Trump's "jobs" plan

Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
Leftist smears don't become fact simply because they are uttered.

Smears? Hmmmm....From the conservative U.S. News & World Report:
The GOP's Education Plan Gets an F
Republicans are failing spectacularly to invest in the education system.
By Catherine E. Brown | Contributor June 25, 2015

Unfortunately, despite a clear need – as demonstrated by rising inequality and an increasing percentage of low-income students in our nation's schools – Republicans are poised to fail this particular test spectacularly.

On Wednesday, the House Appropriations Committee took up the bill dictating funding levels for federal education programs and today the Senate Appropriations Committee takes up its version. Unfortunately, both bills are set to cut education significantly. In fact, House Republicans' cuts to education programs are so severe that education is hit the hardest of all spending areas in the bill. Claims that these cuts are a fiscal necessity are clearly hypocritical since the House passed a $24.4 billion increase for defense spending earlier this month. """""""""

And Trump has yet to utter a word about education. His daddy paid for his Wharton education, or else he would have never gotten in.
Like I said many times, every time you post you lie. It's all you know how to do. First off, claiming the GOP has a failing plan because they want to fund education less on a federal level is stupid and dishonest. Just because an op-ed is printed or posted it doesn't make it a fact. It's an uninformed opinion.

I've heard Trump speak about education in almost every rally. You know nothing but are pretty dense to think it will fly when so many know better. He, like most in the GOP, wants education to be handled more at the state level and less on the federal level. Eliminating common core was a big part of his platform.

But thanks for proving what liberals are, we need the constant reminder lest we forget.
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

You stupid fuck. trump, in his own words, said that he will kick them out and let them right back in with visas. How if THAT deporting and protecting American jobs?
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
You do realize that the US spend more per student than anyother country in the world except for Switzerland.
We do indeed spend more but we spend it more unequally as well. Because most of the money is raised by local property tax, wealthy suburbs have a great advantage over rural areas. Spending per pupil is also high in inner cities but this is largely due to non-instructional costs being higher there. To make those disparities worse, the dysfunction of these areas is well beyond anything known in the rest of the advanced democracies. Crime, drugs, unemployment etc. create learning problems for students that can't be solved in the classroom.
70. Continue to allow lowly paid foreign workers to come to the United States on temporary works visas because Trump says they are the only ones who want to pick grapes.
This is the very same bs that comes from both sides. The illegals are everywhere and in every trade. Come to soCal and see.
No return from strong borders? How stupid can you get?

You stupid fuck. trump, in his own words, said that he will kick them out and let them right back in with visas. How if THAT deporting and protecting American jobs?
Liar. Pretty stupid to spew your spitball of hate when people know better. He said they need to come in legally, there's a process and limits set on immigration. If someone is deported it's not an automatic return. In fact it already shows they are criminals.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?
You do realize that the US spend more per student than anyother country in the world except for Switzerland.
We do indeed spend more but we spend it more unequally as well. Because most of the money is raised by local property tax, wealthy suburbs have a great advantage over rural areas. Spending per pupil is also high in inner cities but this is largely due to non-instructional costs being higher there. To make those disparities worse, the dysfunction of these areas is well beyond anything known in the rest of the advanced democracies. Crime, drugs, unemployment etc. create learning problems for students that can't be solved in the classroom.
Throwing more money at the problem will not help.
Obviously President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed was never able to push legislation to allow manufacturing to grow in this country.

yea, totally obvious:

Tesla’s Elon Musk Unveils a Factory He Hopes Will Change the World

Oh I'm sure manufacturing in this country is just booming at an incredible record rate. Thanks for your effort.
The truth is that it is. But it's because of programmed robots, not unskilled workers. That's the point.

Oh I'm sure manufacturing in this country is just booming at an incredible record rate. Thanks for your effort.

Keep backpedaling.

Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.
Here in my red state we are near the bottom in education, we just had a vote to raise money for educators. it was voted down. people did not want the tax increase. I get it. but did we just vote to help keep our state poor?
Oh I'm sure manufacturing in this country is just booming at an incredible record rate. Thanks for your effort.

Keep backpedaling.

Never have never will. What big manufacturing legislation did the democrats propose if manufacturing and the steel industry has not had the boom that reran criticizes about?

Democrats, against Republican objection, pushed legislation that helped grow alternative energy companies, out of which Tesla is a great success story.

When you say they didn't push legislation to help grow manufacture, you are wrong. Plain and simple.

Manufacturing was in decline for a long time now due to international competition and automation and guess what, that ain't changing no matter how much bullshit Trump sold you.

I am not wrong. I'm replying to those manufacturing issues that rdean has addressed in his opening remark in criticizing Trump, who is still (by the way) a president elect. He wants to complain about the loss and consistent decline of manufacturing jobs our nation once possessed, as well as the loss of our precious steel industry, all while the democrats themselves haven't ever been able to create legislation that incourages that kind of big job growth.

