Trump's Economic record

The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.
And yet everyone still wants to be in the US.
And the people don't want trump and his failure.
73,000,000 who own businesses and earn their own income do want Trump.
I'm not interested in what slum residents want in a President since over 99% of them vote for a letter.
More people wanted him gone than wanted him. Why so many still support failure I've no idea. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, mexico didn't pay for a wall, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth....
Have you noticed that GW causing Obama to bail out the US didn't raise anybody's taxes?
I always buy US, German and Japanese products based on reviews.
Everyone in the US is dying and yet everyone on earth wants to be here now.
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....

2 vaccines in a few months, under the Trump Warp Speed plan, when other vaccines generally have been developed in several years. A stunning achievement. Pre-Covid, increased median income, increased wages, decreased poverty. Under Obama, stagnant income and wages BUT he did increase poverty, particularly among blacks, 600,000+ fell into poverty.

Modern technology can get the credit. The human genome has already been sequenced. I heard it took longer to test the vaccine than to come up with a solution.

And, Obama had a Recession to overcome not continuing upward trends.

Obama’s economic policies resulted in the slowest recovery since the 1929 Depression. The recovery should have soared, instead it languished under high taxes and over-regulation.
And trumps economy wasn't much faster now was it? Trump never hit 3% gdp growth. Oh and he put us in a recession.
In terms of actual employment and variety in industries, it boomed.
Labor force participation rate never really changed.
That is a very stupid statement.
People are forced to work when the welfare runs out.
I'm forced to work.
So trump is stupid? He said the actual unemployment involved the labor force participation rate.
labor force participation rate
Trump greatly increased it.
And you still won't tell us where you live because you're embarrassed that no one wants to move into the area you live.
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.

Peace and prosperity under Trump, first US President in 40 years not to have entered into a conflict. Neither under Obama.
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion...
I started several topics in Trump's first three years to point out his record spending and increasing deficits.

After bitching and moaning about Obama's spending for eight years, the tard herd was completely silent about Trump's spending.

It makes one wonder how they can stand the stench of their own hypocrisy.
Have you noticed that GW causing Obama to bail out the US didn't raise anybody's taxes?

Bush nor Obama did shit.

Again, CONGRESS is responsible for the budget, spending, the economy...not Presidents.

Congress during the Bush administration, again, added $2.5 trillion in new spending during 9/11/01, the economic aftermath, and 2 wars. Democrats controlled the House and Senate Bush's last 2 years and during that time added $1.5 trillion in new debt. The Democrats added just $1 Trillion less in new debt in just2 years as the GOP-controlled Congress did in the previous 6 years.

Again, the economy Obama 'inherited' is the economy his own Democrats who controlled spending the last 2 years under Bush. (Obama was responsible for the slowest recovery in US history.)
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....

2 vaccines in a few months, under the Trump Warp Speed plan, when other vaccines generally have been developed in several years. A stunning achievement. Pre-Covid, increased median income, increased wages, decreased poverty. Under Obama, stagnant income and wages BUT he did increase poverty, particularly among blacks, 600,000+ fell into poverty.

Modern technology can get the credit. The human genome has already been sequenced. I heard it took longer to test the vaccine than to come up with a solution.

And, Obama had a Recession to overcome not continuing upward trends.

Obama’s economic policies resulted in the slowest recovery since the 1929 Depression. The recovery should have soared, instead it languished under high taxes and over-regulation.
In right wing fantasy you can appeal to ignorance of economics and still be as Right, as the "gospel Truth". What you claim just seems like right wing Hoax to some of us. Turning a Recession around takes time and the right wing has no problem having nothing but Repeal instead of fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions.
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.

Peace and prosperity under Trump, first US President in 40 years not to have entered into a conflict. Neither under Obama.

Amazingly enough, Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for 'Potential' early in his 1st term....he followed this up by demonstrating the NPP Committee had f*ed up:

Obama is credited / responsible for arming, training, supplying, funding, defending, protecting, and supporting terrorists and arming Mexican Drug cartels.

He used the US military to help Al Qaeda murder a sovereign government's leader - one who was helping the allied coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over their country.

