Trump's "jobs" plan

So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.

Maybe the left wing would be worthy of listening to if anything they said or predicted was or came true. This last election proved positively how dismal of a record the left wing has in telling us "how it should be."
So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.

Maybe the left wing would be worthy of listening to if anything they said or predicted was or came true. This last election proved positively how dismal of a record the left wing has in telling us "how it should be."


Your party wants to throw people on the fucking street and privatize everything...By doing so the poor will be at a huge disadvantage in areas(basic education, roads, etc) that every other nation on earth everyone take for granted.

You're nutz and your ideas are nutz.
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

Big returns for all american apple pickers and dish washers. Low returns on them having access to basics like health insurance.

If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

Big returns for all american apple pickers and dish washers. Low returns on them having access to basics like health insurance.

If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

Big returns for all american apple pickers and dish washers. Low returns on them having access to basics like health insurance.

If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?

You'd be lucky to have your posts classified as such.

Usually, people just chalk them up to you having been dropped on your head as a child.
Big returns for all american apple pickers and dish washers. Low returns on them having access to basics like health insurance.

If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?

You'd be lucky to have your posts classified as such.

Usually, people just chalk them up to you having been dropped on your head as a child.

Retard I just explained exactly where low income people get insurance coverage(states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare) and where they are fucked (Republican run red states) and your response is binary "herp-derp, well do they or don't they get insurance?" - it is STUPIDITY defined.

Democrats actually care about and help the poor in this country, Republicans promise them trickle down and deliver golden showers.
If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?

You'd be lucky to have your posts classified as such.

Usually, people just chalk them up to you having been dropped on your head as a child.

Retard I just explained exactly where low income people get insurance coverage(states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare) and where they are fucked (Republican run red states) and your response is binary "herp-derp, well do they or don't they get insurance?" - it is STUPIDITY defined.

Democrats actually care about and help the poor in this country, Republicans promise them trickle down and deliver golden showers.
I could have been poor. I decided I didn't like it.
They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?

You'd be lucky to have your posts classified as such.

Usually, people just chalk them up to you having been dropped on your head as a child.

Retard I just explained exactly where low income people get insurance coverage(states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare) and where they are fucked (Republican run red states) and your response is binary "herp-derp, well do they or don't they get insurance?" - it is STUPIDITY defined.

Democrats actually care about and help the poor in this country, Republicans promise them trickle down and deliver golden showers.
I could have been poor. I decided I didn't like it.

A variation on typical conservative not-my-problem brush off.
Keep backpedaling.

Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.

There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare. Yet that legislation was clearly on party lines, as none of the republicans fully supported Pelosi's "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it". That means the democrats had ample opportunity to put together legislation to encourage more manufacturing in this country again, so there is no placing the blame on Republicans. You said it yourself, manufacturing has been on the decline since the 70s, steel industry hasn't been the same even before the 70s, to include those democrats under the Clinton administration.
I just signed up for Obamacare. I retired early so I can't get Medicare. But because my salary is going down, I would get support from the Government. About half the cost. And that's for a Silver Plan. Works that way for everyone.

Under Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause. And that's OK with the GOP? And now millions are not only insured, but paying for the insurance. After all, Obamacare was Romney care first. The idea came from the Heritage Foundation. THE most well known conservative think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Using the emergency room as primary health care was bankrupting the system. Obamacare helped reduce that.

The truth is, Republicans are racist fucks and Obama is black so they hate him so much they talk about lynching him. They called Obamacare "Kynect" in Kentucky and they love it. In fact, they say America should have used Kynect instead of Obamacare, the ignorant fucks.

And now, their new GOP gov is working to tear it down. Ha ha. Funi, did these people just fuck themselves.

Can Kentucky's New Governor Undo Obamacare?

Kentucky’s model status is rooted in Kentuckians’ swift, close-to-seamless enrollment in Medicaid. After the expansion—which allowed Kentuckians making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line to enroll—about 400,000 people signed up. That’s twice as many as state officials had estimated, and it brought the total number of Kentuckians on Medicaid to a quarter of the state’s population. Though the federal government is paying for the expansion through 2016, Kentucky does have to kick in funds after that. But according to a Deloitte study commissioned by Beshear’s administration earlier this year, the expansion will pay off.

