Trump's people won't defend him

Argue for him? The situation is beyond ego. Democrats started it but they seem reluctant to go through with it. Nancy won't even face a friendly media.

With Trump, nothing is beyond his ego. Why do you think it is unreasonable for Pelosi to ask for a fair trial?
Pelosi doesn't want a fair trial. She wants her kangaroo court rubber-stamped.

And so do you.

A fair trial in the Senate would be nice. Senators should honor their oaths to deliver impartial justice.

If Donald Trump had any evidence to defend himself he would have already presented it.

They will, they can't convict when no crime is alleged.


Impeachment doesn't require a crime.

Donald Trump is guilty of abuse of power and obstructing Congress.

Guess you've never read the Constitution. Now run along child, adults are talking.

Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.

Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Great, then it should be easy to provide the exact quote where that happened, yet all you got is commie talking points. Get back to me when you're up to the task.

Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


By asking (actually demanding) that an investigation be "Announced" about his main political rival IS something for himself. And then dangling the carrot to get it. The fact that he got caught doing it very quickly doesn't change the fact that the demand was made. Then he tried to cover it up. Nixon was going to be Impeached for doing less and had the sense to resign for the good of the Nation. Rump doesn't care about what's good for the Nation. He only cares about what he believes is good for Rump and the Nation be damned.

Uh, no one testified about that. Yu need to read the transcript.

You are the King of Hyperbole.

Uh, yes, someone did.

Sondland: Trump only wanted Ukraine to announce investigation into Biden, not start real inquiry

Wow, a presumption, not facts.

Has anyone on the R side even tried to defend his actions, what is alleged in the articles of impeachment?

personally, I'd rather see the R's not defend his actions, say they were wrong, but just believe they do not rise to a ''removal from office'' level...

than to obfuscate and make up false stories, which only weakens us and our Nation...

It's you folks pushing false BS, actors in Ukraine tried to influence the 2016 election, their sitting ambassador to the US, at the time, wrote an op-ed to a US paper against Trump. He was justified in asking Zelensky to look into it. Also shit stinks to high heaven around the Bidens, Trump asked for cooperation with the AG concerning them. You can't show me one quote in the call transcript where Trump literally asked for something for himself.


Writing an op ed, free speech,


You seriously need to get a grip on reality


A government official from another country doesn't have free speech to interfere in our elections. Funny I don't see you complaining the bitch got an illegal campaign contribution from the Ukraine Ambassador or others in Ukraine that did the same and worse. Hypocrite much? BTW, I notice you couldn't come up with the quote I asked for. LMAO

Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.

Every lower court and SC ruling to date has gone against this type of expansive claim to EP. Additionally, no past claim has ever been so sweeping. OTOH, Trump has stuffed the court with ideological lackeys chosen for their view of an imperial presidency so it isn't out of the realm of possibility the Roberts court will once again ignore precedent, defy the founder's intentions to create a three branch government with equal powers, and bow to their Dear Leader.
Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.


Yah, they courts will finally rule after numerous court challenges AFTER Rump would have left office after 8 years and he would be still as guilty as he is now and his band of criminals would still go to prison. Rump won't go to prison over any of this but his band of criminals will sooner or later. They aren't just protecting the Criminal in Charge, they are trying to delay things hoping that everyone will forget.
Trump supporters are dug in on Trump. Trump haters are dug in on Trump.

dont waste your time trying to change people's minds, my friends!
Trump supporters are dug in on Trump. Trump haters are dug in on Trump.

dont waste your time trying to change people's minds, my friends!

The good news is, the polls taken yesterday reversed themselves and it doesn't look real good for Rump. He's back to going backwards in support and the ones that wanted the Impeachment has gone up to 52% versus 36%. His support has dropped back to less than 48 again and is falling fast with the number that wants him gone are rising to over 50%. The good news is, the Republican Senators acceptance is dropping even faster. But they started at just over 20% so it's a real hard thing to get it to go lower but they figured out a way, in the last few days to accomplish that.
Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.

