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Trump's high wire act

In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević was if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Destruction of liberalism. So hell yeah, I'll take some credit if I can!
Destruction of the United States, and you guys are all for it.

They don't get it, they've never lived 40 miles from where they grew up much less in other countries that have varied levels of socialism or totalitarianism. They have no basis for comparison.

They believe Trump is right about the press, that they want to destroy him and all media is fake news.

But they forget that the press destroyed Hillary and helped him get elected. The press and MSM harped continually on her email and server scandal. They provided widespread coverage of FBI Director Comey's inquiry. They took the video from a private citizen that showed Hillary fainting before she could get inside her van after she left the 9/11 memorial service and played it over and over again on ALL the t.v. news channels.

They provided unprecedented live on-air coverage of Comey making public statements about her email scandal and then just a week before the election, they reported on Comey's last inquiry into Huma Abedin's laptop, which turned out to be nothing. The FBI doesn't normally relay their investigations in the public, they just do them and hand the results over to the DOJ. But not with her.

So the MSM HELPED Trump get elected by all of the above PLUS widespread reporting of Wikileak's hand-selected, cherry-picked and most probably more than a few falsified emails.

And yet Trump whines and cries and stomps his little feet about the media and how they lie.

He is a fuck-up beyond description.
I've lived all over and said the same about the msm for twenty years. You're just a retarded hateful liar.

Your posts say more about you than the person you are insulting. Very Freudian.
You're a hateful bigot and not particularly bright. I believe Freud also said something about projection.

Yes, that is what I mean: YOU project your bigotry and dishonesty onto others. Man, you are slow.

And everything I said about what happened to Hillary Clinton is true. Unless you'd like to prove otherwise.
In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...
After we saw Bill Clinton invade a quirky compound in Waco, Tx. with tanks an poison gas and kill 80 men, women and children an later foul an intern's dress with his DNA and lie to the public about the difference between sodomy and sex and after he was impeached for lying and even after he bombed a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school in the U.S. .....the left still believes Trump is walking a tightrope. The problem with the left is that they actually believe fake news and they listen to so much left wing propaganda that they can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie anymore. Most Americans are smarter than that and that's why Trump is president and the criminal conspiracy called the MSM is on the defensive.
This country has tried many, many decades of career politicians running this country… This is where that has gotten us.


Your election map looks good, however misleading. If you take a look at the population distribution of the U.S., it's the very same graphic. Most people live in urban areas, not cornfields.

In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...

Obama is not a nationalist nor a racist who tried to ban Muslims, and initiate ethnic cleansing as did Milošević. You really should learn something before posting a "but...but...but...Obama" post. Makes you look like one of Trump's beloved "poorly educated".
After we saw Bill Clinton invade a quirky compound in Waco, Tx. with tanks an poison gas and kill 80 men, women and children an later foul an intern's dress with his DNA and lie to the public about the difference between sodomy and sex and after he was impeached for lying and even after he bombed a defenseless country in Europe while the 9-11 hijackers were attending flight school in the U.S. .....the left still believes Trump is walking a tightrope. The problem with the left is that they actually believe fake news and they listen to so much left wing propaganda that they can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie anymore. Most Americans are smarter than that and that's why Trump is president and the criminal conspiracy called the MSM is on the defensive.
This country has tried many, many decades of career politicians running this country… This is where that has gotten us.


Your election map looks good, however misleading. If you take a look at the population distribution of the U.S., it's the very same graphic. Most people live in urban areas, not cornfields.

You would have a point if this was a shit eating democracy, but it's not - we are supposed to be a republic…
In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...

Obama is not a nationalist nor a racist who tried to ban Muslims, and initiate ethnic cleansing as did Milošević. You really should learn something before posting a "but...but...but...Obama" post. Makes you look like one of Trump's beloved "poorly educated".
Just admit it - "hope and change" was a load of rancid shit...
In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...

Obama is not a nationalist nor a racist who tried to ban Muslims, and initiate ethnic cleansing as did Milošević. You really should learn something before posting a "but...but...but...Obama" post. Makes you look like one of Trump's beloved "poorly educated".
Just admit it - "hope and change" was a load of rancid shit...

Just admit it...you can't address my post because you don't know what I am talking about.