But to the former Beshear administration, the financials look even more promising when one considers the total amount the state has made from the expansion: According to a report in The Courier-Journal, that’s roughly $3 billion since 2014.


Kentucky is going to kick 400,000 off insurance. Good luck on that.
Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.

There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare. Yet that legislation was clearly on party lines, as none of the republicans fully supported Pelosi's "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it". That means the democrats had ample opportunity to put together legislation to encourage more manufacturing in this country again, so there is no placing the blame on Republicans. You said it yourself, manufacturing has been on the decline since the 70s, steel industry hasn't been the same even before the 70s, to include those democrats under the Clinton administration.
I just signed up for Obamacare. I retired early so I can't get Medicare. But because my salary is going down, I would get support from the Government. About half the cost. And that's for a Silver Plan. Works that way for everyone.

Under Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause. And that's OK with the GOP? And now millions are not only insured, but paying for the insurance. After all, Obamacare was Romney care first. The idea came from the Heritage Foundation. THE most well known conservative think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Using the emergency room as primary health care was bankrupting the system. Obamacare helped reduce that.

The truth is, Republicans are racist fucks and Obama is black so they hate him so much they talk about lynching him. They called Obamacare "Kynect" in Kentucky and they love it. In fact, they say America should have used Kynect instead of Obamacare, the ignorant fucks.

And now, their new GOP gov is working to tear it down. Ha ha. Funi, did these people just fuck themselves.

Can Kentucky's New Governor Undo Obamacare?

Kentucky’s model status is rooted in Kentuckians’ swift, close-to-seamless enrollment in Medicaid. After the expansion—which allowed Kentuckians making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line to enroll—about 400,000 people signed up. That’s twice as many as state officials had estimated, and it brought the total number of Kentuckians on Medicaid to a quarter of the state’s population. Though the federal government is paying for the expansion through 2016, Kentucky does have to kick in funds after that. But according to a Deloitte study commissioned by Beshear’s administration earlier this year, the expansion will pay off.

But to the former Beshear administration, the financials look even more promising when one considers the total amount the state has made from the expansion: According to a report in The Courier-Journal, that’s roughly $3 billion since 2014.


Kentucky is going to kick 400,000 off insurance. Good luck on that.

Actually to be truthful Romney is not a conservative, and Massachusetts has had budget issues along with greater wait times than the national average, when healthcare began as a national campaign issue for Obama. Now almost eight years after its passage Obamacare is facing a 24% premium hike, with major insurance providers choosing to abandon ship. It's not cheaper, it's growing more expensive. Your excuse of expenses accrued through Emergency Room care is invalid because healthcare is a mandate that comes with an IRS penalty, so every taxpayer is still paying for someone ELSE'S cost of care. It's just a taxpayer shell game under a new package called a government taxpayer mandate.

Your excuse of republicans as being racist because they don't support the liberal view of government controlled health care is laughable. Tell you what. When I see liberals putting down their protest signs, stop this "NOT MY PRESIDENT" rhetoric and all liberal democrats fully accept Trump as their president .... rather than look at efforts to stop HIS presidency or hope to limit his term to four years ... then I will believe that Republicans were not simply opposing a President's political views and ideology, but were only looking to the color of his skin. Truth is, liberals don't accept Trump's political views and see him as a threat to the left's ideological positions of government and federal funding, much like the right viewed President Obama and his far reach ideological views of changing our nation and interpreted role of government and expansion of more federal funding programs (such as a mandated Obamacare or even the talk of desiring a single payer system).
So far, all we know is that video Trump just put out. Long on rhetoric, short on sense.

U.S. manufacturing way up but blame job losses on robots, not trade deals, Mexico, China | The Japan Times

America has lost more than 7 million factory jobs since manufacturing employment peaked in 1979. Yet American factory production, minus raw materials and some other costs, more than doubled over the same span to $1.91 trillion last year, according to the Commerce Department, which uses 2009 dollars to adjust for inflation.

