Trump's Economic record

the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

...that....and the biggest display of election fraud in US history, China, Dominion voting machines after Dominion was paid $400 MILLION by the CCP in October, dead people voting, illegals voting, people who had moved out of states still voting, Democrats violating state and federal laws and Constitutions by illegally changing voting laws /rules in the midst f the election, etc....

the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...
go rant all your election conspiracy theories somewhere else...

this is about how trump failed miserably as a true leader trying to fool his own people...

the only reason this thing is not any worse is because (thank god) half the people were smart enough not to be fooled by an incompetent fool...

hence millions reacted much earlier than the president himself...

people were already taking action when trump was still babbling about the virus burning out by may...

just like how he is fooling them now about a non-existent election fraud...
It's statistically impossible, what happened
What the hell did the anti pipeline, anti drilling, anti fracking, anti business president obama do?

Please be specific...

Saved us from a Depression
Saved the auto companies
Paris Climate Accord
Iran Nuclear Agreement
Killed Bin Laden
Obamacare destroyed the US healthcare system. He promised you can keep your doctor and health plan, and promised insurance premiums would be reduced: All blatant lies.

Obama saved auto companies by exporting jobs to Canada and Mexico?

Iran nuke deal which only postponed their nukes and stupidly allowed self-inspection, in addition to giving the Mullahs $150 Billion+ dollars which funded terrorism.

Paris Climate Accords which permits China and India, two of the biggest polluters, to continue polluting, while suppressing the US economy.

I disagree with the "postponed" the Nukes
Iran admitted that no interruption in progress occurred.
the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...

Why DO YOU SPEW SUCH blatant, EASILY AND ALREADY DEBUNKED LIES? Why do you go out of your way to destroy your own credibility?

The Democrats used COVID-19 to push the most criminal election process prone to election fraud, which is why almost every other western civilized country has OUTLAWED the Mail-In Ballot election process...

In 2016 Leftist Extremist officials and judges did not violate both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election to help Hillary win as was done to help Biden/.

In 2016 there were not HUNDREDS of 1st-hand-account Whistle Blowers who signed affidavits and testified under oath about massive election fraud / crimes committed by the Democrats

In 2016 the CCP did not pay the election machine company $400 MILLION the month prior to the election....

In 2016 the USSC did not admit that there was election fraud that resulted in illegal votes that should not have been counted that disenfranchised voters / votes from people but that it all is such a clusterfuck that there is no way to 'UN-fuck' this mess, thus they wanted no part of it, as Roberts just declared just recently.

There are SO MANY ways this election and the processes used were in NO WAY even close to being just like the same process used in 2016.
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.
Great post, you understand

Had Trump announced on March 1, 2020 that we'd have to wear masks, stay distanced, isolate, close everything down until the following summer, the democrats would have been the first ones calling him a nut and a tyrant and calling for his head and impeachment.

So he was afraid to show leadership unlike the rest of the world...

So he lied to the people instead because the Democrats could have been mean to him...

Bush acted like a leader in 911 and ignored criticism and got 80%+ approval level...

Obama was criticised for sending Americans to Africa to take on Ebola and not wait for it to get to America... He ignored GOP and did the right thing...

So without any proof you are saying it is right for Trump to lie to the American people to avoid possible criticism from Democrats..
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

if someone is trying to fool you, thats because he thinks you are a fool...

trump thinks the people are bunch of fools...

hence he can never be a true leader to the people...

Weird how you Bubblecultist all are fooled all of the time, yes?
I disagree with the "postponed" the Nukes
Iran admitted that no interruption in progress occurred.
So you are seriously accepting the word of the world's leading sponsor of terrorism?

Yeah, North Korea told Barry they had no intention of building a nuke, too... SOaB! Who knew they were lying?

He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

Europe could handle the truth... Very Anti-American attitude..

not just europeans...

new zelanders...

they were all handling the truth while trump was fooling his people like bunch of kindergartners...

We got them all in you understand the difference?

whatever thats supposed to mean...

the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

if WW2 leaders were as weak as trump, the people would not hear about the war for months...
Trump lost because of voter fraud plain and simple you have to be an idiot not to see it.

