Trump’s unhinged: midnight rant on women

Good slogan. Soulless woman. Go with that.

If that is not true, then why do you have to couch the language in "end the pregnancy" and "clump of cells" rather than describe the procedure for what it really is?

Expel the living human that you created and that is residing in your own body, depending on you for its sustenance.

If it was good, it could be accurately described.
Is this like if you think murder is bad just don't murder anyone?
Abortion isnt murder any more than getting a haircut is. You fuckers are supporting the most wretched humans to ever live who are causing real bad shit and trying to make up a crisis. I 100% know for a fact you dont think anyone is murdering babies.
Abortion isnt murder any more than getting a haircut is. You fuckers are supporting the most wretched humans to ever live who are causing real bad shit and trying to make up a crisis. I 100% know for a fact you dont think anyone is murdering babies.

Do you make yourself stupid because your soul is rotten or are you really just this stupid?

What does HAIR ever develop into, left alone? A fetus? A baby? A whole person?

No. Just HAIR. That's it. Hair.

This is the dumbest thing you have ever posted and that's a mouthful
If you want to disregard and disrespect women go right ahead.

Tough to win election though

I'm interested in the future women being slaughtered for convenience too, but people with rotted souls don't care.

I never, ever say "rotted souls" lightly.

That's the only thing that could make someone an avid proponent of abortion. And our nation, believe it, will pay. I think sooner than later.
I'm interested in the future women being slaughtered for convenience too, but people with rotted souls don't care.

I never, ever say "rotted souls" lightly.

That's the only thing that could make someone an avid proponent of abortion. And our nation, believe it, will pay. I think sooner than later.

“Women being slaughtered”?

You’re nutz
For years it was about being pro-life. Now that Trump has shown he never actually was pro-life it's about "states rights".

But when a state argues it isn't going to do the federal governments job and enforce immigration we get cries over how Trump has to be elected to stop that.
He was a democrat at onetime. So what, he wants to close the border, make things affordable again and make America a great nation again. What's wrong with that? Under Biden, we are a laughing stock of the world.
Is that what you really think Harry? That Trump and his lies don't go far and beyond any politician and human that walks this Earth? You think that everyone else is just like him, with their lying, at the level of him?

I find that, very hard to believe....:(
Harris lied through the entire debate. But you support that.
I'm interested in the future women being slaughtered for convenience too, but people with rotted souls don't care.

I never, ever say "rotted souls" lightly.

That's the only thing that could make someone an avid proponent of abortion. And our nation, believe it, will pay. I think sooner than later.

Yeah, I've been listening to fanatic nuts like you say stuff like this for years. God is going to totally punish us for not adhering to your fucked up value system.

If you guys were serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support universal health care, paid family leave, free availability of contraception, and comprehensive scientific sex education.
Trump is saying here that is OK as long as the state allows you to do it.
Trump is in agreement that each state has its views on abortion and each deal with it in their own way. Some states have amendments in November on it.

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