The vast majority of the lost jobs — 88 percent — were taken by robots and other homegrown factors that reduce factories’ need for human labor.

General Motors, for instance, now employs barely a third of the 600,000 workers it had in the 1970s. Yet it churns out more cars and trucks than ever.

Or look at production of steel and other primary metals. Since 1997, the United States has lost 265,000 jobs in the production of primary metals — a 42 percent plunge — at a time when such production in the U.S. has surged 38 percent.

Trump's minions happily explaining the new jobs will come from building a wall. A fucking wall? That's the jobs plan? A wall.


One of the reasons the old Soviet Union fell apart was because they poured so much of their money into the military. The problem with investing in the military or a "wall" is that you get no return. If you build a bridge, you can add a toll until it's paid for. Same with new roads. Same with a lot of infrastructure projects. But with the military, once it's spent, it's gone. You may pay the personnel and that money may be coming back into the system, but it's not new money from customers.

And a wall? Just throwing away money for a wall? That's why Trump didn't mention it. It's too stupid for words. American civil engineers give the nation a D+ on infrastructure. Democrats have been trying to get infrastructure spending for the last 30 years and Republicans have blocked it every single time. It's estimated the nation needs at least 3 trillion to buck up our infrastructure. 3 trillion. That's how much the deficit grew after the Bush Tax cuts. 90% going to the top 5% so they could create jobs, and they didn't. That's how Republicans run things.

And now there's talk of turning over tollways to private industry so they will build roads and bridges. They are talking about subsidies to private companies to spur them into building, because it worked so well in the past.

Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for the most graft in the history of the United States.

In the meantime, not a mention of education.

Misinterpreting incomplete data seems to be your forte.

How come you haven't noticed that, while our manufacturing base has decreased by "7 million jobs since 1979", China's manufacturing base has increased by 20 million jobs just since 2000? Manufacturing Employment in China

Probably just a coincidence, huh?
Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.

There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare. Yet that legislation was clearly on party lines, as none of the republicans fully supported Pelosi's "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it". That means the democrats had ample opportunity to put together legislation to encourage more manufacturing in this country again, so there is no placing the blame on Republicans. You said it yourself, manufacturing has been on the decline since the 70s, steel industry hasn't been the same even before the 70s, to include those democrats under the Clinton administration.
I just signed up for Obamacare. I retired early so I can't get Medicare. But because my salary is going down, I would get support from the Government. About half the cost. And that's for a Silver Plan. Works that way for everyone.

Under Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause. And that's OK with the GOP? And now millions are not only insured, but paying for the insurance. After all, Obamacare was Romney care first. The idea came from the Heritage Foundation. THE most well known conservative think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Using the emergency room as primary health care was bankrupting the system. Obamacare helped reduce that.

Actually, you're wrong. Medical bills are still the number one cause of bankruptcy. In fact, the rate of bankruptcy by medical bills has increased to 62% of all bankruptcies since the advent of Obamacare. "One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured."

Read more: Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt | Investopedia Top 5 Reasons Why People Go Bankrupt

The truth is, Republicans are racist fucks and Obama is black so they hate him so much they talk about lynching him. They called Obamacare "Kynect" in Kentucky and they love it. In fact, they say America should have used Kynect instead of Obamacare, the ignorant fucks.

And now, their new GOP gov is working to tear it down. Ha ha. Funi, did these people just fuck themselves.

Can Kentucky's New Governor Undo Obamacare?

Kentucky’s model status is rooted in Kentuckians’ swift, close-to-seamless enrollment in Medicaid. After the expansion—which allowed Kentuckians making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line to enroll—about 400,000 people signed up. That’s twice as many as state officials had estimated, and it brought the total number of Kentuckians on Medicaid to a quarter of the state’s population. Though the federal government is paying for the expansion through 2016, Kentucky does have to kick in funds after that. But according to a Deloitte study commissioned by Beshear’s administration earlier this year, the expansion will pay off.

