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Trump's high wire act

Long term, though, the country will continue to drift left for no other reason than population trends are making America less white.

Which is why the Democrats are working night and day to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as they can. Once they do that, we would be a one-party government for eternity, and we would only have our surrender-first whites to blame.

This post is very telling. People are people. White people, brown people, black people. We all share the same DNA, the differences between us are tiny. You want to keep the USA white. You want whites to dominate the government.

What you want is tribalism and division. This is the real divide between Americans. White supremicists want white control. The rest want good government.
You obviously don't understand minorities... because it is all about tribalism with minorities. You really should visit a ghetto, Indian reservation or the like sometime...
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
Oh, so you are biased with independent thought? Fucking hilarious.

I answered the question rather thoroughly.

Mr independent thought with an admitted biased point of view. LOL!!
As I said, independent thought sure does confuse some people here.

You, somehow, even more than others.
And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
I realize how people like you, on both ends of the spectrum, just like to make stuff up. But I did go out of my way to write "that's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise" but somehow you "didn't see" that.

If you don't want to provide a straight and honest answer to my clear question, you don't need to. The fact that you don't want to is telling in itself.

Assweeezel never has anything to add to the conversation.
There have been precious few direct answers to my question, which is instructive.
The media and the left are trying to make some great scandal out of every little thing

It's becoming tiresome

But you fall for it every single time - if the purported scandal favours your side. You believed every lie about Hillary, gleefully, and ignore the truth about Trump.

The problem isn't the scandals, it's the fake scandals, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Another annoyance..and a Canadian at that. Worry about your own country

She doesn't have to worry about Canada. They have a great prime minister who could teach Trump a thing or two about being the leader of ALL the people, not just a bunch of rednecks, and a very low crime rate and universal health care. Canadians should be worried about the Clown that the U.S. has in the OO.
Socialism does not allow for individualism
And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
I realize how people like you, on both ends of the spectrum, just like to make stuff up. But I did go out of my way to write "that's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise" but somehow you "didn't see" that.

If you don't want to provide a straight and honest answer to my clear question, you don't need to. The fact that you don't want to is telling in itself.

Assweeezel never has anything to add to the conversation.
There have been precious few direct answers to my question, which is instructive.
''It's the economy stupid" there would be no trump if there was no Obama…
Long term, though, the country will continue to drift left for no other reason than population trends are making America less white.

Which is why the Democrats are working night and day to make whites a minority in this country as quickly as they can. Once they do that, we would be a one-party government for eternity, and we would only have our surrender-first whites to blame.

This post is very telling. People are people. White people, brown people, black people. We all share the same DNA, the differences between us are tiny. You want to keep the USA white. You want whites to dominate the government.

What you want is tribalism and division. This is the real divide between Americans. White supremicists want white control. The rest want good government.

Yes, I would like to keep the country a white majority. What's wrong with that? I'm white. Can you tell me of any other group of people that would welcome being made a minority in their own country other than liberal whites???

We have been white since our founding and that's what helped us become the greatest country on earth; it's why people DO want to come here no matter how. They cross deserts, they come here in make-shift rafts, they risk life by being stuffed into the back of tractor-trailers, some have even come here hiding in the landing gear compartment of a plane or being shipped on a plane in a box disguised as freight.
And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
I realize how people like you, on both ends of the spectrum, just like to make stuff up. But I did go out of my way to write "that's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise" but somehow you "didn't see" that.

If you don't want to provide a straight and honest answer to my clear question, you don't need to. The fact that you don't want to is telling in itself.

Assweeezel never has anything to add to the conversation.
There have been precious few direct answers to my question, which is instructive.
You created a false narrative then ran with it as a given. Try some honesty next time.
We got it. You like the term "bipartisanship" and would rather have the same ONE party system that we have had with politicians telling us one thing while doing another.

Trump is not a polished politician and that is why he was VOTED in (the pathetic cities of LA etc excluded.)

All we are seeing is there are people that are flat out admitting they want to be lied to. That should not surprise anyone. That is the nature of humanity. They want to be coddled and the politicians are so happy to do that.

