Trump's "jobs" plan



So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
The jobs aren't coming back, elect the first candidate who comes along and tells the truth.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
Leftist smears don't become fact simply because they are uttered.
Apparently you are the rude kind of person who tells his wife that, yes, the dress makes her butt look bigger.

Dont confuse the lefty with facts, please, it is rude and a waste of your time anyway.
So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.

What do you mean you don't get any return Rderp by investing in the military?

Posting stupid again and don't want your minions to know about high paid Union military contract jobs?

Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
Without education? Anyone who goes to school in this country with the attitude they're there to succeed gets an education.

Riff-raff losers on the other hand who show up at school to socialize, build their street cred, disrupt, disrespect authority, or otherwise act like the stupid jackasses they are get exactly what they deserve, and no amount of additional money can affect that.
Well after the left got its ass whooped again I thought they would get some new talking points but no, its still Republicans are racist, Republicans hate education, Republicans hate the environment my God its the same old boring shit for the last 40 years.

The left fear Trump, they fear Trump will succeed in bringing jobs back, raising wages, Trump will succeed in improving the lives of the poor and middle class where they have failed, THAT'S why they attack Trump like a pack of rabid dogs.
Well after the left got its ass whooped again I thought they would get some new talking points but no, its still Republicans are racist, Republicans hate education, Republicans hate the environment my God its the same old boring shit for the last 40 years.

The left fear Trump, they fear Trump will succeed in bringing jobs back, raising wages, Trump will succeed in improving the lives of the poor and middle class where they have failed, THAT'S why they attack Trump like a pack of rabid dogs.
So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.

More whining from the LWNJ's....poor babies...

Well after the left got its ass whooped again I thought they would get some new talking points but no, its still Republicans are racist, Republicans hate education, Republicans hate the environment my God its the same old boring shit for the last 40 years.

The left fear Trump, they fear Trump will succeed in bringing jobs back, raising wages, Trump will succeed in improving the lives of the poor and middle class where they have failed, THAT'S why they attack Trump like a pack of rabid dogs.

Ahahaha we own the House, Senate, White House, and are about to turn the SCOTUS conservative for the next 30 years, you libs are fucked. :eusa_dance:
Ahahaha we own the House, Senate, White House, and are about to turn the SCOTUS conservative for the next 30 years, you libs are fucked. :eusa_dance:

30 years...damn you are just so impressive. Can I quote you on that in 4?

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