But to the former Beshear administration, the financials look even more promising when one considers the total amount the state has made from the expansion: According to a report in The Courier-Journal, that’s roughly $3 billion since 2014.


Kentucky is going to kick 400,000 off insurance. Good luck on that.

You said:

Under Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause. And that's OK with the GOP? And now millions are not only insured, but paying for the insurance. After all, Obamacare was Romney care first. The idea came from the Heritage Foundation. THE most well known conservative think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Using the emergency room as primary health care was bankrupting the system. Obamacare helped reduce that.

Actually, you're wrong. Medical bills are still the number one cause of bankruptcy. In fact, the rate of bankruptcy by medical bills has increased to 62% of all bankruptcies since the advent of Obamacare. "One of the interesting caveats of this study shows that 78% of filers had some form of health insurance, thus bucking the myth that medical bills affect only the uninsured."

Further, you conveniently ignore that those 400,000 Kentuckians were receiving medical insurance paid for BY SOMEONE ELSE. What happens when you run out of "SOMEONE ELSE" to pick up the tab?
If they get access to it...which they don't currently have.

They do....unless they live in a Republican run red state that rejected Obamacare medicaid expansion that is.

They do...but they don't.

Make up your mind.

Any other brain farts to share with us?

You'd be lucky to have your posts classified as such.

Usually, people just chalk them up to you having been dropped on your head as a child.

Retard I just explained exactly where low income people get insurance coverage(states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare) and where they are fucked (Republican run red states) and your response is binary "herp-derp, well do they or don't they get insurance?" - it is STUPIDITY defined.

Democrats actually care about and help the poor in this country, Republicans promise them trickle down and deliver golden showers.

No, that's not what you said.

That's what I said.....they don't get

They might have insurance.....but they can't use it.

They have democrats to thank for that.
Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.

There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare. Yet that legislation was clearly on party lines, as none of the republicans fully supported Pelosi's "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it". That means the democrats had ample opportunity to put together legislation to encourage more manufacturing in this country again, so there is no placing the blame on Republicans. You said it yourself, manufacturing has been on the decline since the 70s, steel industry hasn't been the same even before the 70s, to include those democrats under the Clinton administration.
I just signed up for Obamacare. I retired early so I can't get Medicare. But because my salary is going down, I would get support from the Government. About half the cost. And that's for a Silver Plan. Works that way for everyone.

Under Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. The number one cause. And that's OK with the GOP? And now millions are not only insured, but paying for the insurance. After all, Obamacare was Romney care first. The idea came from the Heritage Foundation. THE most well known conservative think tank.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Using the emergency room as primary health care was bankrupting the system. Obamacare helped reduce that.

The truth is, Republicans are racist fucks and Obama is black so they hate him so much they talk about lynching him. They called Obamacare "Kynect" in Kentucky and they love it. In fact, they say America should have used Kynect instead of Obamacare, the ignorant fucks.

And now, their new GOP gov is working to tear it down. Ha ha. Funi, did these people just fuck themselves.

Can Kentucky's New Governor Undo Obamacare?

Kentucky’s model status is rooted in Kentuckians’ swift, close-to-seamless enrollment in Medicaid. After the expansion—which allowed Kentuckians making up to 138 percent of the federal poverty line to enroll—about 400,000 people signed up. That’s twice as many as state officials had estimated, and it brought the total number of Kentuckians on Medicaid to a quarter of the state’s population. Though the federal government is paying for the expansion through 2016, Kentucky does have to kick in funds after that. But according to a Deloitte study commissioned by Beshear’s administration earlier this year, the expansion will pay off.

But to the former Beshear administration, the financials look even more promising when one considers the total amount the state has made from the expansion: According to a report in The Courier-Journal, that’s roughly $3 billion since 2014.


Kentucky is going to kick 400,000 off insurance. Good luck on that.

You are one selfish asshole.

Tell us...where is that "help" you will get going to come from ?

Please tell us.

If you can't answer...I am sure we can.

While you are at it, why don't you tell us how we are going to pay for all this crap.

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