Every lower court and SC ruling to date has gone against this type of expansive claim to EP. Additionally, no past claim has ever been so sweeping. OTOH, Trump has stuffed the court with ideological lackeys chosen for their view of an imperial presidency so it isn't out of the realm of possibility the Roberts court will once again ignore precedent, defy the founder's intentions to create a three branch government with equal powers, and bow to their Dear Leader.

LMAO, you're just full of excuses, aren't you? Refuse to follow the process at your own peril. Enjoy the dead end.

McConnell has to prevent any testimony in the impeachment trial, because Trump's people don't want to try to defend him in sworn testimony. It was easy for them to not appear before the house investigation because Trump didn't want them to testify, but he wants his people to stand up and vigorously defend him in the trial. Those potential witnesses are still afraid of being caught in lies, or not being energetic enough in their defense of Trump. It's just too much of a chance for them to take. McConnell has to either prevent everybody from testifying, or try to explain why Trump's people are a no show.
The The jury will not conduct any further investigations for the Prosecution. The only witnesses that will be heard from are those that you heard from during the inquiry. Whining like this is so revealing you know the Schiff Sham has no merit and was a witch hunt
Trump supporters are dug in on Trump. Trump haters are dug in on Trump.

dont waste your time trying to change people's minds, my friends!

The good news is, the polls taken yesterday reversed themselves and it doesn't look real good for Rump. He's back to going backwards in support and the ones that wanted the Impeachment has gone up to 52% versus 36%. His support has dropped back to less than 48 again and is falling fast with the number that wants him gone are rising to over 50%. The good news is, the Republican Senators acceptance is dropping even faster. But they started at just over 20% so it's a real hard thing to get it to go lower but they figured out a way, in the last few days to accomplish that.
The media can't control the numbers at his rallies when they drop you can crow all you want until then shut the fuck up about fake news polls.
Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.


Yah, they courts will finally rule after numerous court challenges AFTER Rump would have left office after 8 years and he would be still as guilty as he is now and his band of criminals would still go to prison. Rump won't go to prison over any of this but his band of criminals will sooner or later. They aren't just protecting the Criminal in Charge, they are trying to delay things hoping that everyone will forget.

You commies sure have vivid imaginations, you got any more excuses to throw due process out the window?

Why didn’t the Dimms call the the witnesses they want the Senate to call?

We have seen the testimony and Schiff’s report. What else needs to be done?

OP, who do you want to testify before the senate and why didn’t they testify before the house? Be specific. Names and reasons.

Jurors look at the evidence. They don’t call new witnesses.

Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.

Every lower court and SC ruling to date has gone against this type of expansive claim to EP. Additionally, no past claim has ever been so sweeping. OTOH, Trump has stuffed the court with ideological lackeys chosen for their view of an imperial presidency so it isn't out of the realm of possibility the Roberts court will once again ignore precedent, defy the founder's intentions to create a three branch government with equal powers, and bow to their Dear Leader.

Why do you lie? There's nothing you posted that is even remotely true.
Trump supporters are dug in on Trump. Trump haters are dug in on Trump.

dont waste your time trying to change people's minds, my friends!

The good news is, the polls taken yesterday reversed themselves and it doesn't look real good for Rump. He's back to going backwards in support and the ones that wanted the Impeachment has gone up to 52% versus 36%. His support has dropped back to less than 48 again and is falling fast with the number that wants him gone are rising to over 50%. The good news is, the Republican Senators acceptance is dropping even faster. But they started at just over 20% so it's a real hard thing to get it to go lower but they figured out a way, in the last few days to accomplish that.

Where do you acquire all of this bullshit? We all know it is bullshit because you never post links to where you didn't find this crap!
Witnesses are never called during jury deliberations.

