Trumps twitter account permanently suspended...

BE AFRAID. The President of the United States has lost his First Amendment right to speech. I'm feeling the leftist "unity"

Twitter isn't the only place where you can air their grievances. Besides, the 1st Amendment doesn't say that private companies can't ban you, it just says that the U.S. Government can't tell you what to say or not. Trump hasn't lost his 1st Amendment rights, he's just gotta find someone else who will support his bullshit.

Matter of fact, he's still president, and I'm pretty sure that if he held a presser, the whole thing would be covered, and probably on every news outlet in the world. He can still say what he wants. tell you the truth, I'm not sure that Trump has the balls to go in front of television cameras. I'm thinking he's gonna be in hiding until he takes that big helicopter ride that kicks him outta the WH.
Trumps twitter account permanently suspended...

parler is being told to edit conservatives or be kicked out of apple and google stores.

but i thought all the right had to do was create their own site...
They will have to do something else to get out of the clutches of the democrats rules.

It's not the democrats rules, it's the rules of the site. They specifically have rules for not inciting violence or threatening people. I mean even USMB has rules for posting here, and they can suspend or ban anyone they want to as well. We've seen (and some have experienced) those who have had it happen to them.

You know, I kinda wonder if the reason so many GOP congress types have abandoned him is because Trump no longer has the bully platform of Twitter? Gonna be interesting to see how he handles this one. Guess there are no more late evening/early morning tweets to come from Trump while he's sitting in the bathroom (I say that, because most of his tweets were crap anyway).

I do some of my best thinking on the toilet... Then again I believe most men think best when they get all the crap out of them... Again most men and Trump is not like most men and his banning is not surprising...

Now with that written Twitter should think about this because it site allows porn and so on to be shown on it, and yet Trump mad ranting is not allowed...

Personally I would let the fool rant on because doing what Twitter is doing is giving more fuel that Trump can use to fuel his base with...
It’s about time. Though kinda too little, too late. Or closing the barn door after you’ve let the horses out.

Yea! Democracy!

He might die within the next four years of depression, for being rejected the way he is and will be. Also from the stress of fighting all the legal battles coming his way before the month is over.

God works in mysterious ways.
There is nothing God like about you people. The exact opposite.
Besides, the 1st Amendment doesn't say that private companies can't ban you
Just as I predicted. Thanks for the lecture Biden voter.
.these tech companies are acting as a MONOPOLY to silence AMERICAN views.

Sorry, but they certainly are violating the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS of half the population.

It may take time, but this isnt going to end well for YOU as a CPA member
What liberals don't even realize is that cutting the tongue out of your enemy doesn't prove you right or him wrong. It simply shows how weak you are that you can't compete with him on the same playing field. It's akin to saying you won the game because you wouldn't give the other team the ball.
From Twitter: "After close review of recent Tweets from the account and the context around them we have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence."
Great. Time to dump Twitter. Problem solved. They are a cancer to society.

Can't dump what I've never had. But I did enjoy telling FakeBook to stick it up their Communist ass
Yep, I've never had or been on any social media other than USMB, and by the looks of things thank God for it.

The story of the Tower of Babel comes to mind. Where for they had come together to build a tower into the Heaven's by way of like minded comunication. This of course was an excersize exhibiting the human non-understanding of our condition, where for we cannot ascend physically nor transverse from one relm into another. When God observed this confusion that had come about by those who were misleading the people in such a sinful way, he took action to stop their folly.

I'm looking at these platforms today, and observing how many are joining together to do evil upon them, and can't help equating it all back to the same evil deeds that once led the people of Babylon to do the same things in which we are witnessing in modern times today.
I think Fox News reported today that him and his followers are responsible for about half of twitters traffic. I can't imagine they make this decision unless someone in the incoming government is willing to grant them tax dollars (I think it's called cronyism).

Wherever he goes, that platform will explode, there is no question. If he were smart, he'd get into the media business AND get funding for a social media platform.

He'd earn a billion a year.
Trump will buy CNN and it will become Conservative News Network.
Now that would be hilarious. MAGA
Donald Trump Jr.


We are living Orwell’s 1984. Free-speech no longer exists in America. It died with big tech and what’s left is only there for a chosen few. This is absolute insanity.
If those who were cheated would boycott Amazon and any company that has liberal on it, they would be crushed.

