Truthers, how was this engine planted?

agent curvey;
you fail to recognize my impersonation of chrisofearya........laugh once in awhile, clean those cobwebs from between your ears!

Simply put the agent will say the reverse of the truth.

You have repeatedly claimed in all sincerity I'm a traitor for questioning 9E. Likewise, claimed I am in alkida and I just want to see America destroyed.

Yup! So?
Actually the fact that you do not question but demonstrate you prefer a lie that disparages your country over the truth that show her as a victim is what makes you a little treasonous traitor. Healthy questioning would be constructive, hating the country where your mother nurtured a baby curvey is treason. Even small statements like the new one you gave me for my sig line demonstrate you are an america hating tool of al qaida.

You stole his avatar? Sweet!
You have repeatedly claimed in all sincerity I'm a traitor for questioning 9E. Likewise, claimed I am in alkida and I just want to see America destroyed.

Yup! So?
Actually the fact that you do not question but demonstrate you prefer a lie that disparages your country over the truth that show her as a victim is what makes you a little treasonous traitor. Healthy questioning would be constructive, hating the country where your mother nurtured a baby curvey is treason. Even small statements like the new one you gave me for my sig line demonstrate you are an america hating tool of al qaida.

I've never accused the government of doing 9E and have only asked questions. They are healthy questions and that is why your only reaction is to accuse people of being traitors. Also, thank you very much for the free adverstisment in your sig. It's the most productive thing you have done in the last ten years.

Bullshit exposed from the agent of deception. Beware that the only information targeted for disinformation by the psyops is useful information. You have demonstrated that all your assumptions are based on your belief that USA govt was responsible for every calamity suffered in the past 100 years maybe longer.

thank you for the sig line and i am hoping for more humorous quotes from you.
Yup! So?
Actually the fact that you do not question but demonstrate you prefer a lie that disparages your country over the truth that show her as a victim is what makes you a little treasonous traitor. Healthy questioning would be constructive, hating the country where your mother nurtured a baby curvey is treason. Even small statements like the new one you gave me for my sig line demonstrate you are an america hating tool of al qaida.

I've never accused the government of doing 9E and have only asked questions. They are healthy questions and that is why your only reaction is to accuse people of being traitors. Also, thank you very much for the free adverstisment in your sig. It's the most productive thing you have done in the last ten years.

Bullshit exposed from the agent of deception. Beware that the only information targeted for disinformation by the psyops is useful information. You have demonstrated that all your assumptions are based on your belief that USA govt was responsible for every calamity suffered in the past 100 years maybe longer.

thank you for the sig line and i am hoping for more humorous quotes from you.

The fact you resort to lying to try and discredit screams insecurity. What are five healthy questions to ask about 9E?
I've never accused the government of doing 9E and have only asked questions. They are healthy questions and that is why your only reaction is to accuse people of being traitors. Also, thank you very much for the free adverstisment in your sig. It's the most productive thing you have done in the last ten years.

Bullshit exposed from the agent of deception. Beware that the only information targeted for disinformation by the psyops is useful information. You have demonstrated that all your assumptions are based on your belief that USA govt was responsible for every calamity suffered in the past 100 years maybe longer.

thank you for the sig line and i am hoping for more humorous quotes from you.

The fact you resort to lying to try and discredit screams insecurity. What are five healthy questions to ask about 9E?

The fact that I have stated my support for the 911 commission report is not a lie. That is the accepted truth, accepted by all except the most severly brain-damaged lunatics as basically true. There are no lies there. There are minor mistakes that give no credence to your treasonous theories that your hated "Bush adminstration killed americans".
If you have 5 questions that is your business, ask them yourself.
100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

Joel S. Hirschhorn
Intelligence Daily
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:22 EDT

The failure to rebuild the World Trade Center site in Manhattan has received endless attention. But public anger about this failed reconstruction should not been seen so negatively. After all, mental reconstruction has also still not been successful and is surely more needed, with too many Americans still accepting the official government story about 9/11. This, despite a huge amount of compelling evidence that elements of the US government played some role, despite a very large, active 9/11 truth movement, and despite an impressive number of highly credible people demanding a new investigation as documented at

In the recent Angus Reid Public Opinion survey of a representative national sample of American adults, 62 per cent of respondents disagree with the view that the "Sept. 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan." Far more Republicans disagree at 80 percent, compared to 66 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Democrats.

