Trumps home raided by fbi

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hey bud..your side sure scrood the pooch on this plan. What big lie do you think they can com up with now that you can defend as lawful. LOLOL
hey bud..your side sure scrood the pooch on this plan. What big lie do you think they can com up with now that you can defend as lawful. LOLOL
An idiotic post. The judge and investigators are not on any side. And the person doing the crimin' is a republican. It's like you've had a traumatic head injury or something.
you nut. of course they are. Everyone sees that. I suspect you do too but since you're in the catbird seat you're gonna play stupid. Oh wait...maybe you've REDEFINED LEGAL.
You have no way of knowing anything about the warrant. Your feelings are irrelevant.
The warrant is known. Even with the complete breakdown of law in the nation, the Gestapo goons were forced to provide a copy of the warrant to the caretakers at Mar-a-Lago. Of course it was an illegal search because Trump was not there, but Garland and his thugs have no care about the law. Still the warrant was given to the staff who passed it on to Trump's legal team.

What your hate sites are conditioning you to bleat is that we don't know what was in the APPLICATION that was given to Epstein's lawyer as the basis of the warrant. Obviously mendacious criminal Garland dove to the bottom of the sewer to find Epstein's defense attorney as the only magistrate that would touch this.

Corrupt seeks corrupt, Garland and Reinhardt no doubt have prior history.

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home searched by FBI, former president says

"Federal Bureau of Investigation agents have executed a search warrant at former president Donald Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home at his Mar-a-Lago club, the ex-president said in a statement Monday evening.

Mr Trump said his Florida residence was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents” who, among other things, “broke into” a safe belonging to the ex-president."


The legal and political implications of this are - simply put - staggering.

The residence of a former President of the United States, subject to a search warrant and search process by the United States Department of Justice...

The noose tightens...
What BS are you lying about now? Can’t you admit it already, you endorse a communist state, grow a pair and tell the truth, pussy….
An idiotic post. The judge and investigators are not on any side. And the person doing the crimin' is a republican. It's like you've had a traumatic head injury or something.

Jeff Epstein's lawyer was busy on Twatter.

Americans aren't stupid. It's obvious. THIS was a political hit on Dem opposition to take him out of the 2024 election. This isn't going to work. This is malevolent, it is unamerican, it is ABHORRENT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE>

We have a miserable lying manipulated old fool sitting in the white house...and no one else is going to take the blame for his actions...he will...and the dems will write it off if and when they're taken to the wood shed for this, as a president suffering from dementia and they had nothing to do with it.

malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded, baleful, bitter, evil-intentioned, poisonous, venomous, evil, malign, malignant, rancorous, vicious, vindictive, revengeful, vengeful, pernicious...all of these.

AMERICANS SEE THIS. I SEE where you lefties are. NOW you have to double down. Best if you just shut your mouth at this point.
It was over "classified documents". A nothingburger. They sealed the probable cause.

This is bad for your side.

Watters asked about the warrant, and Habba said the attorneys on the ground weren’t given the warrant during the raid — they were only allowed to look at it.

Now, here’s Trump attorney Christina Bobb on Real America’s Voice. She was the attorney who was on site. She explains that they initially wouldn’t even let her see the warrant, but then did; they were reluctant to let them have it. It’s not clear from what she says if they ultimately were able to obtain it at some point. She also explained that the probable cause for the warrant was sealed, so that they can’t even know what it was unless they go to court to find out.

So she knows what they were looking for and refuses to disclose that

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