what?....$600/$1200 aint shit.....whats your plan then?....

Ordering businesses to close, giving their businesses ... and dreams ... a 'death sentence', and then fining them hundreds of thousand of dollars for remaining open while they are practicing all of the guidelines (social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks, sanitizing, and / or just allowing take-out only) is just a big ol' 'FU@K YOU' to hundreds of thousands of Americans trying to provide for their families.

Case in point, there was the woman in Ca, I believe, who spent every dime she had to open an open-air tent-covered outdoor restaurant was FORCED to shut down, destroying her dream / business...afterwards, not 30 yards from her own tent-covered restaurant the govt allowed a Hollywood-connected company to come in and do the exact same thing the woman was doing. Shutting her down was bad enough, but then allowing a company /group to come in 30yards away and set up and run an IDENTICAL tent-covered restaurant / out-door dining business was a 'F* You' slap in the face of this woman.

The government's edicts are Un-Constitutional and keep getting shot down by the USSC, but no one is coming to the defense...RESCUE'... of Americans whose businesses are being driven into ruin, their lives / dreams shattered!

To top it off, these rich self-appointed demi-god Liberal politicians destroying millions of lives and businesses flaunt their 'political privilege' by continuously being caught violating the very same edicts they are imposing on their constituents / American citizens. This proves if citizen despising politicians don't believe the threat is big enough for them to obey their own edicts then it shows the rest of us that these economy-destroying edicts are just a TOOL to control every aspect of citizens' lives. The threat must not be too serious if Democrats are ignoring their own mandates.

Its all about power and control, the ability to strip Americans of their Constitutionally protected and Civil Rights, to drive Americans into servitude and dependence n government / Democrats....socialist / Marxist forced servitude.

Of course it is...

I mean they were trying to put undertakers out of business...

It is constitution and comes under 'General Welfare'....

IF Trump did his job better some of this could be avoided...

How many businesses had to be closed because of an Ebola outbreak in Africa...
Sorry Obama had a global epidemic response team, who took on the virus at source and sent US personnel (as well as many International ones) in harms way to stop it spreading back to US. Trump thought he could defend it at the boarder no matter what the experts said...
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....

2 vaccines in a few months, under the Trump Warp Speed plan, when other vaccines generally have been developed in several years. A stunning achievement. Pre-Covid, increased median income, increased wages, decreased poverty. Under Obama, stagnant income and wages BUT he did increase poverty, particularly among blacks, 600,000+ fell into poverty.

Modern technology can get the credit. The human genome has already been sequenced. I heard it took longer to test the vaccine than to come up with a solution.

And, Obama had a Recession to overcome not continuing upward trends.
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...

Not really sure about "the big man" comment

The entire world saw Governors like Cuomo issue orders that Killed people.
Big, little, everyone saw it -
You don't care because it was Democrats and it didn't affect you.

Cuemo did what was thought to be the best response at the time... Have you any proof to the contrary?

I just love the unfounded allegations being thrown around and soon as you say to them to actually report them the pee in there panties...

So you one of these brave guys behind a keyboard... How about you grow a pair and report a crime you accuse people off?
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...

I live in a Red State - I would not have standing, Professor.

A crime is a crime.... You can report a murder from another state...

I don't they would take on the case in the Supreme court without seeing evidence in a lower court...
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....
Remember when the loser made fun of Obama for not hitting 3% gdp growth? And then trump couldn't do it either....
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

Yes there are some Blue State Governors who should be charged with Murder, some with reckless endangerment and some with Depraved indifference.

Well nothing is stopping you...

Go down to your local law enforcement and report the crime...

Everyone seems to be a Big Man on Internet forums... Please go explain it to your local police office...

Not really sure about "the big man" comment

The entire world saw Governors like Cuomo issue orders that Killed people.
Big, little, everyone saw it -
You don't care because it was Democrats and it didn't affect you.
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....
Remember when the loser made fun of Obama for not hitting 3% gdp growth? And then trump couldn't do it either....

Obama never saw NEGATIVE 33 GDP
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....
Remember when the loser made fun of Obama for not hitting 3% gdp growth? And then trump couldn't do it either....

Obama never saw NEGATIVE 33 GDP
Obama inherited a disaster. Trump inherited a strong economy and created a disaster.

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