Trumps twitter account permanently suspended...

Just as I predicted. Thanks for the lecture Biden voter.
.these tech companies are acting as a MONOPOLY to silence AMERICAN views.

Sorry, but they certainly are violating the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS of half the population.

Private businesses don't have to grant people, or it's employees 1st amendment rights. That's a right granted by government over it's own actions.
Tech tyrants....all and every single one of them.....censoring all Patriot voices...

Mao must be proud ....

...and Beijing Biden must be very happy to be helping his communists benefactors too.

Sad days are these my friends.

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The only thing any of these platforms should be against, uhhh is hateful racist speech (regardless of who's doing it be it white or black), and also against violent speech where people threaten one another.

Anything else should be totally left alone.
The only thing any of these platforms should be against, uhhh is hateful racist speech (regardless of who's doing it be it white or black), and also against violent speech where people threaten one another.

Anything else should be totally left alone.
I would disagree. Hateful speech can be tolerated, as this is merely opinion. But any violent speech, as you pointed out, should clearly be precluded, as should other speech which in itself violates the law.
Donald Trump Jr.


We are living Orwell’s 1984. Free-speech no longer exists in America. It died with big tech and what’s left is only there for a chosen few. This is absolute insanity.
If those who were cheated would boycott Amazon and any company that has liberal on it, they would be crushed.

Even though StarFucks is liberal, a lot of their non lib customers just want coffee.

We have the power....We need the hashtags. I'm doing my part. I'm eating my Goya beans getting to hit the couch with a My Pillow after I wash my face with a My Pillow towel.

Don't get me started on running the banks and selling all stocks on 1/21
If people only understood the power of the purse, and would just do a little research into what their money is funding, they could make change without ever lifting their hands to making war or rattling their sabors as if to detour it by such means.

This option however is fading fast, because the bad or evilness controlling the physical relm will swiftly work to shore up this weak spot or option the citizen's might decide to use now in order to fight back with.

Our freedom's include our ways of finance and banking, otherwise this was also a part of choice in our daily live's... By this we have the ability to use our choice as a way to protest those things that might seek to destroy or poorly serve us. Example: If we buy a product or get a service rendered unto us, and either one is no good, then we can freely choose to direct our money elsewhere where it best serves us.

Monopolies take away this choice, and as we've seen, it has gotten worse and worse and worse over time.

Now all that's left is to control our freedom of the purse, where as our options to choose is taken away by either government force or monopolies being allowed to control the market place so greatly, that we no longer have an option to choose.

Otherwise if we find that China is slaving it's citizen's in horrid condition's, do we really have the choice to not support that anymore when purchasing products ??

Do we become part of the tower building now ??
If we have national run the bank and sell your stock day. We'll see who is stronger.

First thing I would do if Trump is make people pledge not to do Amazon. Shop local. I am as guilty. my last Amazon package its on its way. Box will be urinated on

Starbucks forget about it. Conservs want coffee not bull shit. Economic sanctions is the best way to bring people to their knees.
Works for the US government, maybe the good folks should watch and learn how it works. We put those tools in the government tool box, so how could we not know how it works huh ?
The only thing any of these platforms should be against, uhhh is hateful racist speech (regardless of who's doing it be it white or black), and also against violent speech where people threaten one another.

Anything else should be totally left alone.
I would disagree. Hateful speech can be tolerated, as this is merely opinion. But any violent speech, as you pointed out, should clearly be precluded, as should other speech which in itself violates the law.
True, but what purpose does racist speech have other than to divide us against each other based upon our skin colors ?? We shouldn't tolerate something as stupid as that, and it definitely can lead to violence if ends up in the wrong dummies ears.
Just as I predicted. Thanks for the lecture Biden voter.
.these tech companies are acting as a MONOPOLY to silence AMERICAN views.

Sorry, but they certainly are violating the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS of half the population.

Private businesses don't have to grant people, or it's employees 1st amendment rights. That's a right granted by government over it's own actions.
Government doest GRANT RIGHTS.


GOVERNMENT exists to protect those rights.

Big Tech is at WAR with those rights.

Now they need to pay
Just as I predicted. Thanks for the lecture Biden voter.
.these tech companies are acting as a MONOPOLY to silence AMERICAN views.

Sorry, but they certainly are violating the FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS of half the population.

Private businesses don't have to grant people, or it's employees 1st amendment rights. That's a right granted by government over it's own actions.
Yes they do have to observe free speech rights that are protected by government, and you're right, private buisness has no right to grant something to an employee that he or she already has when they walk into the door or upon a job site when hired.

If you think that a company can abuse someone, and not allow them the right to report them, then you best get to studying laws, the constitution, and the US government.
trump twitter three.jpeg

trump twitter one.jpeg

trump twitter two.jpeg
Anyone else notice that since Twitter permanently suspended Trump's account, as well as the one of his campaign, that more and more GOP congress critters have been willing to speak out against him?
Anyone else notice that since Twitter permanently suspended Trump's account, as well as the one of his campaign, that more and more GOP congress critters have been willing to speak out against him?
Only in your head liar!
I would disagree. Hateful speech can be tolerated, as this is merely opinion.
True, but what purpose does racist speech have other than to divide us against each other based upon our skin colors ?? We shouldn't tolerate something as stupid as that, and it definitely can lead to violence if ends up in the wrong dummies ears.
As is often said, it is easy to protect speech we agree with. The test of free speech is if we tolerate speech we don't agree with.

It's a slippery slope to rail against racist speech, because next comes religion, sex and national origin.
Government doest GRANT RIGHTS.


GOVERNMENT exists to protect those rights.

Big Tech is at WAR with those rights.

Now they need to pay

Big tech is like any other public accommodation, has to not discriminate. But they can set policy on any other basis. I remember some companies did this in their parking lots.

The parking lot at Ford Motor Co.'s Dearborn Truck plant just got a little more exclusive. Plant manager Rob Webber announced Monday that, starting Feb. 1, the parking lot may be used only by employees who drive vehicles built by Ford or one of its subsidiaries.

UAW bansforeigncars from union property ..
foreign cars are banned from UAW (Chrysler, Ford, GM) parking lots .
Private businesses don't have to grant people, or it's employees 1st amendment rights. That's a right granted by government over it's own actions.
Yes they do have to observe free speech rights that are protected by government, and you're right, private buisness has no right to grant something to an employee that he or she already has when they walk into the door or upon a job site when hired.

If you think that a company can abuse someone, and not allow them the right to report them, then you best get to studying laws, the constitution, and the US government.
What you describe is Trump incs standard non-disclosure agreements.


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