That is what the establishment has been and that is why we are in the problem we are in. You make fun of those on the extremes. Have no idea what you stand for, cause you spend most of your time on the fence.

Are you for a free market or are you for the government taking power from we the people under the guise of "equal rights" or false concerns for the "environment?"

What, you think the grievance industry is concerned about solving the "grievances?" It is an industry. It is also a distinct POLITICAL WEAPON.

Nothing Trump has done or has NOT DONE comes anywhere close to the pathetic hype predictably hyped by the liars in the media.

Want to talk about ALL of the lies revealed by the clinton emails? Want to? Want me to list them. Those of course are FACTS. However, the media blames the ones leaking those facts. Of course when someone leaks something about Flynn (a democrat btw) they say nothing about WHO leaked it.

Oh, but Assange and the "Russians?"

Do you buy any of it? What specifically? Are you shocked that the lying race baiting democrats with the media are calling for impeachment less than one month into his presidency?

Do you or do you not want polished professional politicians telling you one thing while they collect pay offs?

You voted for hillary. That I remember about you. Why again? Cause she is so truthful? Why?
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
Oh, so you are biased with independent thought? Fucking hilarious.

I answered the question rather thoroughly.

Mr independent thought with an admitted biased point of view. LOL!!
As I said, independent thought sure does confuse some people here.

You, somehow, even more than others.
You brag that you have independent thought with a self admitted and proud biased point of view.

How many times have you broken your arm jerking yourself off?
And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
I realize how people like you, on both ends of the spectrum, just like to make stuff up. But I did go out of my way to write "that's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise" but somehow you "didn't see" that.

If you don't want to provide a straight and honest answer to my clear question, you don't need to. The fact that you don't want to is telling in itself.

Assweeezel never has anything to add to the conversation.
There have been precious few direct answers to my question, which is instructive.
You created a false narrative then ran with it as a given. Try some honesty next time.
Okie dokie!
The media and the left are trying to make some great scandal out of every little thing

It's becoming tiresome
What is tiresome is that there is so much to comment on. It is a fucking circus and people are finding it a bit hard to believe what is happening.
We are celebrating you fascists falling....I can imaging what's going on is confusing to you.....
Idiots like you are responsible for the destruction that is happening.
Destruction of liberalism. So hell yeah, I'll take some credit if I can!
Destruction of the United States, and you guys are all for it.

They don't get it, they've never lived 40 miles from where they grew up much less in other countries that have varied levels of socialism or totalitarianism. They have no basis for comparison.

They believe Trump is right about the press, that they want to destroy him and all media is fake news.

But they forget that the press destroyed Hillary and helped him get elected. The press and MSM harped continually on her email and server scandal. They provided widespread coverage of FBI Director Comey's inquiry. They took the video from a private citizen that showed Hillary fainting before she could get inside her van after she left the 9/11 memorial service and played it over and over again on ALL the t.v. news channels.

They provided unprecedented live on-air coverage of Comey making public statements about her email scandal and then just a week before the election, they reported on Comey's last inquiry into Huma Abedin's laptop, which turned out to be nothing. The FBI doesn't normally relay their investigations in the public, they just do them and hand the results over to the DOJ. But not with her.

So the MSM HELPED Trump get elected by all of the above PLUS widespread reporting of Wikileak's hand-selected, cherry-picked and most probably more than a few falsified emails.

And yet Trump whines and cries and stomps his little feet about the media and how they lie.

He is a fuck-up beyond description.
So I took the time to read that whole thing, a little unusual for me. Nowhere in there did I see a direct answer to my direct question, but I know how this place is: Deflect, spin, attack.

But I'll be happy to address a couple of things you said.

First, my "side of the fence" is laid out as clearly as I can in my sig. I recognize there are some who (somehow) still don't understand that most of us are not hardcore partisan ideologues who are willing to intellectually submit to an ideology, so I don't know what else I can do.

And second, I'll say it for the thousandth time: I didn't and don't like Hillary. I voted against Trump, and that was the only way to do it. Once again, that's as simple as I can make it. I was a Webb guy.

