Trump's promise to Evangelicals: I will destroy the Johnson amendment

Marty is much like koshergrl. They get answers they don't like and go "nuh hu" as if . . . they are nutters.

Here is the type of evangelical America for what koshergrl dreams.

Marty is much like koshergrl. They get answers they don't like and go "nuh hu" as if . . . they are nutters.

Here is the type of evangelical America for what koshergrl dreams.

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You have not answered the questions.

Why is the playing field unlevel?

How is removing restrictions on speech big government?
but why would he?

All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

Picaro does not understand what the 1st Amendment means. I will help him. He can believe whatever he wants, but he cannot force his beliefs as a matter of course in the public square. His child can pray at school but cannot disrupt the educational process or bother the child's neighbors in doing so.

You mean like moral matters? WILL be forced to get an abortion if transgenders get to choose the public accommodation they consider appropriate......and you'll have to get high....yeah........really high.....
All good dictators know that religion is pablum for the people. Control the religion, you control the people. Get rid of the amendment, and you will have all the preachers singing your praises from the pulpit.

Kinda like how Johnson got the African Americans to switch from voting Republican to Democrat by enacting the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts.

All good Communists know Gramsci by heart and know that turning people away from morals and principles and into gullible unprincipled amoral fashionistas is the easiest way to destroy opposition to taking over a country, and going after the religious people first is key.

How is keeping the amendment "going after the religious people first"? The seem to have been fine with it all the way up until now.

And no, I don't think that preachers should be endorsing one political candidate over another. The military can't go to partisan political rallies in uniform because that constitutes an unofficial endorsement of that candidate by whichever service shows up in uniform.
You don't think preachers should endorse a political candidate? Talk about dictatorships..

No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.

But, I have that view because of being in the military. We were told that we were never allowed to go to political rallies for particular candidates in uniform, because it could be seen by the public as that particular service being behind a certain candidate.
Preachers are civilians. That is an absolutely terrible analogy.
Preachers should be able to do say whatever they want. My gawd man, ever hear of the first amendment?
Does that apply in Mosques as well?
No, I don't think that preachers should publicly endorse a candidate, because it could be seen as that particular religion as a whole endorsing the candidate, and it could lead to problems in the church, especially if you have 2 prominent leaders going for different candidates.
So you deny religious leaders full First Amendment rights..

And you wonder why you guys keep losing

I didn't do it, Johnson did. And, why is it that just now religious leaders are squeaking about it? Why didn't they get rid of it back then?

This is just more pandering to the religious right.

Because they finally have a Republican who will fight with them and who has stated he will change the law.... something more Shariaey
martybegan, a supposed libertarian, wants Big Government to help him out.

Shut up, you nutbar. He doesn't want big government to do anything except protect him from asshats like you, who try to use government to shut down free speech, and freedom in general.

And you do that by lying.

Which, btw, is sedition.

Jake has been establishing his 'Insanity Defense' for many years now, so he's not worried about any stinkin badges.
We see the nutso brigade rush to the Big Government Progressive's defense.

Marty is mad that his defense fell apart is the issue above.
All behaviors should be able to preach what they're about publicly. Then the public can decide which make sense and which are insane.
The "Johnson Amendment" CREATED a State Run Church. It is clearly unconstitutional and needs to go.
The "Johnson Amendment" CREATED a State Run Church. It is clearly unconstitutional and needs to go.

Wanna explain that one?

"Thou may say this. Thou shalt not say that"

How does it create a state run church? The tax exemption is to ANY church, be they Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. That isn't a state run church.

And, if they want to preach from the pulpit in favor of one party over another, they can do so, they just lose their tax exempt status.
The "Johnson Amendment" CREATED a State Run Church. It is clearly unconstitutional and needs to go.

Wanna explain that one?

"Thou may say this. Thou shalt not say that"

How does it create a state run church? The tax exemption is to ANY church, be they Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. That isn't a state run church.

And, if they want to preach from the pulpit in favor of one party over another, they can do so, they just lose their tax exempt status.

if tax exemption status is contingent upon being apolitical, pull the tax exempt status of all enviro groups and planned parenthood. Otherwise, stop inflicting it upon churches.

btw, the catholic church and episcopals make political proclamations daily.
I find it rather odd, he can mandate the IRS rule to change things for evangelicals, BUT CAN'T DEMAND THEY RELEASE HIS TAXES TO THE PUBLIC!!
I don't care what the fake Christians do as far as politics, just let me keep my tax dollars from supporting you!!
The "Johnson Amendment" CREATED a State Run Church. It is clearly unconstitutional and needs to go.

No, it doesn't; it merely provides people who contribute to churches with a means of establishing tax deductions for legitimate religious organizations and many other charitable and non-profits to the IRS on their personal tax returns.. Many denominations separate their charities from the church itself so non-members can take tax deductions for their gifts; the 501 statutes aren't just about churches, they include many different organizations.

The whole scare story hysteria is a red herring, on both sides. A church doesn't have to incorporate, nor is it required to file returns with the IRS, ever; contributors, however, need some means of proving their donations are indeed legitimate tax deductions, and the Code allows the IRS to issue a letter of proof to the various churches and other organizations that they are indeed operating legally. It in no way forces churches to incorporate or have to shut up about political issues, as the mentally ill dyke Mayor of Houston found out when she tried to subpoena some pastor's church sermons over the ridiculous bathroom bills morons are running around trying to force on the public.
if tax exemption status is contingent upon being apolitical,
They aren't, and
pull the tax exempt status of all enviro groups and planned parenthood.
... this is indeed what these idiots would be supporting when they whine about non-existent requirements. PP uses the statutes to get free money from the FED, while incorporating subsidiaries as 501's and using that money to lobby Congress for Fed bucks to ... PP, all tax deductible for its donors, and donating to political campaigns. Sounds like a kickbacks scheme to any sane person.

Otherwise, stop inflicting it upon churches.

btw, the catholic church and episcopals make political proclamations daily.

Yes, and they will keep doing so, as there is nothing the Feds can do about it. Catholic Charities is a 501.3c, and nobody is telling them they have to shut up, either. It's just a gimmick talking point some sexual fetishists came up with and have been peddling to other morons.
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And, in case anybody missed it, the establishment clause restricts what the Feds can do, not what churches can do. Those unhappy with the truth will just have to up their Prozac dosage or fall on the floor and cry or something.

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