Trump's "jobs" plan

Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?

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They actually believe Trump will bring jobs back when most lost jobs are because of automation. Many companies have returned but the jobs are now automated. Even auto workers have lost two thirds of their jobs to automation.
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

You stupid fuck. trump, in his own words, said that he will kick them out and let them right back in with visas. How if THAT deporting and protecting American jobs?
Liar. Pretty stupid to spew your spitball of hate when people know better. He said they need to come in legally, there's a process and limits set on immigration. If someone is deported it's not an automatic return. In fact it already shows they are criminals.

Hate? Where? Funny...I thought I was addressing the illegal alien problem. Lol, hate, racist....same shit...
Don't blame automation for high unemployment: another view
The economy grew by more than 25% over the past decade, but the number of employed US workers remained stagnant. Have we really automated that much?

By Joe McKendrick | January 10, 2012 -- 08:33 GMT (00:33 PST) | Topic: Innovation

  • handed them off to customers), leaving wide gaps in employment opportunities. Digitization is replacing many manual tasks -- not just on assembly lines, but also for jobs ranging from paralegals to even sportswriters.

    So, automation and robotics have become convenient scapegoats for the state of the US economy, battered by persistently high unemployment.

    Nevertheless, output is now at record levels. There are two reasons we've been able to produce a lot more with fewer workers. There's offshore production, in which goods and services are generated overseas, mainly in Asia. Then there's automation -- which increasingly may bring production back to these shores, but without ramping up hiring.

    However, as David J. Lynch, writing in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, points out, technology spending, while robust, isn't necessarily growing fast enough to explain the situation. "The classic relationship between rising output and rising employment—known as Okun’s Law—now appears to be broken," he points out. "If the law, which postulates that every 3 percent gain in output should reduce the jobless rate by a percentage point, still applied, then today’s nearly 9 percent rate would be about 1 percent."

    So, with all this output, employment should be soaring as well. But total employment, at least in the United States, is actually lower than it was a decade ago. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says about 140.8 million people were working as of December 2011, off the peak of 146 million in 2007, and not much higher than 137 million a decade ago. But output hasn't been too shabby in recent times. As Lynch puts it:

    "The U.S. produces almost one-quarter more goods and services today than it did in 1999, while using almost precisely the same number of workers. It’s as if $2.5 trillion worth of stuff—the equivalent of the entire U.S. economy circa 1958—materialized out of thin air."

    Yet, Lynch says, total capital expenditures on technology and automation are "still barely running ahead of replacement costs."

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    The culprit, he argues, is lack of demand. "By the Congressional Budget Office’s reckoning, total output in the third quarter was 5 percent below potential. That amounts to almost $800 billion of missing demand—enough to occupy both man and machine."

    Of course, that begs the question of what it will take to rev up demand. The global economy is one part of the solution -- all that offshoring of jobs has created growing middle classes in emerging economies, especially in Asia. And the efficiencies technology has brought to our manufacturing base mean North American production sites can now compete better in a global economy.

    This post was originally
Don't Blame Technology for Persistent Unemployment
By James Bessen


A woman uses an ATM machine in London.

Photo by BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images

Are machines stealing our jobs? Automated teller machines handle transactions formerly done by bank tellers; accounting software does tasks that bookkeepers used to do; and e-commerce cuts out sales clerks. According to MIT professors Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, technology is causing persistent unemployment and a slow recovery from the Great Recession.

But according to the Occupational Employment Survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more bank tellers, more bookkeepers, and more sales clerks in 2009 than there were in 1999—three-quarters of a million more despite the recession. How can this be? The answer is important because it determines what kind of policies will hasten the economic recovery.

At least since Karl Marx, people have been predicting that technology would create mass unemployment. However, these predictions were consistently wrong because they ignored the offsetting benefits of automation. For example, during the 19th century, machines took over tasks performed by weavers, eliminating 98 percent of the labor needed to weave a yard of cloth. But this mechanization also brought a benefit: It sharply reduced the price of cloth, so people consumed much more. Greater demand for cloth meant that the number of textile jobs quadrupled despite the automation.