Another cozy comparison that Milošević and Trump share:
Muzzling Yugoslavia's Media
MAY 23, 1998
Muzzling Yugoslavia's Media

"Slobodan Milosevic is at it again. The Serbian leader has now essentially banned the voices he fears most, Yugoslavia's independent radio and television stations. He apparently believes that he can get away with it because the world is concerned with the growing conflict in Kosovo, and with trying to get Mr. Milosevic to agree to serious, internationally supervised talks there. But the media are the only voices in Serbia that ever challenge his nationalist assault on Kosovo. Preserving them is crucial for a settlement in Kosovo and to keep alive any hopes of democracy in Serbia.

The ban was disguised as a normal licensing decision by Mr. Milosevic's Yugoslav Telecommunication Ministry. Of 38 independent radio and television stations that broadcast news in the two Yugoslav republics, Serbia and Montenegro, 35 were shut down. Only three were granted new licenses. Those are two television stations and a radio station called B92, which is known internationally as the leader and organizer of the independent media."""

(Obama never tried to mute the press. So STFU)
In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...

Obama is not a nationalist nor a racist who tried to ban Muslims, and initiate ethnic cleansing as did Milošević. You really should learn something before posting a "but...but...but...Obama" post. Makes you look like one of Trump's beloved "poorly educated".
Just admit it - "hope and change" was a load of rancid shit...
Well, from their warped point of view creating BLM, allowing and encouraging the rise of isis, the chaos of middle east, the lack of GDP growth, the passing of a failed healthcare system was all good change. Not to mention destroying our relationships with our allies, and emboldening our enemies.

This is where the pathetic left claim the economy was bad due to boooosh and Obama "saved us."

Even though it was long proven why the economy took a dive and how the democrats truly caused it. They can't debate me with that and they know it.

They are losers.
In answer to the O/P, no I'm not good with the all or nothing chance this country is taking.

Trump is America's version of Slobodan Milošević. His approach to campaigning, promises made to voters and now, his totalitarian approach to governing mimic Milošević to a "T", but I don't think Trump cognitively recognizes this nor even would know who Milošević if asked. And like Milošević, Trump is going to get us into another war and that will be waaaay before he builds up our existing military.
Your confused, you're thinking of the load of shit that was "hope and change''...

Obama is not a nationalist nor a racist who tried to ban Muslims, and initiate ethnic cleansing as did Milošević. You really should learn something before posting a "but...but...but...Obama" post. Makes you look like one of Trump's beloved "poorly educated".
Just admit it - "hope and change" was a load of rancid shit...

Just admit it...you can't address my post because you don't know what I am talking about.

Another cozy comparison that Milošević and Trump share:
Muzzling Yugoslavia's Media
MAY 23, 1998
Muzzling Yugoslavia's Media

"Slobodan Milosevic is at it again. The Serbian leader has now essentially banned the voices he fears most, Yugoslavia's independent radio and television stations. He apparently believes that he can get away with it because the world is concerned with the growing conflict in Kosovo, and with trying to get Mr. Milosevic to agree to serious, internationally supervised talks there. But the media are the only voices in Serbia that ever challenge his nationalist assault on Kosovo. Preserving them is crucial for a settlement in Kosovo and to keep alive any hopes of democracy in Serbia.

The ban was disguised as a normal licensing decision by Mr. Milosevic's Yugoslav Telecommunication Ministry. Of 38 independent radio and television stations that broadcast news in the two Yugoslav republics, Serbia and Montenegro, 35 were shut down. Only three were granted new licenses. Those are two television stations and a radio station called B92, which is known internationally as the leader and organizer of the independent media."""

(Obama never tried to mute the press. So STFU)
Elections have consequences...
My boss is far from a one-percenter. It's a small family owned business with less than a dozen employees. And if it took DumBama 8 years to "break even" then of course he's a failure. He did nothing for business or the middle-class. Low paying jobs just don't cut it.

People do have a little more money now, but that's no thanks to that big-eared clown, it's thanks to fracking that allowed us to keep more of our money. Yeah, Obama and the Democrats hate fracking too.

As for the election, if anybody but Hil-Liar ran, they probably would have beaten Trump, so go ahead and tell us that it's not your fault, but the fault of the 1%.

Guy, I have more money now, and it has nothing to do with Fracking.

