Trump's .. I'm Sorry

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explaining to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking facyt and not even disputable....get it now?
Since about 1970, the US dollar has been effectively backed by petroleum sales. OPEC demands all purchases be made in US dollars and this creates an artificial demand for USD that overwhelms anything our government does on the US economy alone.

When OPEC drops the dollar as its market reserve currency, we will see hyperinflation then and not likely prior to that.

The Saudis have us by the short hairs.
Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explaining to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking facyt and not even disputable....get it now?
Since about 1970, the US dollar has been effectively backed by petroleum sales. OPEC demands all purchases be made in US dollars and this creates an artificial demand for USD that overwhelms anything our government does on the US economy alone.

When OPEC drops the dollar as its market reserve currency, we will see hyperinflation then and not likely prior to that.

The Saudis have us by the short hairs.

The petro dollar is going to come crashing down in a big time way and frankly? I look forward to it...the soft, cushy little existence that the sheeple has come to expect is gonna end.......I will be eating popcorn while watching the show because I prepared.
The petro dollar is going to come crashing down in a big time way and frankly? I look forward to it...the soft, cushy little existence that the sheeple has come to expect is gonna end.......I will be eating popcorn while watching the show because I prepared.

Oh, friend, be careful what you wish for. That is a nightmare scenario with so many hidden factors to it....let me put it this way; we are talking about a world calamity as the ripple effects play out. A real global calamity. The collapsed global economy would lead to mass starvation, and that to massive plagues with the world medical community unfunded to respond.

We have to get off of petroleum as the commodity backing our dollar BEFORE that can happen.
If he is so sorry why won't he drop out? The guy knows that he shit on most of this country and disgraced his name.

Fuck him

We know Hillary won't drop out because she's desperate to enrich herself at our expense. She's just an obvious corporate whore, so fu...errr, no That visual is TOO disgusting, so just let her go to hell.
We know Hillary won't drop out because she's desperate to enrich herself at our expense. She's just an obvious corporate whore, so fu...errr, no That visual is TOO disgusting, so just let her go to hell.
I'm sure she already has plans on how she is going to take her bribes and how she will shuffle it better this time around.
The petro dollar is going to come crashing down in a big time way and frankly? I look forward to it...the soft, cushy little existence that the sheeple has come to expect is gonna end.......I will be eating popcorn while watching the show because I prepared.

Oh, friend, be careful what you wish for. That is a nightmare scenario with so many hidden factors to it....let me put it this way; we are talking about a world calamity as the ripple effects play out. A real global calamity. The collapsed global economy would lead to mass starvation, and that to massive plagues with the world medical community unfunded to respond.

We have to get off of petroleum as the commodity backing our dollar BEFORE that can happen.

Dude, don't fret.....there are inter-agency wars going on that most have no clue about....the "white hats" that are keeping the wolf at the door that are waiting for people to wake up. I am privy to information that nearly no one here would even be able to fathom thus I don't share it but it's gonna but tough sledding for at least a month and most only have 3 to 4 days worth of food and water. The controllers have the nuclear card to play and they want to use that to avoid prosecution. The collateral accounts via the Bretton Woods agreement are hanging in the balance. It's very much "touch and go" at this point. Some on the good side do not wish to negotiate and want to see the global elites stand trial...others want to give them an escape route in exchange for the nuclear weapons that they control but shit is going to get very dicey....make no mistake about that. It's a certainty. Regardless of the outcome, millions upon million of people are going to's unavoidable and that is a very sad fact to me.
The key to an apology is not to do it again....

Good luck with that
You don't think he can fake it for less than 3 months? How long has Melania been faking it?

No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor
I don't care if the rich get richer. Good for them. Do they HAVE to get poorer for the rest of us to do better? That's all that matters to me.
The key to an apology is not to do it again....

Good luck with that
You don't think he can fake it for less than 3 months? How long has Melania been faking it?

No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor

Wanna guess who controlled Congress and wrote the tax code for most of the last 80 years? It's those rules that have been widening the gap between rich and poor. You Democrats and the rich Republicans cooperate on protecting the $ of the rich.
The key to an apology is not to do it again....

Good luck with that
You don't think he can fake it for less than 3 months? How long has Melania been faking it?

No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor
I don't care if the rich get richer. Good for them. Do they HAVE to get poorer for the rest of us to do better? That's all that matters to me.

Until you understand how the central bank works and until you understand why the income tax law is unconstitutional? Your opinion means nothing because you lack knowledge...I am trying to help you with that.....
It's a certainty. Regardless of the outcome, millions upon million of people are going to's unavoidable and that is a very sad fact to me.
We can avoid millions of deaths, by making a gradual transition. Our currency needs to be taken off oil as the backing commodity. The Oligarchs need to be put back in their cages. The thugs need to be put DOWN if they wont mind the law and the rest put into emergency educational camps.

There are solutions and ways around massive slaughter.

But if these guys think that they can not avoid it, it is doomed to happen anyway, avoidable or not.
Until you understand how the central bank works and until you understand why the income tax law is unconstitutional? Your opinion means nothing because you lack knowledge...I am trying to help you with that.....
When we can make anything we need ourselves, from clothing to houses to automobiles and flying cars....the rich can kiss my ass.
It's a certainty. Regardless of the outcome, millions upon million of people are going to's unavoidable and that is a very sad fact to me.
We can avoid millions of deaths, by making a gradual transition. Our currency needs to be taken off oil as the backing commodity. The Oligarchs need to be put back in their cages. The thugs need to be put DOWN if they wont mind the law and the rest put into emergency educational camps.

There are solutions and ways around massive slaughter.

But if these guys think that they can not avoid it, it is doomed to happen anyway, avoidable or not.

Exactly and their survival is first and foremost that is why we are in such a precarious position.....
You don't think he can fake it for less than 3 months? How long has Melania been faking it?

No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor
I don't care if the rich get richer. Good for them. Do they HAVE to get poorer for the rest of us to do better? That's all that matters to me.

Until you understand how the central bank works and until you understand why the income tax law is unconstitutional? Your opinion means nothing because you lack knowledge...I am trying to help you with that.....
No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor

Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?
Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor

Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor

Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
You think Trump will? LOL. That's a hoot. He'll say one thing to get elected and then be the worst president ever. Or since GW Bush.
One apologizes because he’s truly contrite, not because his handlers instructed him to do so.

And Trump clearly isn’t ‘sorry’ – otherwise he wouldn’t advocate that US citizens be ‘deported’ for their ‘extreme views,’ and that Americans be subject to racial and religious profiling.
True, I saw his speech and he does genuinely regret saying the wrong things, because it's hurt him in the polls. He wasn't feeling it when he said "especially if it caused people pain." That was in his phony, I'm-talking-to-a-child voice. As was a good part of his speech. When he takes on that "I'm going to read you a bedtime story now" tone of voice, take it with a grain of salt.

While I am not convinced that Trump is legit? I would lay down some truth bombs that would make the Fabian socialists soil themselves with pseudo indignation...and I would invite one of their "peers" to debate me and let the masses decide. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I would have the little commie POS tongue -tied, stuttering and stammering much to my's what I do.......with utter ease. (snicker)

Fredo chimes in

I'm not stupid...I'm Smart
Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
You think Trump will? LOL. That's a hoot. He'll say one thing to get elected and then be the worst president ever. Or since GW Bush.

"You think Trump will?" No, I don't. I don't support Trump anymore than I support Clinton. But, you're an ignorant hypocrite if you condemn Trump while claiming Clinton is a better choice.

Vote Jill Stein. SHE embodies the things that Bernie believed before he was raped by the DNC/Clinton machine.

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