Trump's "jobs" plan

dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?
i dont get why you call me a stalker for asking questions about what you post.....most people react to your posts by calling you a derp,or some other choice name,at least i try and engage you.....if you cant handle questions maybe you should use your vast intellect and learn what a political forum is and what happens in them,its not a one way street dean,you say something people reply to what you say,what is it you dont get about that?.........and as far as republicans and what they have done for education,why dont you try asking one,there are enough of them around how about answering my question? say republicans hate education and want to end it and yet you cant show anyone here a republican,ANY republican, saying they want to eliminate education....cutting the Education budget is not eliminating it,Gov Brown made some big cuts in education out here and took a lot of flake for it from his fellow Democrats,does he want to end it too? where is that mighty link you say you always put up?...
at least you are consistent dean....exact same answer as the other times i asked.....then you wonder why people think you are a dick and treat you accordingly...
I explained to you before Minimind. It has to do with how you define education.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

When you want to teach Noah's Ark as history.

An earth only thousands of years old.

Making fun of algebra

and magically created humans,


wait for it,


You are abolishing education and replacing it with propaganda. Is that simple enough for your simple mind?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?

Simple ---- what you consider positive, I disagree with .... and what i consider positive, you disagree with.

Therefore, if I post what I consider positive, you will disagree, and we'll continue to dance in circles, expending a lot of energy and accomplishing exactly nothing.
If you don't give examples, then who knows what you are talking about?

Obviously, you need to order the Cliff Notes version. Just send me $19.95 (plus S&H), and I'll get those right out to you.
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?
i dont get why you call me a stalker for asking questions about what you post.....most people react to your posts by calling you a derp,or some other choice name,at least i try and engage you.....if you cant handle questions maybe you should use your vast intellect and learn what a political forum is and what happens in them,its not a one way street dean,you say something people reply to what you say,what is it you dont get about that?.........and as far as republicans and what they have done for education,why dont you try asking one,there are enough of them around how about answering my question? say republicans hate education and want to end it and yet you cant show anyone here a republican,ANY republican, saying they want to eliminate education....cutting the Education budget is not eliminating it,Gov Brown made some big cuts in education out here and took a lot of flake for it from his fellow Democrats,does he want to end it too? where is that mighty link you say you always put up?...
at least you are consistent dean....exact same answer as the other times i asked.....then you wonder why people think you are a dick and treat you accordingly...
I explained to you before Minimind. It has to do with how you define education.

Republican calls algebra "fuzzy math" for using letters with numbers.

When you want to teach Noah's Ark as history.

An earth only thousands of years old.

Making fun of algebra

and magically created humans,


wait for it,


You are abolishing education and replacing it with propaganda. Is that simple enough for your simple mind?
so a small percentage of righties go with that,and to your small mind,thats everyone of them? i said dean,obsession,it distorts how you look at why dont you back up what you have been saying ever since you have been any righty,even a religious one,stating that they want to eliminate education....where is that vaunted link of yours?...

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