Sorry, the fact that he brought us out of the ditch your boy Bush put us in is truly amazing. Not to worry, though, Trumpenfuhrer will have us back in that ditch, and you'll be here making excuses for him.
A question for Trump voters/supporters: How comfortable are you with the risks of his presidency?

I'll flesh this out a bit:

It has long been the nature of politics that the pendulum swings - if this party fouls it up, we'll give the other party a chance. And, at least in recent history, the pendulum has swung pretty hard in the opposite direction.

Let's agree that the two parties are as divided as we have seen. And let's consider the possibility that Trump & Co screw the pooch, big time. That's not a prediction, I'm horrible at those, just a thought exercise.

Trump has taken our political environment so far off the rails - and I believe that was the point, yes? - that the snap-back that would result from his administration's failure would be pretty freaking powerful. The GOP brand would be TORCHED for a LONG time, and we would head Left, BIG time.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?

Barring radical change, we are headed, as so many lefties have pointed out, to a defacto ONe Party State in this country.

There is no risk to a Trump presidency because the status quo was on rails to lead to a dystopia of lefty rule.

YOu want to see the future? Here it is.

Violent leftist thugs depriving conservatives of their rights, while leftists politicians order the forces of the state to stand by, in case the conservatives fight back.



That is the future barring Trump induced change.
My boss is far from a one-percenter. It's a small family owned business with less than a dozen employees. And if it took DumBama 8 years to "break even" then of course he's a failure. He did nothing for business or the middle-class. Low paying jobs just don't cut it.

People do have a little more money now, but that's no thanks to that big-eared clown, it's thanks to fracking that allowed us to keep more of our money. Yeah, Obama and the Democrats hate fracking too.

As for the election, if anybody but Hil-Liar ran, they probably would have beaten Trump, so go ahead and tell us that it's not your fault, but the fault of the 1%.

Guy, I have more money now, and it has nothing to do with Fracking.

Sorry, the fact that he brought us out of the ditch your boy Bush put us in is truly amazing. Not to worry, though, Trumpenfuhrer will have us back in that ditch, and you'll be here making excuses for him.

Saying "Bush" put us in the ditch alone is to display ignorance on the history of what took place. Saying DumBama had anything to do with getting us out of ditch is even worse.

Raising taxes on corporations and the rich do not help a recession. Burdening them with thousands of new regulations do not help a recession. Forcing them to provide medical insurance or pay fines is not helping a recession. Come to think of it, there is really nothing he did to dig us out of the ditch. If anything, he tried to push us further.

Business bounce back, they always do. And how do you not have more money thanks to the huge decrease in fuel prices and everybody else has?
It won't happen. Sure, something bad could happen to the economy, the Republicans could screw something up or back a bad position, and yes, the country will put Democrats in leadership again, but it's the normal way of things in a country like ours.
So are you look at his presidency as pretty much standard - failure would damage the party to a normal extent, and the pendulum continues to swing as normal?

Yes but your question is sort of will it swing hard left? I say no. Democrats (someday) will regain leadership either in the House, Senate or the White House, but they will never get enough support to go Socialism or Communism.
I guess that's the point of my question. That would be the result of knee-jerking all the way. And we do like to knee-jerk.

No, we don't like it, it's just sometimes it has to be done like this last election.

The thing is Obama was a party first--country second President if there ever was one. He put all his energy into promoting himself and his party. The amount of government dependents he created was more than the rest of the country could take, and their immigration stance and healthcare pushed them off the board.

The Democrats just pushed way too hard and way too fast.
''Hope and change" was like a flash in a pan, warm and fuzzy feelings and all... it appealed to the gullible mobs in urban areas and thats about it. In two years "hope and change" was nothing more than luke warm milk toast.
The News Is a Noose

It was Hype and Chains. Other Americans must be hard of hearing, but that's what I heard from Obama and from the media now.
Saying "Bush" put us in the ditch alone is to display ignorance on the history of what took place. Saying DumBama had anything to do with getting us out of ditch is even worse.

Raising taxes on corporations and the rich do not help a recession. Burdening them with thousands of new regulations do not help a recession. Forcing them to provide medical insurance or pay fines is not helping a recession. Come to think of it, there is really nothing he did to dig us out of the ditch. If anything, he tried to push us further.