Voter fraud is a white collar crime so hard to catch

Tell us more....

Here is your star witness

the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...

Why DO YOU SPEW SUCH blatant, EASILY AND ALREADY DEBUNKED LIES? Why do you go out of your way to destroy your own credibility?

The Democrats used COVID-19 to push the most criminal election process prone to election fraud, which is why almost every other western civilized country has OUTLAWED the Mail-In Ballot election process...

In 2016 Leftist Extremist officials and judges did not violate both state and federal Constitutions and election laws in the middle of the election to help Hillary win as was done to help Biden/.

In 2016 there were not HUNDREDS of 1st-hand-account Whistle Blowers who signed affidavits and testified under oath about massive election fraud / crimes committed by the Democrats

In 2016 the CCP did not pay the election machine company $400 MILLION the month prior to the election....

In 2016 the USSC did not admit that there was election fraud that resulted in illegal votes that should not have been counted that disenfranchised voters / votes from people but that it all is such a clusterfuck that there is no way to 'UN-fuck' this mess, thus they wanted no part of it, as Roberts just declared just recently.

There are SO MANY ways this election and the processes used were in NO WAY even close to being just like the same process used in 2016.

They are in the Cult of The Bubble - the cult leaders have denied all paths to the truth to them.
They are like the Moonies, or The Branch Davidians, or Heavens Gate - except the Cult has a tighter grip on them.
I disagree with the "postponed" the Nukes
Iran admitted that no interruption in progress occurred.
So you are seriously accepting the word of the world's leading sponsor of terrorism?

Yeah, North Korea told Barry they had no intention of building a nuke, too... SOaB! Who knew they were lying?


I think that I have confused you somehow.

Iran admitted than they didn't do what Barack Hussein paid them to do.
They scammed him.
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
and when you close everything down for a month or however long and businesses go bankrupt and people lose their savings and cant pay bills or buy supplies, then what?....$600/$1200 aint shit.....whats your plan then?....

the plan is; put someone in the office who is not in denial with science and logic and will be capable of steering off the rocks, unlike how trump steered a whole nation straight into it...

other than that, good luck to all who is trying to survive an incompetent trump presidency...
god help em all...
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

Europe could handle the truth... Very Anti-American attitude..

not just europeans...

new zelanders...

they were all handling the truth while trump was fooling his people like bunch of kindergartners...

We got them all in you understand the difference?
There was Americans in all those countries too and none of them jumped out of windows when the heard the news...

At no time when foreign leaders were going on TV did they say "Please could Americans leave the room, you can't handle it"
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.
the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

...that....and the biggest display of election fraud in US history, China, Dominion voting machines after Dominion was paid $400 MILLION by the CCP in October, dead people voting, illegals voting, people who had moved out of states still voting, Democrats violating state and federal laws and Constitutions by illegally changing voting laws /rules in the midst f the election, etc....

the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...
go rant all your election conspiracy theories somewhere else...

this is about how trump failed miserably as a true leader trying to fool his own people...

the only reason this thing is not any worse is because (thank god) half the people were smart enough not to be fooled by an incompetent fool...

hence millions reacted much earlier than the president himself...

people were already taking action when trump was still babbling about the virus burning out by may...

just like how he is fooling them now about a non-existent election fraud...

Sorry man, Off Topic...

Lets keep this on trump's Economy...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

I said this before... You listen to experts like they did in the rest of the 1st World...

First rule of a crisis, Don't Lie.
It erodes trust. You want unity and leadership. Lying just fractures people.

I can't even -
He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.

Trump accepted the advice of economists over medical experts
All his decisions were based on what was best for the bottom line

COVID is in charge

and as a result he broke the back of a whole world economy...
When you ignore COVID and open businesses, COVID comes back with a vengeance
So you think people had thousands of dollars saved up to pay the rent?

they dont...

thats why trump should not have ignored the virus to begin with...
then should not have claimed it was less than a flu...
then should not have claimed it would burn out by may...
and should not have wasted all the crucial time to contain it as a true leader...

the ignorance is a bliss, till you have to pay for its price...
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

he had to say it was bad 6 months later and there was no sorts of chaos...

incompetent leaders try to fool their people and fail miserably at the end...
great leader are brave straight shooters who are always true to their people...

trump is the biggest failure of modern times as a leader...
Oh please you would poop in your pants if the president told you space aliens existed . They would be chaios everywhere.