Something similar is happening in quite a few occupations today. Because ATMs perform many teller transactions, fewer tellers are needed to operate a bank branch. But because it costs less to operate a branch office, banks dramatically increased the number of branches in order to reach a bigger market. More bank branches means more tellers, despite fewer tellers per branch.

Although ATM technology did not eliminate bank tellers, it did change the way tellers work and the skills they require. They now perform relatively fewer simple transactions in favor of complex ones, and they provide the personal service that is an important part of “relationship banking.” When technology eliminates some tasks involved in a job, it makes remaining, related tasks more valuable. Sometimes this greater value can create job growth.

In other cases, technology creates offsetting job growth in different occupations or industry segments. For example, word processors and voice mail systems reduced the numbers of typists and switchboard operators, but these technologies also increased the number of more highly skilled secretaries and receptionists, offsetting the job losses. Similarly, Amazon may have eliminated jobs at Borders and other national book chains that relied on bestsellers, but the number of independent booksellers has been growing and with it, more jobs for sales clerks who can provide selections and advice that Amazon cannot easily match.

But in some cases, the benefits of technology do not offset job losses from automation. This is especially true in mature manufacturing technologies. So even though textile technology created jobs during the 19th century, recent advances in weaving have eliminated jobs. Technology continues to drive down the price of cloth, but lower prices no longer motivate consumers to buy much more clothing. Demand does too little to offset the labor-eliminating effect of automation.

So technology will only generate persistent unemployment when it no longer brings major new goods and services that consumers want. And there is no evidence that this is the case today any more than it was the case 200 years ago.

So don’t blame technology for persistent unemployment. A more likely culprit is the move to austerity in economic policy. The recovery from the Great Recession has been accompanied by government spending cuts and the largest downsizing of government employment in modern history. Moreover, manufacturing—where technology has its greatest negative impact on jobs—has been hurt by offshoring. Technology does place a burden on displaced workers: They often suffer lower wages until they learn the skills to use new technology. The need for new skills might explain why wages are stagnant. But technology is not the cause of the slow economic recover
US Unemployment Is 7.9%—Are Robots to Blame?
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Boudreaux notes (in direct response to the 60 Minutes piece), “Are robots in 2013, for example, replacing factory workers faster than motorized farm equipment in 1913 replaced farmhands? Maybe; maybe not. The answer isn’t obvious.”

But whether this time is different may be beside the point. There will always be a degree of uneasiness as new technology replaces human workers. The question is, "What can you do about it?" Or as it was posed in a recent members discussion thread, “What’s worth studying?” How can you predict what skills will be valued in the future?

The answer now, as ever, is you can’t. We may value learning new languages as business goes global. But soon real-time universal translators will do the job better. Today, doctors strive for an encyclopedic knowledge of medicine. But AIs like Watson may soon make rote learning less useful and analysis more so. Which is probably a good guide in general—you can't predict exactly what will be needed, but you can hone universal skills. Learn how to be a good learner.

Ultimately, technology frees us from one task so we can focus on another. Boudreaux again, “As was true 200 years ago, the falling costs of satisfying some wants (such as those for food and clothing) enable us to turn our attention to satisfying other wants, many of which today were unimaginable to our 19th-century ancestors.”

No job is secure from the coming robot invasion—not even the writing of news stories. But if robots taking over for humans in some realms allows us to pursue multitudes of new, creative, and as yet inconceivable paths…then long live the bots.
So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.
Trump won't need a "jobs plan"

All of the Economists that know what they're doing predicted job growth beginning in 2016. They were all saying that back in 2007.

He just needs to sit back and take the credit
obama care was written for and by the health care companies and was designed to fail.
[Qcant we have a tollOTE="Iceweasel, post: 15886935, member: 46539"]No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?[/QUOTE]
And cant we have a toll at the wall? Make illegals pay $3 to pass. They'll be coming as "tourists" but we no better.

