Trump's .. I'm Sorry

If he is so sorry why won't he drop out? The guy knows that he shit on most of this country and disgraced his name.

Fuck him

Because he cares about the country and doesn't want Hillary running it......she disgraced her na.....oh wait Bill trashed it first, she lit it on fire.
I think that may have been the closest Trump has ever come to an actual apology in his life. Wasn't a real apology, but it was close. He was trying. It was the first time he's actually said something as a fully grown adult.

At least he admitted he has done wrong. The liar Clinton has never admitted she has bee wrong! Even when she has been caught red handed (aka the personal server) she continues the lie.

She is the most corrupt and dishonest candidate to ever run for office. You think she gives a shit about the people? She would shit on the people!

Actually she has apologized multiple times for the emails.

When was that? To call what Trump said lame when he said he regretted things he said with Hillary saying she regrets something she didn't really do is laughable

Why does EVERYTHING always have to be spoonfed to conservatives?

“That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” Mrs. Clinton said in an interview with David Muir of ABC News broadcast Tuesday night. “And I’m trying to be as transparent as I possibly can.”
Looks like Trump is trying to be like Hillary and show some humility and admit when he's wrong. And make no mistake that's what Trump is. WRONG.

Donald Trump Says He's Sorry (Sort Of)
No, I think he will go back to the same old stupid shit

He can't help it

Explain to me how the Hitlery is a better choice to be the figurehead of USA.INC....explain to me as to how Hitlery, a favorite of of the CFR and Wall Street could POSSIBLY improve the lifestyle of the middle class...what exactly is her plan?????

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor
I don't care if the rich get richer. Good for them. Do they HAVE to get poorer for the rest of us to do better? That's all that matters to me.

Until you understand how the central bank works and until you understand why the income tax law is unconstitutional? Your opinion means nothing because you lack knowledge...I am trying to help you with that.....
In a rare moment Trump expressed some remorse for his divisive rhetoric and personal attacks. The GOP presidential nominee was speaking from prepared remarks, the third such speech he has delivered in a week. He’s not sorry. He’s just reading a speech someone told him he had to stand up and give. But he’s at least better at admitting he’s wrong than the Fonz was.

Why the Gap Between Rich & Poor Is Widening -

Then there's the current tax rate structure, according to a separate, recently released analysis by the Congressional Research Service. The average federal income tax rate for the highest-income taxpayers has been falling steadily for the past 60 years, according to the report. Most recently, the so-called Bush tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 lowered the top marginal tax rate from 36.9 percent to 35 percent.

The natural effect of lower tax rates is that the wealthiest get to keep more of their income, which tends to widen the gap between rich and poor

Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
So is every other politician in Washington except maybe Ron Paul and Rand Paul. So what are you going to do about it?

I think that may have been the closest Trump has ever come to an actual apology in his life. Wasn't a real apology, but it was close. He was trying. It was the first time he's actually said something as a fully grown adult.

At least he admitted he has done wrong. The liar Clinton has never admitted she has bee wrong! Even when she has been caught red handed (aka the personal server) she continues the lie.

She is the most corrupt and dishonest candidate to ever run for office. You think she gives a shit about the people? She would shit on the people!

Actually she has apologized multiple times for the emails.

When was that? To call what Trump said lame when he said he regretted things he said with Hillary saying she regrets something she didn't really do is laughable

Why does EVERYTHING always have to be spoonfed to conservatives?

“That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” Mrs. Clinton said in an interview with David Muir of ABC News broadcast Tuesday night. “And I’m trying to be as transparent as I possibly can.”

You call me a "conservative" then ask why things need to be spoonfed to me? :lmao:

Dumb ass.

Trump was clear that he was apologizing for his own statements. Hillary kept flip flopping and changing what she was sorry for. She even claimed Comey said all her statements were truthful, which he clearly did not say. All he said was "she did not lie to the FBI." He said it several times
You'd think Democrats would like this .. :dunno:

View attachment 86087

Obama was right on target, fits trumps supporters


I'm sorry. Not really. But I'm sorry. Fuck you.
Just imagine what a prick this guy would be if he ever won.

Yes, we need someone who's just a good person. Like Hillary. Just hope no one you care for gets assaulted by her husband, she'll take the lead on destroying her in the media. Hope you're never in a place like Libya and hope you never need the military to come help you as well ...
If it wasn't so obvious you guys are using the soldiers who died in Benghazi as political footballs.