Business bounce back, they always do. And how do you not have more money thanks to the huge decrease in fuel prices and everybody else has?

Every time we make the rich pay their fair share, the economy booms.

Obama did all those things, and he not only solved the worst economic crash in 80 years, but left the Game Show Host with a great economy.

Only a matter of time before he screws it up.
Saying "Bush" put us in the ditch alone is to display ignorance on the history of what took place. Saying DumBama had anything to do with getting us out of ditch is even worse.

Raising taxes on corporations and the rich do not help a recession. Burdening them with thousands of new regulations do not help a recession. Forcing them to provide medical insurance or pay fines is not helping a recession. Come to think of it, there is really nothing he did to dig us out of the ditch. If anything, he tried to push us further.

Business bounce back, they always do. And how do you not have more money thanks to the huge decrease in fuel prices and everybody else has?

Every time we make the rich pay their fair share, the economy booms.

Obama did all those things, and he not only solved the worst economic crash in 80 years, but left the Game Show Host with a great economy.

Only a matter of time before he screws it up.

Great economy? If the economy is so great, why do we still have over 40 million Americans using food stamps? If the economy is so great, why do we have such a high percentage of Americans not working nor looking for a job? Can you tell me what DumBama did to contribute to this wonderful economy you speak of? I'm talking about actions/ results and proof of it.

In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
All or nothing? What planet are you on? Dems have steadily lost power across the nation. Nor is this a simple party issue, Trump brought in many blue collar dems to win. I don't know how many times it needs to be repeated before it can penetrate your brain. For some odd reason your mind can't accept it.

This isn't all or nothing. And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
lol There is no high wire act here. President Trump laid out a clear set of goals during the campaign and now he is working on achieving in an orderly fashion. You are allowing yourself to be distracted by noise from confused, often hysterical Democrats and reporters who are trying to convince you there are problems when there are none.
Great economy? If the economy is so great, why do we still have over 40 million Americans using food stamps? If the economy is so great, why do we have such a high percentage of Americans not working nor looking for a job? Can you tell me what DumBama did to contribute to this wonderful economy you speak of? I'm talking about actions/ results and proof of it.

Yawn... still whining from the "I hate Obama hymnbook", guy.

I've been all over this explaining to you that the Labor Participation Rate has been in decline since 1999, and why, which has nothing to do with Obama. (It's because the Baby Boomers are retiring....)

4.7 Unemployment.
20,000 Dow
7 years of positive GDP Growth

Not to worry, you'll keep bending over for the 1%ers and blaming the black guy.
Great economy? If the economy is so great, why do we still have over 40 million Americans using food stamps? If the economy is so great, why do we have such a high percentage of Americans not working nor looking for a job? Can you tell me what DumBama did to contribute to this wonderful economy you speak of? I'm talking about actions/ results and proof of it.

Yawn... still whining from the "I hate Obama hymnbook", guy.

I've been all over this explaining to you that the Labor Participation Rate has been in decline since 1999, and why, which has nothing to do with Obama. (It's because the Baby Boomers are retiring....)

4.7 Unemployment.
20,000 Dow
7 years of positive GDP Growth

Not to worry, you'll keep bending over for the 1%ers and blaming the black guy.

Labor Force Participation rate.jpg
In other words, this thing really is all or nothing. Are you okay with that?
All or nothing? What planet are you on? Dems have steadily lost power across the nation. Nor is this a simple party issue, Trump brought in many blue collar dems to win. I don't know how many times it needs to be repeated before it can penetrate your brain. For some odd reason your mind can't accept it.

This isn't all or nothing. And predicting any failures at this point is just weird. Did you do that to Obama? My guess is no.
lol There is no high wire act here. President Trump laid out a clear set of goals during the campaign and now he is working on achieving in an orderly fashion. You are allowing yourself to be distracted by noise from confused, often hysterical Democrats and reporters who are trying to convince you there are problems when there are none.
There has never been a President like this guy. There has never been a temperament/personality in the White House like this guy.

That was a huge part of his appeal to his followers in the FIRST PLACE.

It's a risk for the party to have him representing them. That's what I mean by "high wire act".

If we can't even agree on that, never mind. We'll pretend this is just another presidency.

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