Trump's SECRET Supporters

So, I'm guessing most of you kids don't actually know any liberals, amiright?
And all this time I thought Trump's 'secret' supporters were Guccifer bots...and whoever paid them to keep their program up and running even today.

Whoever "paid them" sure got burned...not a single vote changed other than you demrat's count-cheating, dead folks, and identity theft- beaners...Trump won the popular vote too.
Must make you feel better to believe that. And the inaugural crowd size was biggest in history too, right? And sooner or later Mexico will pay for the wall too.
"They never admit it, even to themselves". Maybe so but even reasonable Americans are caught up in peer pressure generated by the insane left wing media. They are afraid to admit that they support the President because they fear that they won't be invited to liberal cocktail parties or worse that they might be assaulted and their kids kidnapped or shot while attending concerts or freaking baseball practice. The left wing hatred knows no bounds.
I am a non-democratic party leftist and I don't hate the man. Most of what he does is assholery more so than fundamentally detrimental. What he has done can mostly be undone fairly readily. The democrats have yet to show me they are ready to lead. I sure as hell won't be supporting Elizabeth Warren. Unless they can find a fresh, positive, energizing candidate, I am not sure they can beat Trump if he runs again. Trump is a do-nothing President. Obama was as well with one exception. There are worse things to have. One of them would be Warren.

You won't have to worry about Warren. The rumored Dem roster has no one that can beat Trump. It is obvious we are going to see a Trump v Hillary Clinton rematch. Hillary is still the Dems best candidate. They will draft her into service at the last minute.
I doubt Hillary is going to run. She currently looks like she has one foot in the grave.


No I do not like him and never have. I remember him from the 80's. Never even watched the apprentice as I found him and his kids so arrogant and all out for themselves, they think they crap ice cream and everyone wants a second scoop.
That is literally what I thought about him and his family until mid-2015.
And all this time I thought Trump's 'secret' supporters were Guccifer bots...and whoever paid them to keep their program up and running even today.

Whoever "paid them" sure got burned...not a single vote changed other than you demrat's count-cheating, dead folks, and identity theft- beaners...Trump won the popular vote too.
Must make you feel better to believe that. And the inaugural crowd size was biggest in history too, right? And sooner or later Mexico will pay for the wall too.
Were people at Obama’s inaugural addresses being assaulted?

John Harwood is an American journalist who is the chief Washington Correspondent for CNBC. He is a contributor for The New York Times. He writes a weekly column entitled "The Caucus" that appears on Monday about Washington politics and policy. Wikipedia

he's a snowflake propagandist. he's the worst kind of swamp rat. He even grew up in the DC area.
They'll never admit it, sometimes not even to themselves, but sane liberals don't hate the President. Oh, they've had their moments, especially just after he whipped the fat old alcoholic Hillary at her own game...politics. They were shocked and awed by the Trump blitzkrieg and stunned by what they thought was impossible. The fake news scoundrels were embarrassed and bewildered....the little credibility they once had was gone. So they invented a fantasy to save their own necks and give the lost democrats a safe-space to nurse their was RUSSIA...he didn't win fair and square. But they knew he did. And their friends and associates knew it too...but they couldn't say it out loud. And now? He's doing the best job of any president, maybe ever. In 18 months, he's turned it all around and we're on the move again...out of the mud field Obama and Bush before him had us stuck in. Does anybody really want to go back to those depressing gray times of war and the government telling you what you can say, what you can do? C'mon. And say what they will, when the curtain in the voting booth closes in November, sane democrats will see to that the Congress stays GOP and Trump's agenda stays on course.


i just read something the other day

concerning democrats that voted for Trump

are not swayed by all of this crap leftists and leftist news organizations are pushing

that sounds like bad news for the new socialist democrat party
Must make you feel better to believe that. And the inaugural crowd size was biggest in history too, right? And sooner or later Mexico will pay for the wall too.

Mehico has already paid for the Wall.....their new NAFTA deal will be unveiled sometime in September and have mostly to do with US content in the cars they build don't you feel like a dumbass?
Must make you feel better to believe that. And the inaugural crowd size was biggest in history too, right? And sooner or later Mexico will pay for the wall too.

Mehico has already paid for the Wall.....their new NAFTA deal will be unveiled sometime in September and have mostly to do with US content in the cars they build don't you feel like a dumbass?
Have you noticed that eveything you praise Trump for is in the future? How's that NK de-nuclearization coming along?
Must make you feel better to believe that. And the inaugural crowd size was biggest in history too, right? And sooner or later Mexico will pay for the wall too.

Mehico has already paid for the Wall.....their new NAFTA deal will be unveiled sometime in September and have mostly to do with US content in the cars they build don't you feel like a dumbass?
Have you noticed that eveything you praise Trump for is in the future? How's that NK de-nuclearization coming along?

North Korea Starts Dismantling Key Missile Facilities, Report Says

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