Perhaps you'll choose to provide a direct answer to my direct question. Or perhaps you won't. Whichever.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
Oh, so you are biased with independent thought? Fucking hilarious.

I answered the question rather thoroughly.

Mr independent thought with an admitted biased point of view. LOL!!
As I said, independent thought sure does confuse some people here.

You, somehow, even more than others.
You brag that you have independent thought with a self admitted and proud biased point of view.

How many times have you broken your arm jerking yourself off?
Deflect, pivot, attack.

The media and the left are trying to make some great scandal out of every little thing

It's becoming tiresome

But you fall for it every single time - if the purported scandal favours your side. You believed every lie about Hillary, gleefully, and ignore the truth about Trump.

The problem isn't the scandals, it's the fake scandals, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.

Another annoyance..and a Canadian at that. Worry about your own country

She doesn't have to worry about Canada. They have a great prime minister who could teach Trump a thing or two about being the leader of ALL the people, not just a bunch of rednecks, and a very low crime rate and universal health care. Canadians should be worried about the Clown that the U.S. has in the OO.
Like a hateful intolerant bigot like you has all the right answers.
''It takes a village" is a load of shit... and getting along is way overrated.
This is the reality we all live in...
What is tiresome is that there is so much to comment on. It is a fucking circus and people are finding it a bit hard to believe what is happening.
We are celebrating you fascists falling....I can imaging what's going on is confusing to you.....
Idiots like you are responsible for the destruction that is happening.
Destruction of liberalism. So hell yeah, I'll take some credit if I can!
Destruction of the United States, and you guys are all for it.

They don't get it, they've never lived 40 miles from where they grew up much less in other countries that have varied levels of socialism or totalitarianism. They have no basis for comparison.

They believe Trump is right about the press, that they want to destroy him and all media is fake news.

But they forget that the press destroyed Hillary and helped him get elected. The press and MSM harped continually on her email and server scandal. They provided widespread coverage of FBI Director Comey's inquiry. They took the video from a private citizen that showed Hillary fainting before she could get inside her van after she left the 9/11 memorial service and played it over and over again on ALL the t.v. news channels.

They provided unprecedented live on-air coverage of Comey making public statements about her email scandal and then just a week before the election, they reported on Comey's last inquiry into Huma Abedin's laptop, which turned out to be nothing. The FBI doesn't normally relay their investigations in the public, they just do them and hand the results over to the DOJ. But not with her.

So the MSM HELPED Trump get elected by all of the above PLUS widespread reporting of Wikileak's hand-selected, cherry-picked and most probably more than a few falsified emails.

And yet Trump whines and cries and stomps his little feet about the media and how they lie.

He is a fuck-up beyond description.
I've lived all over and said the same about the msm for twenty years. You're just a retarded hateful liar.
Ok, you voted against Trump. No biased opinions from you, right? Got it.

So are you admitting you want the same one party system where slick politicians lie to us and coddle the ignorant?

You are for a free market, or do you buy the bullshit when politicians use "equal rights" to push non stop regulations?

You really answered nothing. Except the fact that you want to be lied to and pretend to be wiser than anyone that stands on principle.

You call those partisan hacks. Funny.
I've never said I'm not biased. Independent thought sure does confuse people here.

I answered what I chose to answer. You tried to hijack the thread, not me. If you want to start another thread on one of those simplistic, binary issues, do so and invite me. I'll be more than happy to respond.

And clearly you're still unwilling to answer my direct question posed in the OP. That's enough of an answer for me.
Oh, so you are biased with independent thought? Fucking hilarious.

I answered the question rather thoroughly.

Mr independent thought with an admitted biased point of view. LOL!!
As I said, independent thought sure does confuse some people here.

You, somehow, even more than others.
You brag that you have independent thought with a self admitted and proud biased point of view.

How many times have you broken your arm jerking yourself off?
Deflect, pivot, attack.