He claimed credit for killing UBL, spiking the political football.

Barry claimed from France that he had isolated ISIS to a small area in Syria...literally days before ISIS committed the largest attack on France since WWII. He refused to allow US forces to participate in a retaliatory strike on ISIS Black Market Oil operations which funded 50% of all ISIS terrorist activities - Obama had been protecting this operation, refusing to allow coalition forces to strike their refineries / operation. Instead of joining the coalition in the strike he instead had US forces drop pamphlets warning ISIS the attack was coming.

His weapons-running operation to terrorists out of Benghazi was exposed after the 9/11/12 attack on the Embassy there.

Barry dragged the US into ANOTHER war by invading Syria - a UN-defined International War Crime: invading a sovereign nation with that nation's or its' government's approval or request to do so. Barry walked out of the WH when his time was up, leaving US troops still in Syria, still fighting HIS war.

President Trump, on the other hand, is the 1st President in decades NOT to start any war and actually EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prize nominations for negotiating peace agreements everyone said we would never see in our lifetime.
IF only he'd been a real leader rather than a grifter he might have helped America Pelosi telling Americans C-19 was nothing and that they should come to China Town? Biden calling the life-saving travel bans 'xenophobic' then plagiarizing Trump's plan? Cuomo, who acknowledged the elderly were most likely to die from C-19 before packing nursing homes with infected patients? imposing Un-Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating liberal shutdowns that destroyed minority-owned small business ownership in this country and crippled the economy? imposing draconian Un-Constitutional lockdowns, fining the shit out of any business that refuses to comply, then being caught out violating their own edicts, like numerous hypocrite politicians, like Pelosi and Whitmer, were caught doing?

Don't look now, but you're hemorrhaging hypocritical 'Orange man Bad' BS....
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.

Peace and prosperity under Trump, first US President in 40 years not to have entered into a conflict. Neither under Obama.

Amazingly enough, Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for 'Potential' early in his 1st term....he followed this up by demonstrating the NPP Committee had f*ed up:

Obama is credited / responsible for arming, training, supplying, funding, defending, protecting, and supporting terrorists and arming Mexican Drug cartels.

He used the US military to help Al Qaeda murder a sovereign government's leader - one who was helping the allied coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa - and take over their country.

He claimed credit for killing UBL, spiking the political football.

Barry claimed from France that he had isolated ISIS to a small area in Syria...literally days before ISIS committed the largest attack on France since WWII. He refused to allow US forces to participate in a retaliatory strike on ISIS Black Market Oil operations which funded 50% of all ISIS terrorist activities - Obama had been protecting this operation, refusing to allow coalition forces to strike their refineries / operation. Instead of joining the coalition in the strike he instead had US forces drop pamphlets warning ISIS the attack was coming.

His weapons-running operation to terrorists out of Benghazi was exposed after the 9/11/12 attack on the Embassy there.

Barry dragged the US into ANOTHER war by invading Syria - a UN-defined International War Crime: invading a sovereign nation with that nation's or its' government's approval or request to do so. Barry walked out of the WH when his time was up, leaving US troops still in Syria, still fighting HIS war.

President Trump, on the other hand, is the 1st President in decades NOT to start any war and actually EARNED 4 Nobel Peace Prize nominations for negotiating peace agreements everyone said we would never see in our lifetime.
The black guy was able to get real from a political-historical context.
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.
And yet everyone still wants to be in the US.
And the people don't want trump and his failure.
73,000,000 who own businesses and earn their own income do want Trump.
I'm not interested in what slum residents want in a President since over 99% of them vote for a letter.
More people wanted him gone than wanted him. Why so many still support failure I've no idea. Huge deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, mexico didn't pay for a wall, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth....
Have you noticed that GW causing Obama to bail out the US didn't raise anybody's taxes?
I always buy US, German and Japanese products based on reviews.
Everyone in the US is dying and yet everyone on earth wants to be here now.
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....