Consistent with this is that two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) agree with the government commission that investigated the events of Sept. 11, 2001, which concluded that an attack was carried out by 19 hijackers who were members of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, led by Osama bin Laden. Though 12 per cent of respondents reject the commission's findings, one-in-five Americans (21 percent) are undecided. In particular, 35 percent of Independents and 34 percent of Democrats do not accept the official version, compared to just 20 percent of Republicans.
100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story -- Signs of the Times News
100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story

Joel S. Hirschhorn
Intelligence Daily
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:22 EDT

The failure to rebuild the World Trade Center site in Manhattan has received endless attention. But public anger about this failed reconstruction should not been seen so negatively. After all, mental reconstruction has also still not been successful and is surely more needed, with too many Americans still accepting the official government story about 9/11. This, despite a huge amount of compelling evidence that elements of the US government played some role, despite a very large, active 9/11 truth movement, and despite an impressive number of highly credible people demanding a new investigation as documented at

In the recent Angus Reid Public Opinion survey of a representative national sample of American adults, 62 per cent of respondents disagree with the view that the "Sept. 11 incident was a big fabrication as a pretext for the campaign against terrorism and a prelude for staging an invasion against Afghanistan." Far more Republicans disagree at 80 percent, compared to 66 percent of Independents and 55 percent of Democrats.

Consistent with this is that two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) agree with the government commission that investigated the events of Sept. 11, 2001, which concluded that an attack was carried out by 19 hijackers who were members of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, led by Osama bin Laden. Though 12 per cent of respondents reject the commission's findings, one-in-five Americans (21 percent) are undecided. In particular, 35 percent of Independents and 34 percent of Democrats do not accept the official version, compared to just 20 percent of Republicans.
100 million Americans question or find fault with the official 9/11 story -- Signs of the Times News

Thank you eots for actually posting a link, and part of an article that supports your view. I can only criticize the fact that you offer nothing in the way of your own opinion. Yet, that is not required, the link and article serve to start debate to which you can then answer and state your postition at that time.

See how easy that is curvey, take a lesson from your homeboy eots.
You have repeatedly claimed in all sincerity I'm a traitor for questioning 9E. Likewise, claimed I am in alkida and I just want to see America destroyed.

Yup! So?
Actually the fact that you do not question but demonstrate you prefer a lie that disparages your country over the truth that show her as a victim is what makes you a little treasonous traitor. Healthy questioning would be constructive, hating the country where your mother nurtured a baby curvey is treason. Even small statements like the new one you gave me for my sig line demonstrate you are an america hating tool of al qaida.

You stole his avatar? Sweet!

Yup, I stole chris's avatar and it has been a great distraction to him. Too funny huh?

Of course the side effects are to accuse everyone of being an agent and perp.
Bullshit exposed from the agent of deception. Beware that the only information targeted for disinformation by the psyops is useful information. You have demonstrated that all your assumptions are based on your belief that USA govt was responsible for every calamity suffered in the past 100 years maybe longer.

thank you for the sig line and i am hoping for more humorous quotes from you.

The fact you resort to lying to try and discredit screams insecurity. What are five healthy questions to ask about 9E?

The fact that I have stated my support for the 911 commission report is not a lie. That is the accepted truth, accepted by all except the most severly brain-damaged lunatics as basically true. There are no lies there. There are minor mistakes that give no credence to your treasonous theories that your hated "Bush adminstration killed americans".
If you have 5 questions that is your business, ask them yourself.

You're fuxxing beyond useless. You just called many families who lost loved ones "severely brain damaged lunatics."
The fact you resort to lying to try and discredit screams insecurity. What are five healthy questions to ask about 9E?

The fact that I have stated my support for the 911 commission report is not a lie. That is the accepted truth, accepted by all except the most severly brain-damaged lunatics as basically true. There are no lies there. There are minor mistakes that give no credence to your treasonous theories that your hated "Bush adminstration killed americans".
If you have 5 questions that is your business, ask them yourself.

You're fuxxing beyond useless. You just called many families who lost loved ones "severely brain damaged lunatics."

Talk about fucking useless, you have any proof of that statement? Show me some, the only families of 911 victims I personally know think you truthers are cruel and treasonous, as well as profiting from your 9 year old attempted ruse.
Is this yet another statement you make with no backup information at all, claiming 'basic knowledge"?
I still have not seen anything in the way of evidence in any of your posts this morning.

You make these claims, back them up. I don't trust you or what you say, and doubt there is anyone except 911insidenutsack that does.

So back it up with something or be known as the disinformation agent of the day dumbass.
lies and bullshit replaced with some actual useful info;

Spam Oven Roasted Turkey Pitas

* 1 1/2 cups plain yogurt
* 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and finely chopped
* 2 cloves garlic, minced
* 1 tablespoon dried dillweed
* 2 drops hot pepper sauce, if desired
* 2 (12-ounce) cans SPAM® Oven Roasted Turkey, thinly sliced
* 1 ( ) tablespoon Greek seasoning
* 6 soft pita bread, warmed
* 1 tomato, diced
* 1 onion, thinly sliced
* 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese


1. In bowl, combine yogurt, cucumber, garlic, dillweed, salt and pepper. Stir in pepper sauce. Cover; refrigerate several hours or overnight.
2. Lightly sprinkle each side of SPAM® slices with Greek seasoning.
3. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Place SPAM® slices in skillet in batches; cook until lightly browned. Remove from skillet; cover with aluminum foil to keep warm.
4. Place sliced SPAM® in each pita. Divide tomato, onion and cheese evenly among each pita. Drizzle with dill sauce.


