Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

Learn to pay attention to events held on certain months of the year. Easter is fucking Pagan Fucking Holiday.

National Transgender Day is held every year on March 31. There is no grand conspiracy, just weak minded people who so afraid of the world they need to in something that has no basis reality.

Your Jesus is not real. He did not rise from the dead. He was NOT born in December. He sure as shit was NOT WHITE.

Your god calls you to love your fellow man, you do not.

Your god calls on you to welcome stranger, you do not.

Your god calls on to to show love and concern for your fellow man, you do not.

Your myth says if a man strikes a pregnant woman and the baby dies, he pays a fine. If the pregnant woman dies. He dies.

You bible tell women how to get rid of an unwanted pregnant. NOT very life...neither is your god.

How much did Jesus charge to raise the dead, make the blind to see and deaf to hear? He loved public health care.

Who paid the last supper, was dutch or jesus shell out his sheckles.

jesus did not die for anyone's sins. He was executed for challenging the authority of Rome. His was very demonstration of Capital Punishment. Yet, you MAGA MAGGOTS love having the state kill people.

Mary never.....never rode on the back of donkey for over thirty miles in her last month of pregnancy.

Finally, your suppose love and embrace those different from and yet you display homophobia. jesus never said one word about homosexuals, homosexuality or same sex relationships. Your very so-called "Christian Values" seem to include hate, and know the very things your god says you should NOT do.
We'll not be taking our Bible teachings form an atheistic shitlib worshiper of The State today, thankyouverymuch.
Yeah, Trump can be a jerk sometimes. No doubt about it.

If all Trump supporters admit that, can we finally talk about the issues?


Ok, then. I will say this. I prefer Trump's Easter message above to Biden's excluding of Christian symbols, and co-opting the day for "transgender visibility."
The phonies somehow don't see the damage they're doing to the religion they claim to follow.

Presumably, they don't care. It's all about politics.

Driving back from a weekend away with the wife we saw a billboard with the words "Is Trump Next" and next to them was a cross. These people literally believe Trump is Jesus incarnate.
Yeah, Trump can be a jerk sometimes. No doubt about it.

If all Trump supporters admit that, can we finally talk about the issues?


Ok, then. I will say this. I prefer Trump's Easter message above to Biden's excluding of Christian symbols, and co-opting the day for "transgender visibility."
It's all a pro rasslin' distraction.
Yeah, Trump can be a jerk sometimes. No doubt about it.

If all Trump supporters admit that, can we finally talk about the issues?


Ok, then. I will say this. I prefer Trump's Easter message above to Biden's excluding of Christian symbols, and co-opting the day for "transgender visibility."

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.
The phonies somehow don't see the damage they're doing to the religion they claim to follow.

Presumably, they don't care. It's all about politics.

Preserving the beliefs of the cult takes precedent over all else.

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