Tone Down the Rhetoric?

Was that supposed to counter my facts?

What 'facts' again? MAGA so frequently just makes shit up. So far the only source for a physical altercation between Biden and Harris' people in the white house is dude named Jack on twittery saying it must be so.

To the Trump faithful, that's the gold standard. Irrefutable and instantly believed without thought or question.

For anyone with the slightest critical thinking skills....they'll want more.

Is it just Jack?
Then you refuse to be relevant in enacting any policy, protecting any right, or providing any change. Nor does your inaction prevent anything you are opposing. The only product of your process is that sense of being 'above it'.

Your moral superiority ...
It's not about moral superiority or "smugness". It's about intelligent behavior. Voting for shit is just plain stupid.
What 'facts' again? MAGA so frequently just makes shit up. So far the only source for a physical altercation between Biden and Harris' people in the white house is dude named Jack on twittery saying it must be so.

To the Trump faithful, that's the gold standard. Irrefutable and instantly believed without thought or question.

For anyone with the slightest critical thinking skills....they'll want more.

Is it just Jack?
You are projecting troll. You can't do any better?
You are projecting troll. You can't do any better?
Yeah, but you're not a critical thinker. You just repeat whateverr Trump tells you to think. Trump says the 2020 election was stolen, you mechanically ape him.

I demand evidence. You know, like every court to laugh your Big Lie out the door, resulting its in perfect record of incompetent failure.

Which is why Jack from Twitter just saying shit is hardly a standard of evidence. And every reference to the 'physical altercation between Biden and Harris staffers' is either some guy named Jack on Twitter saying it must be so.

Or someone quoting some guy name Jack on Twitter saying it must be so.

Is it just Jack, citing himself?
It's not about moral superiority or "smugness". It's about intelligent behavior. Voting for shit is just plain stupid.

Its about being 'above it all'. And effecting no change, improving nothing, fixing nothing, leading nothing, having zero impact on any outcome, regardless of the rights and freedoms are stripped from the people.

With every ill you cite still happening. Every shitty leader, every stolen freedom, every folly you lament about.

Your sense of being 'above it all' isn't worth a woman's right to choose, for example. Your moral cowardice not worth a gay couple's right to marry. There's nothing intelligent about making yourself irrelevant, inert and simply watching as awful things happen.

If you ever manage to have anything useful to offer in relation to the real world, give me a holler.
What can I say? You're just that intimidating.
Oh pshaw, you silly little putz.

Youre a spineless gutless ball-less yellow- bellied sap sucking quivering cowering pussy. But I didn’t say you were afraid of me.

We both know that you’re simply afraid of having your poseur self more fully exposed.

It’s ok. You haven’t been able to conceal it. Ever.
Oh pshaw, you silly little putz.

Youre a spineless gutless ball-less yellow- bellied sap sucking quivering cowering pussy. But I didn’t say you were afraid of me.

We both know that you’re simply afraid of having your poseur self more fully exposed.

It’s ok. You haven’t been able to conceal it. Ever.
Still triggered. Kinda sad really.
No, it's not. You dipshits accuse me of that, because you're insecure and you know you're being stupid. That's not on me.

Oh, I believe you, panty-shitter. But this guy says you're a fucking liar:

I am above it. I refuse to vote for a bad candidate just because that's all the two shit parties offer up.

You don't effect any change. You don't accomplish anything. You solve no problem. You enact no policy. You protect no right. You defend no freedom. You achieve nothing. You make yourself gloriously irrelevant, with every single ill you lament about still happening.

So your 'intelligent behavior' has the exact same result by your own standard as any vote you condemn by any of the 'dipshits' you lament against.

The only product of your process is you feeling that you're 'above it all'. Which is just self indulgent dipshit nonsense. Signifying nothing.

Again, give me a holler if you ever manage to connect your Cliff Clavening with the real world.
Skyrizi makes its shit up all the time.

Irony is lost on that thing.

Then perhaps you've got some evidence of the physical altercation between Biden and Harris staffers in the White House? So far its just 'Jack from Twitter' saying it must be so.

Among your ilk, that's the gold standard. But for anyone with critical thinking skills, its some pretty weak tea.

Laughing.....its okay, Back. No one expects you to have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
Oh, I believe you, panty-shitter. But this guy says you're a fucking liar:

You don't effect any change. You don't accomplish anything. You solve no problem. You enact no policy. You protect no right. You defend no freedom. You achieve nothing. You make yourself gloriously irrelevant, with every single ill you lament about still happening.

So your 'intelligent behavior' has the exact same result by your own standard as any vote you condemn by any of the 'dipshits' you lament against.

The only product of your process is you feeling that you're 'above it all'. Which is just self indulgent dipshit nonsense. Signifying nothing.

Again, give me a holler if you ever manage to connect your Cliff Clavening with the real world.
It's pretty obvious you know you're wrong. You guys get so triggered every time I point it out. Fucking sheep.
It's pretty obvious you know you're wrong. You guys get so triggered every time I point it out. Fucking sheep.

Give me a holler if you ever manage to offer something relevant to the real world, Cliff. Your feelings of being 'above it all' aren't it.
Give me a holler if you ever manage to offer something relevant to the real world, Cliff. Your feelings of being 'above it all' aren't it.
Nah. You two-party goons are a lost cause. But not everyone here is a cheerleader for shit.
Nah. You two-party goons are a lost cause. But not everyone here is a cheerleader for shit.

And you being 'above it all' doesn't change the two party system. Or prevent any illl you lament about. Every last bit of it still happens. much for your 'intelligent behavior'.

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