Tucker: Why isn't Dr. Fauci investigated for his role in COVID pandemic?

And the rubes nod along...
if you have facts that disagree with Tucker put them out there otherwise Shut the fuck up...

"Facts"? :heehee:
NPR? :lmao:
What does NPR have to do with anything?! The article had quotes and links from the courtroom backing up the claim that Tucker is full of shit. I don’t care if it came from banana hammock.com... You attacking the source just shows that you have no counter argument. That’s weaksauce.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "
Sauce for the goose, Gomer Pyle.....How about you barking moonbats take your own advice, and disprove what Tucker said rather than attacking him personally, hmmmmmm?

As for the show itself, he has a pretty well researched opinion program, that doesn't throw around accusations like those being directed at Fauci lightly....If what he said is wrong then sue his ass for defamation.
Haha, a pretty well researched opinion program! That’s awesome. So they research events and stories and then hyperbolize and distort the shit out of them for ratings. Keep enough nuggets of truth to hook the tards and make them think they are gaining real insight. It’s amazing that anybody would fall for that crap
There you go attacking Tucker again, instead of disproving what he said.

Get the plank out of your own eye first, jackass.
We aren’t talking about specifics right now we are talking about how Tuckers lawyers defined his show in court. I quoted a judges comments who quite Literally said that Tucker exaggerates and does not present actual facts
Nice try, unfortunately for you , we were talking about specifics.
Now support your claim.
And the rubes nod along...
if you have facts that disagree with Tucker put them out there otherwise Shut the fuck up...

"Facts"? :heehee:
NPR? :lmao:
What does NPR have to do with anything?! The article had quotes and links from the courtroom backing up the claim that Tucker is full of shit. I don’t care if it came from banana hammock.com... You attacking the source just shows that you have no counter argument. That’s weaksauce.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "
Sauce for the goose, Gomer Pyle.....How about you barking moonbats take your own advice, and disprove what Tucker said rather than attacking him personally, hmmmmmm?

As for the show itself, he has a pretty well researched opinion program, that doesn't throw around accusations like those being directed at Fauci lightly....If what he said is wrong then sue his ass for defamation.
Haha, a pretty well researched opinion program! That’s awesome. So they research events and stories and then hyperbolize and distort the shit out of them for ratings. Keep enough nuggets of truth to hook the tards and make them think they are gaining real insight. It’s amazing that anybody would fall for that crap
Not to mention ignoring, avoiding and distorting all information and opinions to the contrary.
To be fair.....no reasonable person takes what Tucker says seriously......

Which is why it's a good thing that his target audience are unreasonable reactionary cucks......like the author of OP
To be fair.....no reasonable person takes what Faucci says seriously......or for that matter Poindexter either!
So since no reasonable person takes what Fauci says seriously...

Why are you and your fellow conservative cucks so triggered by him??
He worked to develop the virus by paying Wuhun labs....Try reading and understanding, commie sympathizer
Tucker is simply a money whore saying what sells to the retards who populate the right. I don’t blame him. If retards wanted to give me money for saying stupid shit I might be tempted.
to bad the liberal talking heads get little or no attention....how much longer can cnn the clinton news network stay afloat with nobody watching
I notice the defenders of the megalomaniac post nothing but non-sense at worst and ad hominems at best. :heehee: What Fraudi has perpetrated is literally Bolshevick level mass murder.
And the rubes nod along...

Did you know Fauci funded a bioweapon designed to attack human respiratory system?
There's another one.

Do you know the research Fauci funded? Are you speaking from perfect ignorance?

At the direction from Fauci, Wuhan SPECIFICALLY developed a variant of Covid that attaches to the ACE2 protein which lines the human respiratory system.
He is a habitual liar.
O. P. Is right over the target. Notice all the usual lying sacks of shit diving in to attack everything without any links. That's what american hating pieces of shit do daily .
I am curious yet apprehensive as to what the next thing the establishment will do to protect Fraudi since scripted interviews on Fake News CNN and MSNBC are not working.
to bad the liberal talking heads get little or no attention....how much longer can cnn the clinton news network stay afloat with nobody watching
Only old MFers like you watch TV. Enjoy your viagra commercials. CNN is killing it.

I am curious yet apprehensive as to what the next thing the establishment will do to protect Fraudi since scripted interviews on Fake News CNN and MSNBC are not working.
Scripted would be the wingnut false outrage ....

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