2 vaccines in a few months, under the Trump Warp Speed plan, when other vaccines generally have been developed in several years. A stunning achievement. Pre-Covid, increased median income, increased wages, decreased poverty. Under Obama, stagnant income and wages BUT he did increase poverty, particularly among blacks, 600,000+ fell into poverty.

Modern technology can get the credit. The human genome has already been sequenced. I heard it took longer to test the vaccine than to come up with a solution.

And, Obama had a Recession to overcome not continuing upward trends.

Obama’s economic policies resulted in the slowest recovery since the 1929 Depression. The recovery should have soared, instead it languished under high taxes and over-regulation.
And trumps economy wasn't much faster now was it? Trump never hit 3% gdp growth. Oh and he put us in a recession.
In terms of actual employment and variety in industries, it boomed.
Labor force participation rate never really changed.
That is a very stupid statement.
People are forced to work when the welfare runs out.
I'm forced to work.
So trump is stupid? He said the actual unemployment involved the labor force participation rate.
labor force participation rate
Trump greatly increased it.
And you still won't tell us where you live because you're embarrassed that no one wants to move into the area you live.
No he didn't. It barely changed.
The failures started when trump left an international pandemic to the states. States don't have the kind of resources the fed has, giant failure.

Libtard politicians were telling President Trump he had no Constitutional Authority to do anything in states, whether it was sending in feds to shutdown Seattle's 'summer of love during which time foreign-funded domestic liberal terrorists took over several city blocks, held residents and businesses hostage, and victimized Americans inside f their 'autonomous zone' or whether it was telling criminally incompetent Governors like Cuomo what he should do. It was not President Trump's desire for states to flounder and CHOOSE to fail - the Democrats in those states demanded he and his administration stay away.

President Trump did provide all the assistance and aid those local / state politicians asked /pleaded for. States / governors even THANKED President Trump for the assistance they were given....but he was not responsible for their incompetence and poor decision-making. Case in point.

For example: Gov Cuomo was warned by the CDC in 2015/2017 (?) that he needed to buy more ventilator beds to prepare for possible future pandemics. Cuomo blew the money on some failed 'green energy' project. When the pandemic hit and Cuomo ad no idea how to handle the emergency (as shown by his failed policy that resulted in the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans, President Trump had the Army Corp of Engineers build Cuomo / NY a hospital. President Trump also sent over a USN hospital ship... In the end the hospital was torn down and the hospital ship left NY due to LACK OF USE.

Cuomo made the decision to sacrifice 10,000 elderly Americans in order to keep hospital beds open for a hospital-required C-19 wave that never came. President Trump could not stop Cuomo from making such a deadly decision / mistake.
Trump failed miserably and we have the most covid deaths. Your excuses are just sad.

Peace and prosperity under Trump, first US President in 40 years not to have entered into a conflict. Neither under Obama.
Shame he messed up everything else.
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.

Only in the minds of Deep State China-bought Democrat Politicians, Agency Directors/members, and cry and scream-at-the-sky snowflakes.
No he was a giant failure in reality. HUGE deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, failed to deliver the best healthcare, failed to reach 3% gdp growth, mexico didn't pay for the wall....
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.

Only in the minds of Deep State China-bought Democrat Politicians, Agency Directors/members, and cry and scream-at-the-sky snowflakes.
No he was a giant failure in reality. HUGE deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, failed to deliver the best healthcare, failed to reach 3% gdp growth, mexico didn't pay for the wall....

Once again, what does it take to get snowflakes to understand the fact that the United States Congress is the part of the Govt responsible for the budget, spending, the economy? Every time you attack Trump for the results of the failures of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats I laugh because you continue to prove you have no idea what the US Constitution states, especially the part about the Separation of Powers.

Thank you for that irrational hate-driven opinion.... Need a tissue?
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.

Only in the minds of Deep State China-bought Democrat Politicians, Agency Directors/members, and cry and scream-at-the-sky snowflakes.
No he was a giant failure in reality. HUGE deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, failed to deliver the best healthcare, failed to reach 3% gdp growth, mexico didn't pay for the wall....

