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Trump's high wire act

Well perhaps if you were paying attention the last eight years, you'd realize the 1% never had it better or been more successful. Throughout DumBama's two terms, the average median income remained about the same. Also interest rates were low during his two terms as well.

I'd explain this to you again, but you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Obama dealt with the WORST ECONOMIC CRASH IN 80 YEARS. That's what he inherited. That at the end of that, we broke even and were starting to pull ahead is actually a credit to his leadership.

Now, that said, the One Percent really do have a strangle hold on both parties,and that's the problem. Trump is the result of the one percent using racism, sexism and homophobia to get people like you to vote against your own economic interest.

And it works. Your one percenter boss won't even spring for your health insurance, and you blame the black guy!
And it's not a high wire act. The thread is filled with a false premise to begin with. What we have is the left going ballistic and somehow we are all supposed to care and give it, not equal weight, but more.

When the left opposes something all the news is supposed to be focused on their grievances. Fuck them, I'm tired of their whiny asses. This is about getting business going again as much as possible. That's not a do or die scenario but a continuation of failing policies or moving to a healthier economy. Business = the economy.
And it's not a high wire act. The thread is filled with a false premise to begin with. What we have is the left going ballistic and somehow we are all supposed to care and give it, not equal weight, but more.

When the left opposes something all the news is supposed to be focused on their grievances. Fuck them, I'm tired of their whiny asses. This is about getting business going again as much as possible. That's not a do or die scenario but a continuation of failing policies or moving to a healthier economy. Business = the economy.

The economy was just fine when Trump got it... and nothing he's going to do is going to make it better.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

The problem with the premise is that Trump doesn't have a mandate. Most people voted against him. That means a correction is probably going to happen, it's just a matter of when.

The problem is, of course, is that corrections aren't always a big thing. One could argue that 2006 & 2008 was a major correction after Bush messed up, well, everything, but those majorities were gone by 2010.

So you could see a bunch of Democrats elected in Republican districts, but they'd probably be moderate squish Democrats that you can't count on for anything other than going along with Trump's impeachment.

Long term, though, the country will continue to drift left for no other reason than population trends are making America less white.
Your point is true in urban areas of the country, but not in rural areas. There has always been a divide but the last eight years has quickened it like never before... no politician is going to change anyone's mind, obama was incapable of it as is trump. The average American will accept their situation if the economy is right for them.
The current economic situation always directs the vote of the individual that shows up to the polls, of course there are always the blow hards who dont show up to the polls to vote(mostly in urban areas)... and are usually the loudest.
This map is NOT going to change long term.... BANK ON IT!!!
Well perhaps if you were paying attention the last eight years, you'd realize the 1% never had it better or been more successful. Throughout DumBama's two terms, the average median income remained about the same. Also interest rates were low during his two terms as well.

I'd explain this to you again, but you STILL wouldn't understand it.

Obama dealt with the WORST ECONOMIC CRASH IN 80 YEARS. That's what he inherited. That at the end of that, we broke even and were starting to pull ahead is actually a credit to his leadership.

Now, that said, the One Percent really do have a strangle hold on both parties,and that's the problem. Trump is the result of the one percent using racism, sexism and homophobia to get people like you to vote against your own economic interest.

And it works. Your one percenter boss won't even spring for your health insurance, and you blame the black guy!

My boss is far from a one-percenter. It's a small family owned business with less than a dozen employees. And if it took DumBama 8 years to "break even" then of course he's a failure. He did nothing for business or the middle-class. Low paying jobs just don't cut it.

People do have a little more money now, but that's no thanks to that big-eared clown, it's thanks to fracking that allowed us to keep more of our money. Yeah, Obama and the Democrats hate fracking too.

As for the election, if anybody but Hil-Liar ran, they probably would have beaten Trump, so go ahead and tell us that it's not your fault, but the fault of the 1%.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."
Ray from Cleveland
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
It won't happen. Sure, something bad could happen to the economy, the Republicans could screw something up or back a bad position, and yes, the country will put Democrats in leadership again, but it's the normal way of things in a country like ours.
So are you look at his presidency as pretty much standard - failure would damage the party to a normal extent, and the pendulum continues to swing as normal?

Yes but your question is sort of will it swing hard left? I say no. Democrats (someday) will regain leadership either in the House, Senate or the White House, but they will never get enough support to go Socialism or Communism.
I guess that's the point of my question. That would be the result of knee-jerking all the way. And we do like to knee-jerk.

No, we don't like it, it's just sometimes it has to be done like this last election.

The thing is Obama was a party first--country second President if there ever was one. He put all his energy into promoting himself and his party. The amount of government dependents he created was more than the rest of the country could take, and their immigration stance and healthcare pushed them off the board.

