Trump's Uplifting Easter Message

Worshipping people is relative. An African American governor of Maryland. an African American mayor in Baltimore and Gay Mayor Pete. Today an article stating it may take up to 10 years to replace the Francis Scott Key bridge. This is what we are really talking about. It may be redone sooner. Especially if a fast push urgency is warranted for political reasons. Trump's history is of getting these things done with all of the blemishes we are constantly reminded of.
I have no idea what this word salad is supposed to mean.

But if one of the billionaires you shill for wants to step in and fix the bridge in 6 months, nobody is stopping g them.
Idols included with every membership, free!

So you admit it is a message of hate. Good. Admitting the truth is the first step in breaking free of the cult.
I guess Trump issues one message of hate after Biden spent the last 3 years issuing one message of hate after another.....the latest example was his state of the union message that he spent 67 minutes screaming at MAGA like they were terrorists trying to murder Americans.
I guess Trump issues one message of hate after Biden spent the last 3 years issuing one message of hate after another.....the latest example was his state of the union message that he spent 67 minutes screaming at MAGA like they were terrorists trying to murder Americans.

Well. They are terrorists trying to murder Americans.

At least once a day you Trump Supporters demand violent action against some black, homosexual, transgender, but always an American.

You guys call for Americans to die more than the Ayatollah.
Nothing I see here says it was a Nationally observed day.......and no president has the authority to make it a national holiday.

Only congress can do that.
It's an international day celebrated by every president since 2009. And the President can do what was done.
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Well. They are terrorists trying to murder Americans.

At least once a day you Trump Supporters demand violent action against some black, homosexual, transgender, but always an American.

You guys call for Americans to die more than the Ayatollah.
Sorry, that's either the voices in your collective heads or you've been watching MSNBC too much.

Well. They are terrorists trying to murder Americans.

At least once a day you Trump Supporters demand violent action against some black, homosexual, transgender, but always an American.

You guys call for Americans to die more than the Ayatollah.
It's amazing that you think the murder of innocent people is funny.

What is wrong with you?
Learn to pay attention to events held on certain months of the year. Easter is fucking Pagan Fucking Holiday.

National Transgender Day is held every year on March 31. There is no grand conspiracy, just weak minded people who so afraid of the world they need to in something that has no basis reality.

Your Jesus is not real. He did not rise from the dead. He was NOT born in December. He sure as shit was NOT WHITE.

Your god calls you to love your fellow man, you do not.

Your god calls on you to welcome stranger, you do not.

Your god calls on to to show love and concern for your fellow man, you do not.

Your myth says if a man strikes a pregnant woman and the baby dies, he pays a fine. If the pregnant woman dies. He dies.

You bible tell women how to get rid of an unwanted pregnant. NOT very life...neither is your god.

How much did Jesus charge to raise the dead, make the blind to see and deaf to hear? He loved public health care.

Who paid the last supper, was dutch or jesus shell out his sheckles.

jesus did not die for anyone's sins. He was executed for challenging the authority of Rome. His was very demonstration of Capital Punishment. Yet, you MAGA MAGGOTS love having the state kill people.

Mary never.....never rode on the back of donkey for over thirty miles in her last month of pregnancy.

Finally, your suppose love and embrace those different from and yet you display homophobia. jesus never said one word about homosexuals, homosexuality or same sex relationships. Your very so-called "Christian Values" seem to include hate, and know the very things your god says you should NOT do.
Not thick enough. Your passages say what God's values are, mine says what our values should be. God doesn't need us to enforce his authority, he is perfectly capable of doing that for himself. What he needs is for us to do as Mark 12:30-31 instructs us to do.

And the Bible is very clear about sexual immortality and my verses prove it. Much like everything else today you faggots want to rewrite history and laws to condone your faggotry but you are deceiving no one but yourselves

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