You sure post a lot of ironic posts. If you were a native, your name would be....Dances with Ironic Statements.
After we saw Bill Clinton dismiss the first attack on the WTC as "a stupid act by stupid people and after he authorized the invasion of a quirky compound in Waco, Tx. with tanks an poison gas and kill 80 men, women and children and later foul an intern's dress with his DNA and lie to the public about the difference between sodomy and sex and after he was impeached for lying and even after he bombed a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school in the U.S. .....the left still believes Trump is walking a tightrope. The problem with the left is that they actually believe fake news and they listen to so much left wing propaganda that they can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie anymore. Most Americans are smarter than that and that's why Trump is president and the criminal conspiracy called the MSM that defended Clinton all those years is on the defensive.
After we saw Bill Clinton invade a quirky compound in Waco, Tx. with tanks an poison gas and kill 80 men, women and children an later foul an intern's dress with his DNA and lie to the public about the difference between sodomy and sex and after he was impeached for lying and even after he bombed a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school in the U.S. .....the left still believes Trump is walking a tightrope. The problem with the left is that they actually believe fake news and they listen to so much left wing propaganda that they can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie anymore. Most Americans are smarter than that and that's why Trump is president and the criminal conspiracy called the MSM is on the defensive.
This country has tried many, many decades of career politicians running this country… This is where that has gotten us.

We are celebrating you fascists falling....I can imaging what's going on is confusing to you.....
Idiots like you are responsible for the destruction that is happening.
Destruction of liberalism. So hell yeah, I'll take some credit if I can!
Destruction of the United States, and you guys are all for it.

They don't get it, they've never lived 40 miles from where they grew up much less in other countries that have varied levels of socialism or totalitarianism. They have no basis for comparison.

They believe Trump is right about the press, that they want to destroy him and all media is fake news.

But they forget that the press destroyed Hillary and helped him get elected. The press and MSM harped continually on her email and server scandal. They provided widespread coverage of FBI Director Comey's inquiry. They took the video from a private citizen that showed Hillary fainting before she could get inside her van after she left the 9/11 memorial service and played it over and over again on ALL the t.v. news channels.

They provided unprecedented live on-air coverage of Comey making public statements about her email scandal and then just a week before the election, they reported on Comey's last inquiry into Huma Abedin's laptop, which turned out to be nothing. The FBI doesn't normally relay their investigations in the public, they just do them and hand the results over to the DOJ. But not with her.

So the MSM HELPED Trump get elected by all of the above PLUS widespread reporting of Wikileak's hand-selected, cherry-picked and most probably more than a few falsified emails.

And yet Trump whines and cries and stomps his little feet about the media and how they lie.

He is a fuck-up beyond description.
I've lived all over and said the same about the msm for twenty years. You're just a retarded hateful liar.

Your posts say more about you than the person you are insulting. Very Freudian.
Idiots like you are responsible for the destruction that is happening.
Destruction of liberalism. So hell yeah, I'll take some credit if I can!
Destruction of the United States, and you guys are all for it.

They don't get it, they've never lived 40 miles from where they grew up much less in other countries that have varied levels of socialism or totalitarianism. They have no basis for comparison.

They believe Trump is right about the press, that they want to destroy him and all media is fake news.

But they forget that the press destroyed Hillary and helped him get elected. The press and MSM harped continually on her email and server scandal. They provided widespread coverage of FBI Director Comey's inquiry. They took the video from a private citizen that showed Hillary fainting before she could get inside her van after she left the 9/11 memorial service and played it over and over again on ALL the t.v. news channels.

They provided unprecedented live on-air coverage of Comey making public statements about her email scandal and then just a week before the election, they reported on Comey's last inquiry into Huma Abedin's laptop, which turned out to be nothing. The FBI doesn't normally relay their investigations in the public, they just do them and hand the results over to the DOJ. But not with her.

So the MSM HELPED Trump get elected by all of the above PLUS widespread reporting of Wikileak's hand-selected, cherry-picked and most probably more than a few falsified emails.

And yet Trump whines and cries and stomps his little feet about the media and how they lie.

He is a fuck-up beyond description.
I've lived all over and said the same about the msm for twenty years. You're just a retarded hateful liar.

Your posts say more about you than the person you are insulting. Very Freudian.
You're a hateful bigot and not particularly bright. I believe Freud also said something about projection.
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