The Democrats just pushed way too hard and way too fast.
In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

Did you see the post-rally interview with the guy to whom Trump gave five minutes of fame? It was nice of Trump to bring him onto the stage via what appears to have been an impromptu decision. It is politically beneficial to Trump to have done so. Listening to the rube as he was interviewed, however, one can tell he doesn't give a damn what Trump says, how he says it, whether its factually and contextually accurate, etc. The man is a Trumpkin through and through. Trumpkins are okay with anything Trump does and they have neither the will nor wherewithal to even consider objectively the possibility that Trump might be wrong about anything.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly and simply as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
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It won't happen. Sure, something bad could happen to the economy, the Republicans could screw something up or back a bad position, and yes, the country will put Democrats in leadership again, but it's the normal way of things in a country like ours.
So are you look at his presidency as pretty much standard - failure would damage the party to a normal extent, and the pendulum continues to swing as normal?

Yes but your question is sort of will it swing hard left? I say no. Democrats (someday) will regain leadership either in the House, Senate or the White House, but they will never get enough support to go Socialism or Communism.
I guess that's the point of my question. That would be the result of knee-jerking all the way. And we do like to knee-jerk.

No, we don't like it, it's just sometimes it has to be done like this last election.

The thing is Obama was a party first--country second President if there ever was one. He put all his energy into promoting himself and his party. The amount of government dependents he created was more than the rest of the country could take, and their immigration stance and healthcare pushed them off the board.

The Democrats just pushed way too hard and way too fast.
''Hope and change" was like a flash in a pan, warm and fuzzy feelings and all... it appealed to the gullible mobs in urban areas and thats about it. In two years "hope and change" was nothing more than luke warm milk toast.
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And it's not a high wire act. The thread is filled with a false premise to begin with. What we have is the left going ballistic and somehow we are all supposed to care and give it, not equal weight, but more.

When the left opposes something all the news is supposed to be focused on their grievances. Fuck them, I'm tired of their whiny asses. This is about getting business going again as much as possible. That's not a do or die scenario but a continuation of failing policies or moving to a healthier economy. Business = the economy.

The economy was just fine when Trump got it... and nothing he's going to do is going to make it better.
In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

Did you see the post-rally interview with the guy to whom Trump gave five minutes of fame? It was nice of Trump to bring him onto the stage via what appears to have been an impromptu decision. It is politically beneficial to Trump to have done so. Listening to the rube as he was interviewed, however, one can tell he doesn't give a damn what Trump says, how he says it, whether its factually and contextually accurate, etc. The man is a Trumpkin through and through. Trumpkins are okay with anything Trump does and they have neither the will nor wherewithal to even consider objectively the possibility that Trump might be wrong about anything.
I didn't see it, but that's pretty much the nature of partisan politics from my perspective. Getting a partisan to admit something of any substance is like pulling teeth, and one of the reasons I just don't like or understand partisan politics. It's clearly dishonest, it's fraught with lies and spin and hypocrisy, and I don't understand what is supposed to be taken seriously.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
Long term, though, the country will continue to drift left for no other reason than population trends are making America less white.

Which is why the Democrats are working night and day to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as they can. Once they do that, we would be a one-party government for eternity, and we would only have our surrender-first whites to blame.

This post is very telling. People are people. White people, brown people, black people. We all share the same DNA, the differences between us are tiny. You want to keep the USA white. You want whites to dominate the government.

What you want is tribalism and division. This is the real divide between Americans. White supremicists want white control. The rest want good government.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

Did you see the post-rally interview with the guy to whom Trump gave five minutes of fame? It was nice of Trump to bring him onto the stage via what appears to have been an impromptu decision. It is politically beneficial to Trump to have done so. Listening to the rube as he was interviewed, however, one can tell he doesn't give a damn what Trump says, how he says it, whether its factually and contextually accurate, etc. The man is a Trumpkin through and through. Trumpkins are okay with anything Trump does and they have neither the will nor wherewithal to even consider objectively the possibility that Trump might be wrong about anything.
I didn't see it, but that's pretty much the nature of partisan politics from my perspective. Getting a partisan to admit something of any substance is like pulling teeth, and one of the reasons I just don't like or understand partisan politics. It's clearly dishonest, it's fraught with lies and spin and hypocrisy, and I don't understand what is supposed to be taken seriously.

I described him as a rube for cause; it's an accurate depiction of him. I don't wouldn't bet money the guy can spell partisan, much less know what it means. He is partisan, but I'm certain he doesn't realize he is.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
Oh, so you are biased with independent thought? Fucking hilarious.

I answered the question rather thoroughly.

Mr independent thought with an admitted biased point of view. LOL!!
The media and the left are trying to make some great scandal out of every little thing

It's becoming tiresome

But you fall for it every single time - if the purported scandal favours your side. You believed every lie about Hillary, gleefully, and ignore the truth about Trump.

The problem isn't the scandals, it's the fake scandals, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Another annoyance..and a Canadian at that. Worry about your own country

She doesn't have to worry about Canada. They have a great prime minister who could teach Trump a thing or two about being the leader of ALL the people, not just a bunch of rednecks, and a very low crime rate and universal health care. Canadians should be worried about the Clown that the U.S. has in the OO.
And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
I realize how people like you, on both ends of the spectrum, just like to make stuff up. But I did go out of my way to write "that's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise" but somehow you "didn't see" that.

If you don't want to provide a straight and honest answer to my clear question, you don't need to. The fact that you don't want to is telling in itself.

Assweeezel never has anything to add to the conversation.

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