So you admit you're just using the deaths in Iraq as "political footballs." Got it.

Actually that you're an intellectual slut and don't mean anything you say doesn't mean others are the same way. Some are, but many of us are not
It's just too easy to see you are being intellectually dishonest. We get it. It's an election year. You guys really got nothing to run on so you are going to exaggerate everything. Pathetic really and not going to work.

We? Don't have the gonads to speak for yourself, do you?

I'm sorry. Not really. But I'm sorry. Fuck you.
Just imagine what a prick this guy would be if he ever won.

Yes, we need someone who's just a good person. Like Hillary. Just hope no one you care for gets assaulted by her husband, she'll take the lead on destroying her in the media. Hope you're never in a place like Libya and hope you never need the military to come help you as well ...
If it wasn't so obvious you guys are using the soldiers who died in Benghazi as political footballs.

Which of those involved administration cover ups and failure to act like Hitlary did in Benghazi? I'm not aware that any of them did. Link?

You know that's the issue, not just that people died. Cut the crap
Shut the fuck up you partisan piece of crap

Soldier Speaks Up A Decade After Pat Tillman's Friendly-Fire Death

What Really Happened To Pat Tillman?


Partisan? Democrats are stupid as shit, you don't see me starting all the anti-Trump threads or arguing all over the board with Republicans and Trump supporters. You only see when I disagree with you. Stop staring at your navel
I think that may have been the closest Trump has ever come to an actual apology in his life. Wasn't a real apology, but it was close. He was trying. It was the first time he's actually said something as a fully grown adult.

At least he admitted he has done wrong. The liar Clinton has never admitted she has bee wrong! Even when she has been caught red handed (aka the personal server) she continues the lie.

She is the most corrupt and dishonest candidate to ever run for office. You think she gives a shit about the people? She would shit on the people!

Actually she has apologized multiple times for the emails.

When was that? To call what Trump said lame when he said he regretted things he said with Hillary saying she regrets something she didn't really do is laughable

Why does EVERYTHING always have to be spoonfed to conservatives?

“That was a mistake. I’m sorry about that. I take responsibility,” Mrs. Clinton said in an interview with David Muir of ABC News broadcast Tuesday night. “And I’m trying to be as transparent as I possibly can.”
Looks like Trump is trying to be like Hillary and show some humility and admit when he's wrong. And make no mistake that's what Trump is. WRONG.

Donald Trump Says He's Sorry (Sort Of)

He's not being like Hitlary at all. He was clear what he's sorry for
Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
So is every other politician in Washington except maybe Ron Paul and Rand Paul. So what are you going to do about it?

I stand are "awake"....good on ya. I apologize for the insults....
He regrets things he has said. Not because he is sorry. But because they hurt his chances. If he can articulate what, exactly, he is sorry about...and why....he might reach the level of adult.
You got your fucking apology. You people can kiss his ass; were moving on,
He regrets things he has said. Not because he is sorry. But because they hurt his chances. If he can articulate what, exactly, he is sorry about...and why....he might reach the level of adult.
You got your fucking apology. You people can kiss his ass; were moving on,

Ya think so, huh?
trump just gave another amazing speech in Diamonddale, Michigan, appealing to African Americans, challenging them with "what have you got to lose?" He even toured flood ravaged Louisiana. Where was Hillary and Obama? It was a good day of many to come for Daddy Trump!
Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
You think Trump will? LOL. That's a hoot. He'll say one thing to get elected and then be the worst president ever. Or since GW Bush.

"You think Trump will?" No, I don't. I don't support Trump anymore than I support Clinton. But, you're an ignorant hypocrite if you condemn Trump while claiming Clinton is a better choice.

Vote Jill Stein. SHE embodies the things that Bernie believed before he was raped by the DNC/Clinton machine.

If I lived in a slam dunk red or blue state, I'd vote Jill Stein. Don't throw away your vote on someone who's going to win/lose those electoral votes no matter what you vote. But I live in Michigan. I can not stand the thought of a Republican White House, Senate & House. Damn right Hillary and the Democrats are the lesser of two evils. In a two party system, one party is always the lesser of the two evils.