And put a ankle bracelet on all Mexicans visiting. And lie detector tests to Muslim immigrants. Do you love America? Do you agree with sharia law? Did you dance and go lalala on 9-11?
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

You stupid fuck. trump, in his own words, said that he will kick them out and let them right back in with visas. How if THAT deporting and protecting American jobs?
Liar. Pretty stupid to spew your spitball of hate when people know better. He said they need to come in legally, there's a process and limits set on immigration. If someone is deported it's not an automatic return. In fact it already shows they are criminals.

Hate? Where? Funny...I thought I was addressing the illegal alien problem. Lol, hate, racist....same shit...
No, you lied about Trump's position then thought you wouldn't get called on it.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?

Simple ---- what you consider positive, I disagree with .... and what i consider positive, you disagree with.

Therefore, if I post what I consider positive, you will disagree, and we'll continue to dance in circles, expending a lot of energy and accomplishing exactly nothing.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?
i dont get why you call me a stalker for asking questions about what you post.....most people react to your posts by calling you a derp,or some other choice name,at least i try and engage you.....if you cant handle questions maybe you should use your vast intellect and learn what a political forum is and what happens in them,its not a one way street dean,you say something people reply to what you say,what is it you dont get about that?.........and as far as republicans and what they have done for education,why dont you try asking one,there are enough of them around how about answering my question? say republicans hate education and want to end it and yet you cant show anyone here a republican,ANY republican, saying they want to eliminate education....cutting the Education budget is not eliminating it,Gov Brown made some big cuts in education out here and took a lot of flake for it from his fellow Democrats,does he want to end it too? where is that mighty link you say you always put up?...
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?
i dont get why you call me a stalker for asking questions about what you post.....most people react to your posts by calling you a derp,or some other choice name,at least i try and engage you.....if you cant handle questions maybe you should use your vast intellect and learn what a political forum is and what happens in them,its not a one way street dean,you say something people reply to what you say,what is it you dont get about that?.........and as far as republicans and what they have done for education,why dont you try asking one,there are enough of them around how about answering my question? say republicans hate education and want to end it and yet you cant show anyone here a republican,ANY republican, saying they want to eliminate education....cutting the Education budget is not eliminating it,Gov Brown made some big cuts in education out here and took a lot of flake for it from his fellow Democrats,does he want to end it too? where is that mighty link you say you always put up?...
at least you are consistent dean....exact same answer as the other times i asked.....then you wonder why people think you are a dick and treat you accordingly...
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
dean i have asked you this before and all i got was your standard dance around the question....can you show a righty saying you dont need any education or schools should be eliminated......lets see your link that you claim you always provide....just askin....again....
It's how we accept the definition of education. To me, education includes science, which includes evolution, vaccines and climate change.

Teaching Evolution in School is Doomed

Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

$5.4 Billion Spending Cut Already Taking a Toll on Schools - The Texas Observer

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Now I could start going through Red States where Republicans cut education in their state by hundreds of millions.

Scott Walker cut school funding more than any governor, Greater Wisconsin Committee claims

This Is What Happens When Republicans Try to Destroy Public Education

And then your argument is just because they want to destroy it doesn't mean they want to destroy it. So until you can post something positive about education and Republicans, stop stalking me.
asking questions about what you post is stalking you?..that was an educated answer...your problem dean is you dont like it when you get asked stuff about what you post...why dont you start acting like a guy with an education and start answering questions instead of just answering like a clueless person would....or is answering legitimate questions beyond your mental capacity?....
Why don't you post something positive Republicans have accomplished that concerns education? Can't you? If I'm wrong, prove it. What is it you don't get?

Simple ---- what you consider positive, I disagree with .... and what i consider positive, you disagree with.

Therefore, if I post what I consider positive, you will disagree, and we'll continue to dance in circles, expending a lot of energy and accomplishing exactly nothing.
If you don't give examples, then who knows what you are talking about?

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