trump's greatest disaster may have alteady happened....

For starters, over the past year the Federal government auctioned off 3,500 military surplus large generators through that can easily be connected together creating any amount of power needed. many of them supplied 250kw each. Then there was my previous link to many in stock 2,500kw generators for sale.

I'm not a generator expert, but I'd say: 1) In the past year, you mean in late 2017 through 2018 - AFTER the hurricanes? I'd not be surprised that we ended up with a bunch extra after the fact. 2) I seriously doubt it's safe to cobble together a bunch of generators, shit you can't even have /one/ in the states without a bunch of precautions and red tape (maybe I'm wrong though.) 3) and most importantly in my mind here, why do you think that FEMA would hold back generators from PR but not VI? The entire premise you forward is essentially that FEMA is "racist" against PR - it's based on nothing substantiated and completely ignores the reality that we've never had that many cat 5's before and could not have been expected to be prepared for something that crazy - it's never happened in the entire history of our weather recording.

What I see is that you're reaching, a shit ton.

You are clueless. I constantly buy & sell surplus equipment & the government was steadily auctioning off new surplus generators before, during & after the crisis. Plus suppliers were fully stocked.

During Haiti relief Bush & Clinton were on TV begging for Tarps & Trucks. They said there were not enough Tarps & Trucks available to buy even with all the the money they had collected. I was with a billboard company that had cargo shipping containers packed full of thousands of large heavy tarps ready to ship out & we called the number on the screen & offered them all up for free. They said no, thanks, we need MONEY!!!

You constantly sell special generators that can run entire cities... I don't believe you. Prove it.

As your documentary noted, the first two contractors couldn't fill the order for tarps. It also noted that the policy of not importing tarps was lifted in order to meet the need.

IF you want to have a beef about the delay on tarps, it'd be with the first two contractors who failed to do what they bid and said they would do. As for the generators, I guarantee you that FEMA was trying to get them -- perhaps you think it's appropriate to send a bunch of home and small store sized generators "instead" but I'm sure the safety folks, insurance, some regulation, whatever, says it's not allowed.

You have decided that it's more reasonable for us to believe that the entire FEMA program was some how "racist" toward PR, because the reality of a never before seen hurricane season that basically destroyed most of VI, plus Harvey flooding all along the coastline, and then there was Florida used up all our supplies before PR was destroyed by Maria is just too painful for you. Most of the rest of the world is not so... emotionally(?) invested in this situation and are quite sure that FEMA did the best they could given an unprecedented hurricane season.

I buy whatever I can sell at a good profit & flip it. I did many generators & am always watching the government auctions for them.

You are completely clueless about those generators. One of those 2,500kW generators will supply power to over 2,000 homes & was more than they needed to run their water pumps. That one link I showed you always has 10+ of them ready to ship at any time.

Each of those 3,500 generators the Government sold were much larger than any you can buy at a home depot & in proper working order. Many will power 200 homes each. Military bases link them together as they grow in war zones.

I have little doubt that the ones being sold on the auction right now are "stop gap" generators that were purchased or donated to make ends meet from the 2017 hurricane season - and/or they're obsolete, too small, etc. from prior years.

Regardless, FEMA is "doing something" about it. They ordered up an extra 300 generators on the heels of the season because they clearly didn't have enough to deal with 3 rapidly hitting massive cat 5 hurricanes, two islands getting completely destroyed + Harvey, & then Florida all hitting in the same season. Again, this has never happened in the recorded history of hurricanes.

If you want to believe your fantasy that FEMA intentionally fucked over PR that's on you. Most folks don't.
All you are doing is lying to try & save face for being a Trump supporter. Nothing you say has an ounce of truth & you got called out on every post. You can't lie to this old electrical engineer about generators. We have more than enough to power water for the entire island. They could buy them on Ebay every day for less than those FEMA shysters.
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There are 5 of these 2,500kW Generators on for eBay that will easily power 2,000+ homes each.



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