Trump's people won't defend him

Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?

She never gave him fair treatment during the so-called impeachment inquiry. Why should anyone be reasonable with her wishes?


Just because you are stupid and disagree does not make it bullshit, dumbass!

The fact that it is bullshit is what makes it bullshit.

You can't even articulate why you think it is bullshit!
This game is over. Democrats lost. So now you want to go best of three? After that it will be the best of five, then seven then nine. But we already know this is just a continuation of the coup that started with the crooked FBI and continues today. The only people these witnesses matter to are the mental patients that are still obsessed with the coup to overthrow Trump. The only thing that will come out of all these investigations are a lot of felony charges against the deep state. Viva Trump.
Clueless Democrats don't believe in the Deep State.
Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.
The witness they wanted was the Adam Shitface Schiff's whistle blower that he first said would show up, until the transcript of the call came out, and then Adam mysteriously misplaced the "lying piece of shit whistleblower". Sorry, but you are so stupid, and there is nothing we can do to make you any smarter.

Schiff obviously lied to Congress. If who the whistleblower is, he sure as fuck does and he sure as fuck talked to the whistleblower.

The fact that the House voted to impeach without the material witness testifying is absolutely banana republic type shit.

Just unfucking real.
But why would it matter if the whistleblower went to the House Intel Committee's office to ask for advice? And the WB being advised by a staffer to file an official whistleblower report with the inspector general, and let him determine the gravity or legitimacy... why would that be anything but proper procedure and advice?

And NOTE! This WB came AFTER two other WB individuals whowent to their own dept's legal defense teams to report the same concerns, and their own office of legal counsels got no result in reporting it.

And what does the WB have to do with the articles of impeachment charged against President Trump, that he is suppose to face a trial on, and offer his defense of the article charges?

The IG found evidence that the WB complaint was both credible and urgent,

and by LAW was required to be turned over to Congress.

OF COURSE the whitehouse team tried to illegally prevent this from happening and to cover it up.

But by law, after so many days, the IG is required to let congress intel committee know that there is a WB Complaint that is urgent, that is being held back by the WHouse from you, that you are legally suppose to have gotten....

and that's what the IG did... he followed the law and let the house intel committee know about the WB complaint being hidden from them, and that is when ALL HELL BROKE LOSE.

Then afterwards in the depositions and hearings under OATH, all the witnesses that did show up, basically confirmed the WB Complaint had legs to it, and was both appearing credible and urgent...

So, I don't understand your angst regarding Schiff or the WB on this...? Neither, can help the president in his own defense of what he was actually charged with, in the Articles of impeachment?

The president needs a REAL defense of the charges..

(and discrediting the WB doesn't much matter at this point because of the evidence collected thus far= emails, phone call memorandums, video of statements of Trump and of Mulveney, Diplomat conversations and texts, and sworn witnesses, etc... enough to bring charges... which the preponderance is only probable cause at this point)

yes, a REAL defense... maybe a likely paper trail could be shown, or communications going back months, showing his real concern was corruption and not just his own self dealing, or Mulveney testifying Trump's concern was overall corruption in the Ukraine or something unexpected... :dunno:

The president has refused to allow first hand witnesses or documents that were subpoenaed in the House phase,

but maybe it is because he wants to bring them up in the Senate trial for his own defense and did not want to show his hand early in the 'production', in the show....? You know he deep down loves reality tv and the production of it, with all the suspense, chaos, and surprises... ratings matter! :)

we all and the president, would not be in this mess, if it were not for the whitehouse team trying to hold back the WB complaint from getting to congress imo.

congress would have gotten it, in secret, investigated it, in secret....

All of that did not happen in secret,

because of the WH's attempts to cover up the whistle blower complaints.


BS, the so called whistleblower was NOT legit. The IG that took the complaint should be fired because he pursued a complaint he had no jurisdiction to consider. So all your crap is moot.

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Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.

Trump wants people to argue for him. It's an ego thing.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.
Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.
McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
Nice try, a big hip hip hooray for you. We Americans, even assholes some of us don't like, EVEN they don't have to disprove a negative. Dems actually over reached big time here. Come on, millions of dollars spent on what amounts to a fishing expedition to depose a lawfully elected leader? And they did it in prime time in front of our eyes hours at a stretch. This isn't ambiguous/ subjective matter of a opinion stuff, its clear what the Dems where after.

I'm not sure how dislike of Trump justifies his unethical behavior. There is no question that what he did was wrong, but you seem to think that doesn't matter because everybody doesn't like him.

Yeah, there is a question. He did nothing wrong by asking the Ukraine to investigate corrpution that is/was affecting the US. He didn't say he was withholding aid if these demands were met, like Biden did, though that would have been ok too.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Never-Trumpers don't care about what is good for the nation. They only wan the man that hurt their feelings out of office. If voting was based on results/metrics alone, the 2020 would be an absolute landslide victory for Trump, but unfortunately, hurt feelings by Democrats also play a role.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Uh, yes, someone did.

Sondland: Trump only wanted Ukraine to announce investigation into Biden, not start real inquiry
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


Writing an op ed, free speech,


You seriously need to get a grip on reality

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.

Defend him from what? He hasn’t been impeached. House voted on it, but haven’t sent it to the Senate, so the charges are dropped.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Never-Trumpers don't care about what is good for the nation. They only wan the man that hurt their feelings out of office. If voting was based on results/metrics alone, the 2020 would be an absolute landslide victory for Trump, but unfortunately, hurt feelings by Democrats also play a role.

You still don't get it. Rumps days are past. he needs to just go away for the good of the nation.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Rumps days are over. He needs to go away for the good of the Nation.
Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.
Presidential pardons, Presidential immunity and executive privilege could all be considered forms of executive abuse of power. Only idiots or totalitarians think abuse of power is an impeachable offense. And the obstruction of congress article is even more dangerous. That's like claiming congress has no checks against its power. Somewhere along the line Democrats forgot our constitution and the responsibilities involved in being an American.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Uh, yes, someone did.

Sondland: Trump only wanted Ukraine to announce investigation into Biden, not start real inquiry

Hearsay doesn't count. Try again
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Rumps days are over. He needs to go away for the good of the Nation.
Trump will never turn over power to Democrat totalitarian rats and all working Americans agree with him.
Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Uh, yes, someone did.

Sondland: Trump only wanted Ukraine to announce investigation into Biden, not start real inquiry

Hearsay doesn't count. Try again
What was the hearsay?

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