The fact that I have stated my support for the 911 commission report is not a lie. That is the accepted truth, accepted by all except the most severly brain-damaged lunatics as basically true. There are no lies there. There are minor mistakes that give no credence to your treasonous theories that your hated "Bush adminstration killed americans".
If you have 5 questions that is your business, ask them yourself.

You're fuxxing beyond useless. You just called many families who lost loved ones "severely brain damaged lunatics."

Talk about fucking useless, you have any proof of that statement? Show me some, the only families of 911 victims I personally know think you truthers are cruel and treasonous, as well as profiting from your 9 year old attempted ruse.
Is this yet another statement you make with no backup information at all, claiming 'basic knowledge"?
I still have not seen anything in the way of evidence in any of your posts this morning.

You make these claims, back them up. I don't trust you or what you say, and doubt there is anyone except 911insidenutsack that does.

So back it up with something or be known as the disinformation agent of the day dumbass.

You say it's healthy to question the government yet when asked for 5 healthy questions you ignore it. You couldn't even come up with one! That shows you're so fuxxing full of fear you can't think on your own.

As for whining about links....I didn't post anything I haven't posted before with links several times. Your threat that I will be seen as a dumass by you is laughable. In case you haven't noticed I don't live my life ruled by fear like you OCTAs do. That is why you're afraid to question 9E, why you're afraid to point out when your group fuks, afraid to openly disagree with each other and afraid to think on your own. Your entire existence reeks of cowardice.
You're fuxxing beyond useless. You just called many families who lost loved ones "severely brain damaged lunatics."

Talk about fucking useless, you have any proof of that statement? Show me some, the only families of 911 victims I personally know think you truthers are cruel and treasonous, as well as profiting from your 9 year old attempted ruse.
Is this yet another statement you make with no backup information at all, claiming 'basic knowledge"?
I still have not seen anything in the way of evidence in any of your posts this morning.

You make these claims, back them up. I don't trust you or what you say, and doubt there is anyone except 911insidenutsack that does.

So back it up with something or be known as the disinformation agent of the day dumbass.

You say it's healthy to question the government yet when asked for 5 healthy questions you ignore it. You couldn't even come up with one! That shows you're so fuxxing full of fear you can't think on your own.

As for whining about links....I didn't post anything I haven't posted before with links several times. Your threat that I will be seen as a dumass by you is laughable. In case you haven't noticed I don't live my life ruled by fear like you OCTAs do. That is why you're afraid to question 9E, why you're afraid to point out when your group fuks, afraid to openly disagree with each other and afraid to think on your own. Your entire existence reeks of cowardice.

I don't have 5 question about it, I am satisfied with the info presented. if you have 5 questions present them fuckwad.
I don't live my life in fear, I don't fear my own government, but YOU DO.

delusional retards always do.

dismissed as a know-nothing troll who can't back up his own statements.
Blowing the Whistle on FBI Crime Lab Abuses
Posted on March 15, 2010 by David Colapinto

Another Reason FBI Whistleblower Protections Should Not Be Weakened

The Washington Post and Associated Press are reporting that the Department of Justice failed to properly review more than 100 criminal cases that were prosecuted in the District of Columbia and which were suspected of being tainted by false forensic evidence from the FBI crime lab. These cases were ordered reviewed because in 1997 the DOJ Inspector General verified whistleblower allegations by Dr. Frederic Whitehurst about serious misconduct at the FBI lab.

Photo: Dr. Whitehurst

In December 2009, Donald Gates, an innocent man, who spent 28 years in jail after being convicted for crimes he did not commit, was set free by D.C. Superior Court after DNA testing confirmed that forensic testimony presented in court by FBI analyst Michael Malone was false. On the basis of Malone’s fabricated tests and false testimony Gates was wrongfully convicted of rape and murder.

Blowing the Whistle on FBI Crime Lab Abuses : Whistleblower Protection Blog
Blowing the Whistle on FBI Crime Lab Abuses
Posted on March 15, 2010 by David Colapinto

Another Reason FBI Whistleblower Protections Should Not Be Weakened

The Washington Post and Associated Press are reporting that the Department of Justice failed to properly review more than 100 criminal cases that were prosecuted in the District of Columbia and which were suspected of being tainted by false forensic evidence from the FBI crime lab. These cases were ordered reviewed because in 1997 the DOJ Inspector General verified whistleblower allegations by Dr. Frederic Whitehurst about serious misconduct at the FBI lab.

Photo: Dr. Whitehurst

In December 2009, Donald Gates, an innocent man, who spent 28 years in jail after being convicted for crimes he did not commit, was set free by D.C. Superior Court after DNA testing confirmed that forensic testimony presented in court by FBI analyst Michael Malone was false. On the basis of Malone’s fabricated tests and false testimony Gates was wrongfully convicted of rape and murder.

Blowing the Whistle on FBI Crime Lab Abuses : Whistleblower Protection Blog

valid points and valid link.
thanks eots
curvey, take a lesson from eots.

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