Even though StarFucks is liberal, a lot of their non lib customers just want coffee.

We have the power....We need the hashtags. I'm doing my part. I'm eating my Goya beans getting to hit the couch with a My Pillow after I wash my face with a My Pillow towel.

Don't get me started on running the banks and selling all stocks on 1/21
If people only understood the power of the purse, and would just do a little research into what their money is funding, they could make change without ever lifting their hands to making war or rattling their sabors as if to detour it by such means.

This option however is fading fast, because the bad or evilness controlling the physical relm will swiftly work to shore up this weak spot or option the citizen's might decide to use now in order to fight back with.

Our freedom's include our ways of finance and banking, otherwise this was also a part of choice in our daily live's... By this we have the ability to use our choice as a way to protest those things that might seek to destroy or poorly serve us. Example: If we buy a product or get a service rendered unto us, and either one is no good, then we can freely choose to direct our money elsewhere where it best serves us.

Monopolies take away this choice, and as we've seen, it has gotten worse and worse and worse over time.

Now all that's left is to control our freedom of the purse, where as our options to choose is taken away by either government force or monopolies being allowed to control the market place so greatly, that we no longer have an option to choose.

Otherwise if we find that China is slaving it's citizen's in horrid condition's, do we really have the choice to not support that anymore when purchasing products ??

Do we become part of the tower building now ??

A short story - I purchased a well pump from a monopoly store in our area, it lasted about two years max before having to purchase it again. Then a friend of mine gave me a used pump that he had used for 3 years, and just changed it out because he put down a bigger well. I hooked up the pump to my well, and it lasted 4 years a total of 7 years.

Ok, so when that pump quit, I went to a hardware store that always carried top named brand quality products (higher prices, but well worth it). I decided to go there in hopes to avoid the cheap products the big box stores was offering.

I told the service rep that I needed a well pump, and I need it to last more than two years. He said, why do you say that ? I told him the story of the cheap products purchased from the big box stores, and how the stuff just doesn't last.

He said, well let me tell you a little secret, the stuff my boss is getting in here now, ain't nothing like the stuff we use to have. Infact he's buying the same cheaper stuff these other companies are getting, so good luck on getting any better service than what you were getting from the big box stores out of the product. And worse the price was higher because the store was smaller.

We are getting it handed to us folks, so it best to open your eyes, but it's probably to late for that now. Trump was wanting the best for us, and the globalist weren't having any of it.
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Donald Trump Jr.


We are living Orwell’s 1984. Free-speech no longer exists in America. It died with big tech and what’s left is only there for a chosen few. This is absolute insanity.
If those who were cheated would boycott Amazon and any company that has liberal on it, they would be crushed.

Even though StarFucks is liberal, a lot of their non lib customers just want coffee.

We have the power....We need the hashtags. I'm doing my part. I'm eating my Goya beans getting to hit the couch with a My Pillow after I wash my face with a My Pillow towel.

Don't get me started on running the banks and selling all stocks on 1/21
If people only understood the power of the purse, and would just do a little research into what their money is funding, they could make change without ever lifting their hands to making war or rattling their sabors as if to detour it by such means.

This option however is fading fast, because the bad or evilness controlling the physical relm will swiftly work to shore up this weak spot or option the citizen's might decide to use now in order to fight back with.

Our freedom's include our ways of finance and banking, otherwise this was also a part of choice in our daily live's... By this we have the ability to use our choice as a way to protest those things that might seek to destroy or poorly serve us. Example: If we buy a product or get a service rendered unto us, and either one is no good, then we can freely choose to direct our money elsewhere where it best serves us.

Monopolies take away this choice, and as we've seen, it has gotten worse and worse and worse over time.

Now all that's left is to control our freedom of the purse, where as our options to choose is taken away by either government force or monopolies being allowed to control the market place so greatly, that we no longer have an option to choose.

Otherwise if we find that China is slaving it's citizen's in horrid condition's, do we really have the choice to not support that anymore when purchasing products ??

Do we become part of the tower building now ??
If we have national run the bank and sell your stock day. We'll see who is stronger.

First thing I would do if Trump is make people pledge not to do Amazon. Shop local. I am as guilty. my last Amazon package its on its way. Box will be urinated on

Starbucks forget about it. Conservs want coffee not bull shit. Economic sanctions is the best way to bring people to their knees.

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