Trump's people won't defend him

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
/—-/ You’re grasping at straws - as usual. Trump has made it clear he wants his day in court. Do you think all the Impeachtards including Old Joe Biden and Hunter want to testify under oath?

Yes, it's clear that Trump wants to open everything up to be investigated. He wants to make it a massive exercise in "what-about-ism" and muddy the subject till nobody is even sure what is being discussed. It's one of his favorite tactics. However, McConnell knows that Roberts will at least make some effort to limit the trial to the subject at hand, and if the trial is focused on that, it won't work out well for Trump. Anything that could be used to compel Bolton, Mulvaney, Blair, and Duffey to testify won't work out well for Trump.
/----/ You are delusional.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
/—-/ You’re grasping at straws - as usual. Trump has made it clear he wants his day in court. Do you think all the Impeachtards including Old Joe Biden and Hunter want to testify under oath?

Yes, it's clear that Trump wants to open everything up to be investigated. He wants to make it a massive exercise in "what-about-ism" and muddy the subject till nobody is even sure what is being discussed. It's one of his favorite tactics. However, McConnell knows that Roberts will at least make some effort to limit the trial to the subject at hand, and if the trial is focused on that, it won't work out well for Trump. Anything that could be used to compel Bolton, Mulvaney, Blair, and Duffey to testify won't work out well for Trump.
/----/ You are delusional.

Which part do you doubt, and why?
With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

You really don't know anything about this. You should perhaps stop.

Your pain is palpable. I don't like to cause grown men to cry.

That's good. Because it didn't happen.

Holding in your despondency is unhealthy. Have a good cry until November 2020 when the orange gloom will lift.
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

You really don't know anything about this. You should perhaps stop.

Your pain is palpable. I don't like to cause grown men to cry.

That's good. Because it didn't happen.

Holding in your despondency is unhealthy. Have a good cry until November 2020 when the orange gloom will lift.
Oh, I'm fine. You might wanna get a CAT scan, though.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
Nice try, a big hip hip hooray for you. We Americans, even assholes some of us don't like, EVEN they don't have to disprove a negative. Dems actually over reached big time here. Come on, millions of dollars spent on what amounts to a fishing expedition to depose a lawfully elected leader? And they did it in prime time in front of our eyes hours at a stretch. This isn't ambiguous/ subjective matter of a opinion stuff, its clear what the Dems where after.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.
It does not matter. Trump's staff could testify Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue, provide documentary evidence (photos of the crime scene with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was for...), and the Monkey Jim Jordan and his band of screeching simians would pound the table and argue about process, then not one of them would vote to impeach.

Nor would the Republicans in the Senate convict.

McConnell: 'I'm Not Impartial' About Impeachment

Say fuckwad, what high crime or misdemeanor do you traitor democrats allege?

Couldn't come up with one? I get it, this whole farce is purely to corrupt the 2020 election, you piles of shit said so from the start.

{MSNBC HOST: You have been calling for starting articles of impeachment since 2017, but a new Quinnipiac poll taken after the release of the redacted Mueller report said 66% say Congress should not start impeachment proceedings, there's a sharp partisan divide, with only 4% of Republicans favoring impeachment. Are you afraid this talk will help the president's re-election?

REP. AL GREEN: I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get re-elected.}

Rep. Al Green: "I'm Concerned If We Don't Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected"!

You traitor piles of shit are the enemy of America and basic liberty.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

And you Communist traitors want to corrupt our election with your farce of an impeachment.

America will punish you scum at the ballot box in 2020. All Americans need is 16 seats to flip to gain a majority in the house. I predict you Communists will lose north of 50 seats. We're also going to take Adam the lying Schitt out by running a Hispanic democrat in hist 92% Hispanic district. No, it won't flip GOP, but you fuckers will learn that this level of treason comes with consequences.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?

She never gave him fair treatment during the so-called impeachment inquiry. Why should anyone be reasonable with her wishes?
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.

And you Communist traitors want to corrupt our election with your farce of an impeachment.

America will punish you scum at the ballot box in 2020. All Americans need is 16 seats to flip to gain a majority in the house. I predict you Communists will lose north of 50 seats. We're also going to take Adam the lying Schitt out by running a Hispanic democrat in hist 92% Hispanic district. No, it won't flip GOP, but you fuckers will learn that this level of treason comes with consequences.

You have over-imbibed orangeade.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.

DERP, you poor, dumb motherfucker.

To recap, you Communists have abused power and obstructed congress for the purpose of corrupting the 2020 election.
Trump's people? You mean the people of the United States of America? The President doesn't need a defense. The burden of proof is on the do nothing democrat congress which seems reluctant to go through the procedure they started.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?

She never gave him fair treatment during the so-called impeachment inquiry. Why should anyone be reasonable with her wishes?

Donald Trump refused to defend himself in front of congress and obstructed and threatened witnesses.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Didn't you traitors have full control in the house to present any witnesses you wanted, yet still couldn't manage to present any fact witnesses and just stuck to defamation by Marxist academics?

So we have a faux impeachment, with no crimes or misdemeanors even alleged, put out for the specific purpose of influencing and altering the 2020 election. Gross abuse of power by the house Communists.

To compound it, Nancy Pelosi and her Communist party are violating the Constitution by refusing to move the process to the Senate, obstructing congress.

So these traitor democrats have abused power and obstructed Congress in order to rig the 2020 election.

GOP lawmakers are just immoral, mindless, parasites that infest Donald Trump's anus.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

Why didn't you Communists call them into your Star Chamber or with your Stalinist Show Trial?

Let's call Hunter Biden. After all, this whole farce is based on the fact that Joe Biden sent $1.8 billion to Burisma, which promptly vanished, right as they kicked back $3.2 million through Hunter. Let's call Eric Ciaramella, get him to testify under oath as to the first time he met with Lying Schitt, when the plot to frame up the president was cooked up with Mark Zaid. Let's call Adam Schitt's chief of staff and find out when Schitt first proposed using impeachment as a means of influencing the 2020 election?

You commie fuckers want to play? Ah but Nazi Pelosi is obstructing congress by withholding the faux impeachment. Hey, the whole thing is an abuse of power designed to corrupt our election, so no surprise she is trying to drag it out.

Let's call Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Donald Jr., and Eric and waterboard them to get their confession of pillaging and plundering while the orange man fiddles.

For what, fuckwad? What connection do they have to your fraud?

Hunter is the central figure, as is fake whistleblower Eric Ciaramella and his slip and fall lawyer Mark "The Coup is Starting" Zaid, who is coincidentally Adam the lying Schitt's lawyer.....
Witnesses are never called during jury deliberations.

Deliberations are later in the trial. You never watched a courtroom drama?
Hey Dummy:

The Senate is not a trial. They function as a Jury Deliberation. You told us you had “Overwhelming, Irrefutable, and Incontrovertible Evidence that was so Alarming that you had No Choice but to Impeach.”

I Dare you to deny that. Every Democrat said it, especially Nadler, Pelosi, and Schiff.

Honestly, I can only think that your leadership was so Ignorant of The Law, and so out of touch that this can be the only reason they committed political suicide like they did when they decided to engage in a Fool’s Errand.

All you LeftTards are on USMB, Trolling it like you just suffered a massive defeat and need to spin The Narrative.

Try to spin The Bloodbath that is coming in November, so we can laugh at you all over again.

Who told you that dumb ass? Yes, the Senate will hold a trial

Hey dumbass, the Senate does NOT have to hold a trial. All it takes is for someone to propose a motion to dismiss. Only 51 votes will dismiss the trial before it gets started.

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