Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Then do it on your own. How many abortions did not happen because of you? No no - do not give this answer to me. Give it to god
You? I? ...A good idea.
Oh ... I'm nearly never using a mirror. Last time an old man looked out of the mirror - an illusion, because inside I'm young.
Tststststs ... ever thought about why some teachings exist? This is not a teaching for everyone in all situations - but how often had you been president of the USA for example? I understood very well ... no that's not right ... For example I understood that it is possible that the sudden end of the war in Afghanistan was perhaps really the best of all possible ways - although Afghanistan is now currently the most sad nation of the world.
The Christian religion is no ideology.
What about the stones at your feet? Kill them - they are immoral.
He visited Germany and liked to eat a simple barbecue. It was the most expensive barbecue which ever had happened in Germany because of the security costs.
God always helps.
1. Each State can now set abortion limits. Many set limits like 16-weeks like many EU countries have. Others allow unrestricted abortions. We vote for pro-life or pro-abortion candidates.
2. Orphanages. Pro-life states can use them if adoptions don't work.
3. The US gave AFG the aid to defeat the Taliban. They chose not to fight. Now they can live with their decision.
4. Religion vs ideology? Both deal with beliefs. Religion is belief based, ideology can be science based.

ideology: noun​

  1. A set of doctrines or beliefs that are shared by the members of a social group or that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.
  2. The science of ideas or of mind; a name applied by the later disciples of the French philosopher Condillac to the history and evolution of human ideas, considered as so many successive forms or modes of certain original or transformed sensations; that system of mental philosophy which derives knowledge exclusively from sensation.
  3. The science of ideas.
5. Immorality has many definitions. Here in the US we parents don't want schools exposing kids to deviate sexuality. Schools should only teach math, science, and other academic subjects, not sexuality.
6. Nancy Pelosi retired from being speaker. She was very smart. Kamala Harris, Biden's Vice-president, is as dumb as a brick.
That is a lot of word just to avoid saying you lied. But, hey you do you!
I understand most Dems are not smart enough to discern hyperbole, and the few that are pretend they aren’t.

Yes, I’ll do me. Doing you would be a nightmare.

I’ve often thought I could make some serious coin pretending to be one of you, and scamming stupid people. But I fear I would lose my soul.
I’ve often thought I could make some serious coin pretending to be one of you, and scamming stupid people. But I fear I would lose my soul.

Like your god Trump does?

I think you would make a great little Trump.
You are lecturing Trump supporters about things you except in your own friends ( ie cheating/adultery)? What a hypocrite.

What the fuck are you talking about? I do not expect anyone to cheat on their spouse.

Have you been hitting the gin already?
What the fuck are you talking about? I do not expect anyone to cheat on their spouse.

Have you been hitting the gin already?
You posted several long winded posts in another thread explaining in great detail all about your homosexual co workers open relationships. As related to a conversation about same sex marriage.

Now here you are condemning cheating in heterosexual relationships.

You are full of shit.
I am not bothered at all. In fact I pity folks who think anything outside of missionary style sex is of the devil.
Nobody said that.. why do you continually make up straw men to argue against? Have fun arguing with yourself, if you want to know what people actually think, there’s a world beyond your biased, incorrect assumptions
You posted several long winded posts in another thread explaining in great detail all about your homosexual co workers open relationships. As related to a conversation about same sex marriage.

Now here you are condemning cheating in heterosexual relationships.

You are full of shit.

My gay co-worker is not in the open relationship, that is a straight co-worker. Do try and keep up.

I condemn cheating in all relationships, straight or gay.

And having co-workers do things does not mean I expect my friends to do them.

You have been hitting the gin a tad too early.
Which again speaks volumes about you.

That you see nothing at all wrong with cheating on a spouse is what is actually depraved.
especially when (if I recall) that poster is a "Christian"

Most Christians do not at all condone Trump's past infidelities. We just figure they are in the past. He didn't cheat on his wife in the People's House like Clinton did.

As far as we know, T hasn't cheated in many years.

Liberals cannot forgive their political opponents, though. That's real Christian, isn't it?
especially when (if I recall) that poster is a "Christian"

Most Christians do not at all condone Trump's past infidelities. We just figure they are in the past. He didn't cheat on his wife in the People's House like Clinton did.

As far as we know, T hasn't cheated in many years.

Liberals cannot forgive their political opponents, though. That's real Christian, isn't it?

Do you see a lot of forgiveness from the self proclaimed Christians on this forum for Hillary or Biden or Obama?
Democrats have assigned themselves the roll of the “ moral authority”.

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