Once again, what does it take to get snowflakes to understand the fact that the United States Congress is the part of the Govt responsible for the budget, spending, the economy? Every time you attack Trump for the results of the failures of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats I laugh because you continue to prove you have no idea what the US Constitution states, especially the part about the Separation of Powers.

Thank you for that irrational hate-driven opinion.... Need a tissue?
The Liberal retards don't get it that the Democratic House is in charge of spending money.
The Trump administration has been bullish about it economy, ignoring COVID. The reality is that Trump Economy had problems much like his businesses he was over leveraging.. Please read below

For starters the UE was low under Obama and was in the direction of going lower... Can you tell us what actual actions took to lower UE that Obama had not already done... Note: Tax Break had not evidence of doing anything good or bad to UE.
View attachment 430202

Now lets look at borrowing... A economy who is actually doing well shouldn't need to borrow money should it? Well it shouldn't need to increase borrowing, should it...
View attachment 430205
So you can see from this graph that Trump was increasing borrowing even before the crisis. He got the deficit at $600bn and he had almost doubled it to $1.1 trillion... That is 2.4% of GDP extra over Obama in an Economy which "Best in the world ever"... In total US was set to borrow 5.6% of there GDP, so the US is pumping there economy with 5.6% borrowing. So what was the growth?
View attachment 430233
So there is no major increase in GDP even after borrowing so much more money... Actually after borrowing 5.6% and growth of only 2.5%, so if the US Government that is a loss of 3.1% after borrowing 2.4% more... And Trump was saying this was the best Economy ever.... This was remortgaging the house and going to Disneyland....

A few people use the excuse that COVID is what hurt the economy. Truth is that Trump cut the CDC pandemic response team around the world. Trump never considered a Pandemic/Epidemic as a national defence issue and best way to defend it is to work with everyone in the world together.
Trump made misstep after misstep but his response was to always downplay the virus. He never understood the basic concept, beat the virus and the economy will recover.
Because of this the strategy has been always off... Other economies understood this was a 100 year event and normal rules don't apply... You support your economy or you will get unrest.

Trump excuse seems to be like a drunk explaining everything was going great until the car crashed....

2 vaccines in a few months, under the Trump Warp Speed plan, when other vaccines generally have been developed in several years. A stunning achievement. Pre-Covid, increased median income, increased wages, decreased poverty. Under Obama, stagnant income and wages BUT he did increase poverty, particularly among blacks, 600,000+ fell into poverty.
Nope the two vaccines were not developed with US monies..
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.

Only in the minds of Deep State China-bought Democrat Politicians, Agency Directors/members, and cry and scream-at-the-sky snowflakes.
No he was a giant failure in reality. HUGE deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, failed to deliver the best healthcare, failed to reach 3% gdp growth, mexico didn't pay for the wall....

Once again, what does it take to get snowflakes to understand the fact that the United States Congress is the part of the Govt responsible for the budget, spending, the economy? Every time you attack Trump for the results of the failures of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats I laugh because you continue to prove you have no idea what the US Constitution states, especially the part about the Separation of Powers.

Thank you for that irrational hate-driven opinion.... Need a tissue?
The Liberal retards don't get it that the Democratic House is in charge of spending money.
And the senate and president must agree to that budget or spending allocation...You seem to be a little short on civics.
That doesn't change trump was a giant failure.

Only in the minds of Deep State China-bought Democrat Politicians, Agency Directors/members, and cry and scream-at-the-sky snowflakes.
No he was a giant failure in reality. HUGE deficits, giant bailouts, most pandemic deaths, tariffs that hurt manufacturing, failed to deliver the best healthcare, failed to reach 3% gdp growth, mexico didn't pay for the wall....

Once again, what does it take to get snowflakes to understand the fact that the United States Congress is the part of the Govt responsible for the budget, spending, the economy? Every time you attack Trump for the results of the failures of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats I laugh because you continue to prove you have no idea what the US Constitution states, especially the part about the Separation of Powers.

Thank you for that irrational hate-driven opinion.... Need a tissue?
The deficit greatly increased because of what was passed when republicans had full control. The tax cuts and increased military spending are republican policy. Sorry you lose.

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