Trumps Pathetic Amphibious Attack Comment

It's my go-to response when you obsessed moonbats can't let go of the Orange Man.

Grow the fuck up, pussy.
Oh Odd Dude, why not just come out of the closet and admit what a fool you are?

Q. Did you carry one of the Trump Flags on Jan 6, 2021 on the steps of the Capitol Building?
I heard trump was actually corrected twice....on the

Amphibious Attack Comment.

Before he misstated that Americans were the ones attacking, he commented that he was unaware that putin had both left and right handed weapons, but they edited that part out.

See all you people can do is deflect to democrats when you can’t possibly defend republicans. It’s pitiful.

Projection is neat right Billy? Your POTUS sucks and it's the Republican's fault.

What would you like Reps to defend but supposedly we can't? Go MFer or shut the fuck up.
Donald Trump talks with Laura Ingraham on Fox News.
Trump is pretty confused and has to be corrected.

I heard this live. Trump misheard it. No big deal. But nice try at distracting from Joe Biden being an EPIC FAIL and blundering his way through event after event.
Putin has more balls than those other leaders. That's why Trump shows him respect. Looks more like Putin owns Biden since Biden doesn't seem to concern him while he takes over Ukraine.

Don't you you see how redundant and contradictory your propaganda sounds to people without the mental retardation and mental illness that plagues democrats and liberals?
Pro-Putin, Pro-Invasion of Ukraine
I heard this live. Trump misheard it. No big deal. But nice try at distracting from Joe Biden being an EPIC FAIL and blundering his way through event after event.
I'll take that into consideration for whatever thats worth.
I have assumed most of them are just ignorant, but I am starting to wonder if most of them really are stupid as well.
They actually think they can simply intimidate people to abandon their values and start voting Blue by throwing fourth grade insults at them! It's really amazing.

Oh, but of course this in NO WAY makes themselves look bad. No way! Couldn't be. Because everyone that's how enlightened, educated superior people tossing childlike taunts around.
Pro-Putin, Pro-Invasion of Ukraine
# countries Putin invaded while Trump was in the WH: 0
# countries Putin invaded while Biden was in the WH: 2 (so far)
True about tump, but he has put the world on edge with his "locked and loaded" approach to foreign affairs, instead of a diplomatic approach. Complementing Putin? Beware the consequences of tump's presidency, An explosion waiting to happen.

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