Trumps home raided by fbi

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A meme you stole from us. Because you have lost the culture, as I said.
LOL!!! The Trumpistas are becoming more and more unhinged. Now they think they own memes! I thought I heard it all when they implied that unprecedented = illegal. In that case unprecedented just means that no other president in our history has risen to this level of criminal arrogance.
That fact that you used a conservative meme meant to mock liberals is not about anyone's feelings. You did this, above. That's how ploddingly stupid the Left is. I feel no way about it. What is, is.
They have no creativity. Just religious lefty dogma and getting out “ the message”. That’s why they only know how to steal and subvert expectations. See Hollywood.
LOL!!! The Trumpistas are becoming more and more unhinged. Now they think they own memes! I thought I heard it all when they implied that unprecedented = illegal. In that case unprecedented just means that no other president in our history has risen to this level of criminal arrogance.
That's not the way it looks. You Nazis are reduced to fantasizing about "raiding" (raping) Alex Jones' wife. And this attack on the Republic you made didn't go the way you planned.

Spoken from experience no doubt since you idiots on the left have been throwing a temper tantrum since 2016 and are still at it.
In more recent news, I’m pretty sure there was an election in 2020 that you guys have been whining about non-stop.
Yeah, it may be something that we didn't otherwise know about.

he sure was fine with that golf tourney with them - & there's also a theory there might be some blackmailable stuff in that safe. i wonder why so many (R)s are so willing to grab their ankles for donny not even knowing what was seized. hmmmmm .... ms lindsey sure did pull a 180 about what he thought of trump after a few rounds of golf.
That's not the way it looks. You Nazis are reduced to fantasizing about "raiding" (raping) Alex Jones' wife. And this attack on the Republic you made didn't go the way you planned.
I think it was Roger Stone that was fantasizing about Jones’ wife. He’s the one that got the sexts.
LOL!!! The Trumpistas are becoming more and more unhinged. Now they think they own memes! I thought I heard it all when they implied that unprecedented = illegal. In that case unprecedented just means that no other president in our history has risen to this level of criminal arrogance.

We don't own memes. We're just better at it than you, because miserable people make horrid memes.
Sure we do.

You Nazis are facing annihilation in November and used the weaponized Gestapo to attack the political opposition.

Just like every other tin-horn dictator, Biden sent troops to silence the opposition when the power of the democrat Reich is threatened.
I’m not certain if Biden even knew about this.
And yet Trump is out of office

but he won't stfu ... or go away ... but he sure is still grifting his followers!

and you loons are still losing your shit about him on a daily basis.

' losing your shit ' ? naw.... not so much that, rather more along the lines of wanting to see a sociopathic traitor get nailed for his treason. against this country.

Too bad your pedo in chief is such a disaster that you can’t get a moment of peace. So sad. :(

lol ... what is sad is ^that^ lame reply. :confused:
And yet Trump is out of office and you loons are still losing your shit about him on a daily basis.

Too bad your pedo in chief is such a disaster that you can’t get a moment of peace. So sad. :(
Yea, it’s not like you guys were talking about Hillary forever even though she wasn’t in office or anything.

You can at least TRY to be consistent you know.
he sure was fine with that golf tourney with them - & there's also a theory there might be some blackmailable stuff in that safe. i wonder why so many (R)s are so willing to grab their ankles for donny not even knowing what was seized. hmmmmm .... ms lindsey sure did pull a 180 about what he thought of trump after a few rounds of golf.
Well, check out Fox and you'll see why they're acting like this. Holy crap, it's WWIII.
There is no law in this nation. The law is already dead.
That's the FIRST step in an Authoritarian s move, make you believe all of our institutions and backbone to our country, are corrupt, need abolishing, so that the wanna be Dictator can replace them all, with his own men.

Be careful!
People who haven't been raided by the FBI:

Hillary Clinton
Jeffrey Epstein's clients
Hunter Biden
Ray Epps
John & Tony Podesta
Perkins Coie
Marc Elias
Andrew McCabe
Larry Nassar
DC pipe bomber
Awan Brothers
Sandy Berger
Eric Swalwell
Contractors using NSA database

Obama or ANY of the DNC!!!
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