I am glad Trump is the GOP nominee. Of all the Republicans, he's the only one I can stand the thought of being President. For all the reasons you guys are voting for Trump, a small part of me hopes he wins to see what he can do. But you will NEVER convince me to vote for him. He will have to win without me and then win me over in 4 years. But it's possible. I just believe Trump will be the most corrupt most hypocritical lying piece of shit President this country has ever seen. He's already proven to me to be unfit for the office.

But imagine that even after saying that about him, I'd still rather him than Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Jeb, Carson, Carli, etc. What does that say about the GOP? I'll tell you what Trump does for me. He vindicates that all these years I was right about the GOP. And NONE of the USMB members ever would admit it. But voting for Trump says more than their words ever will. Why didn't they love Rubio? Why didn't they nominate Cruz? What was wrong with Jeb? EXACTLY! They are pieces of shit.

I have always considered the Democrats the lesser of the two evils. I saw my union dad save $700,000 in his life because of his UNION job and I know which party hates unions. I could give you a million reasons why I will never vote GOP until they show me something. Don't just tell me Hillary is just as bad as you. Show me you are better than her.

I know you're slow, but I'm not going to vote for Trump. I'm not going to throw my vote away. I'm going to vote for a person that embodies my values and while you may feel it's a waste, I'm not partisan enough to believe it has to be one or the other.
Oh STFU, you don't have a fucking clue as to why we have such a gap and it has nothing to do with the bartering of one's time in one hour are yet another clueless pseudo intellectual.
For the past three decades, America has steadily become a nation of haves and have-nots. Our incomes are increasingly drastically unequal: the top 1% of Americans collect almost 20% of the nation's income-more than double their share in 1973. We have less equality of income than Venezuela, Kenya, or Yemen.

What economics Nobelist Paul Krugman terms "the Great Divergence" has until now been treated as little more than a talking point, a club to be wielded in ideological battles. But it may be the most important change in this country during our lifetimes-a sharp, fundamental shift in the character of American society, and not at all for the better.

The income gap has been blamed on everything from computers to immigration, but its causes and consequences call for a patient, non-partisan exploration. In The Great Divergence, Timothy Noah delivers this urgently needed inquiry, ignoring political rhetoric and drawing on the best work of contemporary researchers to peer beyond conventional wisdom. Noah explains not only how the Great Divergence has come about, but why it threatens American democracy-and most important, how we can begin to reverse it.

Look, you stupid fuck....tell me how we can EVER have a fair monetary system with a central bank that extends credit from nothing...explain to us how stealing from others is going to level the playing field while paying interest on "money" that never existed to begin with. I get really tired of trying to explain to stupid fucks like you that refuse to open their's exhausting. Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate is ran by international's a fucking fact and not even disputable....get it now?
The funny thing is, I completely agree with you. But try to have that conversation with the Republicans and you'll see it gets shut down so fast your head will spin. I know the banks were taken over in 1913. You are preaching to the choir. Freedom to Fascism baby! But try explaining that to the public. And in the end, don't tell me it's the Republicans who are going to fix this. They're so far up the bankers asses and you think they care?

If you are going to vote Trump cool but then how do you vote for Republican governors, senators and house members? Must be cognitive dissonance kicking in.

Are you telling me Republicans are for cleaning up the Federal Reserve now?

You can't imagine that the corporate whore would do ANYTHING to clean up the Federal Reserve can you? She's part of the establishment and bought and paid for by the corporations.
So is every other politician in Washington except maybe Ron Paul and Rand Paul. So what are you going to do about it?

I'm going to turn my back on partisan thinking and vote for Jill Stein, a candidate with integrity.
I think that may have been the closest Trump has ever come to an actual apology in his life. Wasn't a real apology, but it was close. He was trying. It was the first time he's actually said something as a fully grown adult.

No he wasn't trying.

He regrets things he has said. Not because he is sorry. But because they hurt his chances. If he can articulate what, exactly, he is sorry about...and why....he might reach the level of adult.

Well, it's Trump or this... aka BJ Bill

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I'm going to turn my back on partisan thinking and vote for Jill Stein, a candidate with integrity
I agree. Jill is young, smart and much healthier than Clinton. I suggested earlier for Democrats to dump Clinton and go with Jill.
Regretting one's actions is NOT tantamount to an apology. No doubt he "regrets" what he said because it tanked his poll numbers.

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