As far as alternative energy. If that created as much jobs as you are attempting to claim, then why did USAToday post an article (during that period surrounding our presidential debates) that stated a vast majority of Americans are finding themselves having to take two part time jobs to try and regain their economic loss of income?
Make it clear. Democrats haven't been able to create legislation or to pass legislation due to GOP obstructionism. If you looked at Clinton's agenda, much of it shaped by Bernie Sanders, you would know the truth.

There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare. Yet that legislation was clearly on party lines, as none of the republicans fully supported Pelosi's "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it". That means the democrats had ample opportunity to put together legislation to encourage more manufacturing in this country again, so there is no placing the blame on Republicans. You said it yourself, manufacturing has been on the decline since the 70s, steel industry hasn't been the same even before the 70s, to include those democrats under the Clinton administration.
Throwing more money at the problem will not help.
This well-worn cliche about "throwing money" is a trick first introduced years ago. Nobody is talking about "throwing" anything. To the degree that "throwing money" means "indiscriminate spending" there is, of course a point; however, nobody is advocating indiscriminate spending as a means of improving education. If you need to watch indiscriminate spending, visit a gaming casino.

The trillion-dollar infrastructure plan which Trump is proposing would create jobs. No doubt about it. The weakness in his approach is that the jobs would be created only in projects which have the potential to yield a profit for private investors. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but if the profit potential is there, the need for taxpayer subsidy isn't vital. Where the need is vital -- places like the Flint, MI water supply for example, or a crumbling bridge on a public road -- won't get anything from the Trump plan because there is no investor profit to be made from such a project, even with tax credit subsidy.
There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare.


Republicans did everything short of shooting someone to stop the passage of Obamacare.
There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare.


Republicans did everything short of shooting someone to stop the passage of Obamacare.

Hey clueless ... there was no obstruction as Obamacare DID pass through Congress despite republicans objections to it. Liberal democrats also passed countless federal unemployment extensions .... a $800 billion stimulus package ... regardless if the republicans approved or not.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?

The GOP thrives on the uneducated. That's why most climate change deniers are from the right. Most the of the pro lifers who think a fetus has more rights than an adult woman is from the right. They think schools should be teaching creationism instead of evolution.
Does the GOP base really believe the US can forge ahead without education?

The GOP thrives on the uneducated. That's why most climate change deniers are from the right. Most the of the pro lifers who think a fetus has more rights than an adult woman is from the right. They think schools should be teaching creationism instead of evolution.

That's why most climate change deniers are from the right.
Proof they arent' lemmings

Most the of the pro lifers who think a fetus has more rights than an adult woman is from the right.
Proof they arent' sheep
There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare.


Republicans did everything short of shooting someone to stop the passage of Obamacare.

Hey clueless ... there was no obstruction as Obamacare DID pass through Congress despite republicans objections to it. Liberal democrats also passed countless federal unemployment extensions .... a $800 billion stimulus package ... regardless if the republicans approved or not.

lol you call me clueless? Amazing

Can you tell me what Republicans could have done beyond what they did? What WOULD BE obstruction if what they were doing was not.
There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare.


Republicans did everything short of shooting someone to stop the passage of Obamacare.

Hey clueless ... there was no obstruction as Obamacare DID pass through Congress despite republicans objections to it. Liberal democrats also passed countless federal unemployment extensions .... a $800 billion stimulus package ... regardless if the republicans approved or not.

lol you call me clueless? Amazing

Can you tell me what Republicans could have done beyond what they did? What WOULD BE obstruction if what they were doing was not.

Obstructionism is the practice of deliberately delaying or preventing a process or change, especially in politics.

Clearly Obamacare was passed once the blue dog democrats were put in line by Nancy Pelosi, clearly federal extensions were passed by democrats without much delay, clearly democrats were able to pass an $800 stimulus package without much concern, clearly democrats were able to pass their green funding bill to bail-out Solyndra, Nevada Energy, First Solar and every other failing green business needing a handout. Its rather obvious through your response that you don't have the slightest clue as to what the term obstruction refers to as it relates to getting bills passed. Perhaps you should be educating yourself on political terminology before you make an attempt to use them properly.
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There was no GOP obstruction in establishing, passing, and signing into law Obamacare.


Republicans did everything short of shooting someone to stop the passage of Obamacare.

Hey clueless ... there was no obstruction as Obamacare DID pass through Congress despite republicans objections to it. Liberal democrats also passed countless federal unemployment extensions .... a $800 billion stimulus package ... regardless if the republicans approved or not.

I insist that you, the supremely informed one, explain what obstruction to Obamacare would look like, if what they were doing wasn't it.

Go ahead, let's have it.

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