Trump’s unhinged: midnight rant on women


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
This was his 11:42 late night rant. Not only is it unhinged and entirely untrue he tells women in all caps that since their rights can be taken away at the state level they have nothing to worry about.

Women know, and he knows he’s lost because they know.

This was his 11:42 late night rant. Not only is it unhinged and entirely untrue he tells women in all caps that since their rights can be taken away at the state level they have nothing to worry about.

Women know, and he knows he’s lost because they know.

View attachment 1015616

Trump should understand that a woman that will vote on abortion alone has lost her soul already. Thus, she is truly lost. Pray for them, but stop chasing after them politically.
They know what he is. They know he's a liar who will say anything in the moment.

But they've sold their soul. They're emotionally committed. So it doesn't matter.

Do you REALLY think voting for Trump is worse, morally, than killing your own BABY--the one you created--in your own womb???

I'm really concerned for your mental health if this is true. I mean put this in common vernacular. At the judgment:

"You voted for Trump"


"You killed your baby"

Get a grip, Mac
Is that how this site works? I posted a video of Biden molesting a little girl, and one user denies something that is easily confirmed to be true.
I'm more concerned with what actual arguments they have with the issue of State Rights vx Federal rights. But they don't seem to want to discuss that at all.
I'm more concerned with what actual arguments they have with the issue of State Rights vx Federal rights. But they don't seem to want to discuss that at all.

For years it was about being pro-life. Now that Trump has shown he never actually was pro-life it's about "states rights".

But when a state argues it isn't going to do the federal governments job and enforce immigration we get cries over how Trump has to be elected to stop that.
They know what he is. They know he's a liar who will say anything in the moment.

But they've sold their soul. They're emotionally committed. So it doesn't matter.
They know he's a liar who will say anything in the he is like all the other people in DC....what else you got?..
For years it was about being pro-life. Now that Trump has shown he never actually was pro-life it's about "states rights".

But when a state argues it isn't going to do the federal governments job and enforce immigration we get cries over how Trump has to be elected to stop that.

Cities become "sanctuary cities" IN OPPOSITION to federal law. In other words they believe they are every Leftists whiny cry: "Above the law". There is no longer any federal right or prohibition on abortion. So this is a bad example.
The only indication I have of his own view is exceptions for the life of the mother, rape and incest.

He said he doesn't support late term abortions but that ban was already in place until the courts over ruled all of that.

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