Trump's promise to Evangelicals: I will destroy the Johnson amendment

It in no way forces churches to incorporate or have to shut up about political issues,
Well, in theory is certainly does. There is a day each year when many churches violate the edict of the federal government and speak up on "political" issues. I can thinknof only one time a white church (black churches have no such concerns. They are special) lost its tax exempt status. Mostly, the federal government has been afraid to push it because they would LOSE. White churches should fight it, and they should always remain tax exempt.

I think this article pretty much says what you're saying

It’s not Johnson Amendment muzzling pastors — it’s cowardice
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It in no way forces churches to incorporate or have to shut up about political issues,
Well, in theory is certainly does.

Well, I don't see where that is, so you will have to cite it; I posted reference that goes through the lists of Fed issues re churches, and it's not just 501.(c3) codes. It states clearly that churches are not required to incorporate, even to qualify for tax exempt status, something the Fed can't grant them anyway, so it's a red herring. What is the Fed going to tax??? There is no Federal perpetuity tax, and there are no Fed corporations, either, outside of what Congress created.

I think this article pretty much says what you're saying

It’s not Johnson Amendment muzzling pastors — it’s cowardice

I'll give a read. Thanks for the link.

Edit: Read it and he's mostly right, they're just being wimps.
And, in case anybody missed it, the establishment clause restricts what the Feds can do, not what churches can do. Those unhappy with the truth will just have to up their Prozac dosage or fall on the floor and cry or something.
it absolutely restricts what churches can do, what planet are you on? I fucking hate liars.
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.
We passed the act because we saw it was the right thing to do. But people today don't know because they haven't seen the problem. Similar to citizens united.

I think it's best to separate church sand state but if the churches and republicans care more they will get their way.

Just like most people hate Betsy devos but they appointed her anyways
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.
We passed the act because we saw it was the right thing to do. But people today don't know because they haven't seen the problem. Similar to citizens united.

I think it's best to separate church sand state but if the churches and republicans care more they will get their way.

Just like most people hate Betsy devos but they appointed her anyways
The reason this law shouldn't be repealed is that a preacher has the right to say whatever he wants but not the right to do a political speech from his pulpit.
Politics and religion should be well detached :)

Ministers speak out on issues of morality. Why do you believe he doesn't have the First Amendment right to speak out against evil politicians who will make laws affecting every American? He most certainly DOES have that right.

The First Amendment is there to protect us from government. It doesn't protect politicians from us.
And, in case anybody missed it, the establishment clause restricts what the Feds can do, not what churches can do. Those unhappy with the truth will just have to up their Prozac dosage or fall on the floor and cry or something.
it absolutely restricts what churches can do, what planet are you on? I fucking hate liars.
That's how I read it, and it certainly was the INTENT.
View attachment 110297

Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment

Trump is busting down all this NWO politcal bs. We're going to get the REAL AMERICA back and the leftist hitler loves ain't gonna like it. Oh well get use to it or get out.

rightwingnut religious freaks need to leave everyone else alone.

The constitution says we all have 'freedom of religion' not freedom from religion.....btw I see a couple of jehova witnesses knocking on your for the hills. hehheh
The reason this law shouldn't be repealed is that a preacher has the right to say whatever he wants but not the right to do a political speech from his pulpit.
Politics and religion should be well detached :)

Ministers speak out on issues of morality. Why do you believe he doesn't have the First Amendment right to speak out against evil politicians who will make laws affecting every American? He most certainly DOES have that right.

The First Amendment is there to protect us from government. It doesn't protect politicians from us.

And, in case anybody missed it, the establishment clause restricts what the Feds can do, not what churches can do. Those unhappy with the truth will just have to up their Prozac dosage or fall on the floor and cry or something.
it absolutely restricts what churches can do, what planet are you on? I fucking hate liars.

It does no such thing, and you can't show where it does, and fuck you to you, too. It's a red herring issue, period.
And, in case anybody missed it, the establishment clause restricts what the Feds can do, not what churches can do. Those unhappy with the truth will just have to up their Prozac dosage or fall on the floor and cry or something.
it absolutely restricts what churches can do, what planet are you on? I fucking hate liars.
That's how I read it, and it certainly was the INTENT.

Then you need to read the entire code, all of them, and those in the IRS guidelines, all of them as well; it doesn't restrict a thing churches can do, it restricts people from using churches as a front for self-enrichment under the guise of being a religious institution to commit tax fraud. It doesn't restrict churches in any way. Separation of church and state prevents the Feds from doing that, and that includes Federal tax laws. You're being fed bullshit, from both sides, of whom both sides wanting to portray themselves as victims of something or other; in the case of this particular code that victimhood is entirely imaginary.
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but why would he?

All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

Just like Stalin did.

Err, wait...
they and other non profits and charities will lose their tax write off in the end, if he does this.... mark my words.
I've read this link
Trump’s Promise to Evangelicals: I Will ‘Destroy’ the Johnson Amendment – End Time Headlines
I don't know if this law should be repealed or not but maybe it shouldn't
The reason this law shouldn't be repealed is that a preacher has the right to say whatever he wants but not the right to do a political speech from his pulpit.
Politics and religion should be well detached :)

The problem is that the Democratic Party has managed to convince a lot of ignorant uneducated people into believing that just because some hacks think homosexual fetishists are some sort of minority, like blacks, are a political issue then by extension ministers and the like are suddenly prohibited from saying anything about it, and have convinced the same demographic that the IRS code says they can't, and that the IRS has some sort of power to tax them if they do. It's utter nonsense, and frankly just stupid and ridiculous 'logic'. Churches and religious people have always been involved in politics; even the establishment clause itself is derived from one of the founding platforms of a religious sect, the Baptists. See Thomas Helwys for its origin. You would have to remove our entire Constitution and body of law to eliminate 'religion' here, so it's just a another fake issue for both left and right wing cranks.

See the reference to the Fordham Law article I posted earlier, for a short backgrounder on how silly bureaucratic law has gotten re the establishment clause. Meanwhile, don't anybody hold their breath waiting for the IRS to swoop down on any pastors or churches for speaking out on any moral or social issue, despite what their weirdo Hive operators keep telling you.
they and other non profits and charities will lose their tax write off in the end, if he does this.... mark my words.

Exactly, including the political Parties themselves. These people claiming they can go after churches are just butt stupid tards, and have no idea what they're talking about.
The "Johnson Amendment" CREATED a State Run Church. It is clearly unconstitutional and needs to go.

Wanna explain that one?

"Thou may say this. Thou shalt not say that"

How does it create a state run church? The tax exemption is to ANY church, be they Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. That isn't a state run church.

And, if they want to preach from the pulpit in favor of one party over another, they can do so, they just lose their tax exempt status.

The 501.3c code isn't even written for churches, it's about types of charities and the like, yet another reason these silly 'outrages' are so stupid and retarded.
This exhausting dialectic with tax exemption, islamochristiana morphing. Jaba's prisoners have other Matrix problems: currently, Iranian sanctions link to the Betsy DeVos vote. That is the theological link to Amway and the murder of Shannon McConaughey: DeVos rebuilt the bridge at Ada, Michigan after the arson (1979), and also built over one hundred churches. USMB though, has burned the Clinton mafia thread that originally mentioned it.

Brilliant. One of Obama's speech writers has joined us.

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