Deliberations are later in the trial. You never watched a courtroom drama?
So you've gotten your "facts" from Perry Mason. Perry was right on one thing he said if you apply it to the dims. They are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

Never cared much for Perry Mason, even before they were reruns. I was just putting it in terms the Catcunt might understand.
Easy answer. The Witnesses they wanted, Rump declared Executive Privilege and barred them from testifying. The House did what it could with what was left. The problem is, if the House were to take it to court, it would have been at least 2 years of court battle, many millions of dollars before it could be resolved. And given the nixon days, those excluded witnesses would be compelled to testify but Rump could have tied it up for years in court. Another free ride for Rump.

So you're blaming Trump because the house was lazy and tried to take the easy way out? You're not very damn smart, are ya?


I am blaming the Republicans in Congress that did not force the issue to get those people to testify. Simple as that. This is damned serious where Rump decides that Congress has no powers at all even though the Constitution says they do. Shades of Italy, 1936. While an accused person cannot be compelled to testify against themselves nor can their spouse, all others are not afforded that right. And if a President uses his office to block them from testifying then that's another case or cases of Presidential Powers abuse. And that is what one of the Impeachment Points is all about. And if you can't see that then we need to completely dissolve congress and the Supreme Court and just make Rump King which is what he wants in the first place. Sorry, but we already fought a war over that.

Blame whom ever you wish. The fact is only the courts have the power to rule if a claim of executive privilege is valid. The commies said they couldn't wait. Sometimes when you try to shortcut the process you find yourself at a dead end. That's exactly where the commie are, deal with it.


Yah, they courts will finally rule after numerous court challenges AFTER Rump would have left office after 8 years and he would be still as guilty as he is now and his band of criminals would still go to prison. Rump won't go to prison over any of this but his band of criminals will sooner or later. They aren't just protecting the Criminal in Charge, they are trying to delay things hoping that everyone will forget.

You commies sure have vivid imaginations, you got any more excuses to throw due process out the window?


Due Process gets thrown out the window when you have a rogue President that won't follow the law when it suits him. We have no Congress or President at this time. The system is severely wounded. But if you haven't noticed, in the last series of Polls, Rump has slipped and along with him the popularity of the Senate and House Republicans have plummeted as well.

What's happening is, the Moderates of both parties are speaking out. And it's showing in the Democratic Primaries where the Moderates are leading now. The Lefties are trying now to sound more moderate but it's not working. They are attacking the Moderates but that's no longer working. Poor Bernie and Warren. Meanwhile, Mayor Pete and Biden are either staying like they were (in Bidens Case as the Leader) or rising fast in Mayor Pete's case. Harris is also a moderate but it look like she's going to be a non runner in the end. So it looks like it's going to be a Moderate for the Dems. And that is the worst nightmare Rump can have. I never imagined that Mayor Pete would stand a chance. Surprised the hell out of me. But I did predict that the nominee would be someone we never heard of before the whole thing started. So my money is now on Mayor Pete and Rump is in real trouble and so is his band of criminals.
Trump supporters are dug in on Trump. Trump haters are dug in on Trump.

dont waste your time trying to change people's minds, my friends!

The good news is, the polls taken yesterday reversed themselves and it doesn't look real good for Rump. He's back to going backwards in support and the ones that wanted the Impeachment has gone up to 52% versus 36%. His support has dropped back to less than 48 again and is falling fast with the number that wants him gone are rising to over 50%. The good news is, the Republican Senators acceptance is dropping even faster. But they started at just over 20% so it's a real hard thing to get it to go lower but they figured out a way, in the last few days to accomplish that.

Where do you acquire all of this bullshit? We all know it is bullshit because you never post links to where you didn't find this crap!

USA Today. But I forget, Rush doesn't want you reading anything that he and Hannity didn't write.
Nevertheless, their testimony should be heard for the sake of the American people and history.

There's a lot of things that should be, when it comes to R & D's. But we all know that's not going to happen. Transparency isn't legal in DC.

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