Europe could handle the truth... Very Anti-American attitude..

not just europeans...

new zelanders...

they were all handling the truth while trump was fooling his people like bunch of kindergartners...

We got them all in you understand the difference?

whatever thats supposed to mean...

the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

if WW2 leaders were as weak as trump, the people would not hear about the war for months...
Trump lost because of voter fraud plain and simple you have to be an idiot not to see it.

Voter fraud is a white collar crime so hard to catch


he is fooling you with his fantasies just like how he fooled you fools by hiding the truth about the virus...

shame on you all for being fooled by a fool over and over again...

thank god the sane competent majority can see through and kicked him and his cult out...
I disagree with the "postponed" the Nukes
Iran admitted that no interruption in progress occurred.
So you are seriously accepting the word of the world's leading sponsor of terrorism?

Yeah, North Korea told Barry they had no intention of building a nuke, too... SOaB! Who knew they were lying?


I think that I have confused you somehow.

Iran admitted than they didn't do what Barack Hussein paid them to do.
They scammed him.
Again Off Topic...

Please the heading is Trump's Economy
the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

...that....and the biggest display of election fraud in US history, China, Dominion voting machines after Dominion was paid $400 MILLION by the CCP in October, dead people voting, illegals voting, people who had moved out of states still voting, Democrats violating state and federal laws and Constitutions by illegally changing voting laws /rules in the midst f the election, etc....

the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...
go rant all your election conspiracy theories somewhere else...

this is about how trump failed miserably as a true leader trying to fool his own people...

the only reason this thing is not any worse is because (thank god) half the people were smart enough not to be fooled by an incompetent fool...

hence millions reacted much earlier than the president himself...

people were already taking action when trump was still babbling about the virus burning out by may...

just like how he is fooling them now about a non-existent election fraud...
It's statistically impossible, what happened

and what do you know about statistics...

let me answer for you; nothing...

you wouldnt be fooled by a fool if you knew anything about numbers...
the reason trump got kicked out of the office was mostly his attitude towards people, this particular issue being at the top of the list...

...that....and the biggest display of election fraud in US history, China, Dominion voting machines after Dominion was paid $400 MILLION by the CCP in October, dead people voting, illegals voting, people who had moved out of states still voting, Democrats violating state and federal laws and Constitutions by illegally changing voting laws /rules in the midst f the election, etc....

the same election process which elected trump just 4 years ago...
go rant all your election conspiracy theories somewhere else...

this is about how trump failed miserably as a true leader trying to fool his own people...

the only reason this thing is not any worse is because (thank god) half the people were smart enough not to be fooled by an incompetent fool...

hence millions reacted much earlier than the president himself...

people were already taking action when trump was still babbling about the virus burning out by may...

just like how he is fooling them now about a non-existent election fraud...

Sorry man, Off Topic...

Lets keep this on trump's Economy...

It has been spectacular
Dude you would of had chaios in the streets if Trump said it was bad he gas lighted on purpose.

Trump was keeping the fish just ahead of the bear. By saying in March our window was just until after Easter, it made things manageable. Then it was going to be just a little longer, then we were into June. By then, folks were kind of used to the idea, getting comfortable wearing masks more often.

Had Trump told us in March that we'd be shutdown like this for at least another 15 months until the summer of the following year, there would have been panic, suicides and mass revolts and chaos like you can't imagine.

As usual, democrats stated it 180° wrong---- god only knows how many lives he saved by easing us into it. Instead of thanking Trump, they used it to buffalo the clueless idiots of society into thinking he failed.

Government never tells you the truth in any crisis, all one has to do is go back and look at history.

President Trump literally lowered the projected deaths by 2 Million.

That was the do nothing projection...

Trump did next to nothing and the Governor's put in the restrictions.

Thanks for reminding us..

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