Tucker: You're being instructed not to notice this

Yes, I know. People have tried to use that argument before. Well..........isn't a house a national investment? I mean, if people have to work, they need a roof over their heads where they can get sleep, right? Why shouldn't taxpayers fund housing? And what about transportation? Would it not be a national investment to make sure people can get to work and buy them all cars? The Democrats want to spend billions to make sure people in rural areas and poor in the cities can get taxpayer funded internet. I grew up without any internet. Didn't have it until I was in my 40's.

You can make that phony claim about national investment and apply it to just about anything. However people who get jobs because of college are no more valuable than people who work that didn't, and perhaps even less valuable. After all, if not for me, how would products get to your store?

And so you want me to pay for some kid to be a lawyer, and then when I need a lawyer in 10 years from now, he's going to charge me $150.00 an hour. Does that sound right to you?

People make more on average going to college than people who don't, and that makes college a personal investment. This national investment just doesn't fly because we all equally contribute to our economy and society.

Taxpayers DO fund housing. You get to deduct your mortgage interest from your taxes. People paying rent can't do that.

Taxpayers do fund transportation as well - buses, trains, subways - the things known as "public transit". They're for people who can't afford cars, and no, the government shouldn't buy them cars. They don't have money for gas, insurance or repairs. Then there's the roads, turnpikes, bridges - all paid for by taxpayers money.

What lawyer works for $150 an hour? The lawyers I worked for charge $500+. They billed clerks like me out at $200/hr.

My friend has a niece who wants to be a social worker. The best school in the USA will cost her $60M per year for tuition, books, and dormatory. That a quarter of a million dollars for a 4 year degree which will net her a job paying $40,000 per year. She'll be paying for that degree for 20 years, hampering her from moving out on her own, buying a car, furniture or starting a family.

When I finished school, I had no student debt. I could make enough summer money to cover tuition and books, and I lived at home and commuted to school. Right after I finished school, I got married, had a baby and bought a house. None of my kids owned a house when they were 25. One of them still doesn't own a house.
More jobs more competition, higher wages. Now that Biden is letting millions of illegals cross our border. They will be doing worse.

They were getting higher wages under Obama. Notice how the rate of increase in 2015 and 2016 was trending upward, and then of course it dropped like a stone after Trump started his trade war in 2018.


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Taxpayers DO fund housing. You get to deduct your mortgage interest from your taxes. People paying rent can't do that.

Taxpayers do fund transportation as well - buses, trains, subways - the things known as "public transit". They're for people who can't afford cars, and no, the government shouldn't buy them cars. They don't have money for gas, insurance or repairs. Then there's the roads, turnpikes, bridges - all paid for by taxpayers money.

What lawyer works for $150 an hour? The lawyers I worked for charge $500+. They billed clerks like me out at $200/hr.

My friend has a niece who wants to be a social worker. The best school in the USA will cost her $60M per year for tuition, books, and dormatory. That a quarter of a million dollars for a 4 year degree which will net her a job paying $40,000 per year. She'll be paying for that degree for 20 years, hampering her from moving out on her own, buying a car, furniture or starting a family.

When I finished school, I had no student debt. I could make enough summer money to cover tuition and books, and I lived at home and commuted to school. Right after I finished school, I got married, had a baby and bought a house. None of my kids owned a house when they were 25. One of them still doesn't own a house.

And I'm against taxpayers funding transportation as well. Let the people who use it pay for it. I don't use it so why should I pay for it? You only reinforce my point by saying the lawyers you worked for charge $500.00 an hour. Much stronger argument on my part.

Paying less in taxes is not funding anything. Never was and never will. As for your friends niece, she is the epitome of what many kids do, and that is get an education for a lower paying job. It's pure stupidity. I'm sure a social worker is one of the easiest courses to take, but why invest the time and money for such a job? If government funds education, more people will be doing the same stupid things.
Generations of Supreme Court decisions in shareholders' rights cases have always sided with the shareholder's over any other corporate responsibilities. With no workers' representatives on the Board - Germany has this, and unions a thing of the past, nobody has spoken up for American workers since Reagan was in office.

What do you want them to say about American workers?
Higher wages? Crazy, how you guys claim to all be making so much money without college degrees.

But also telling that you guys were bragging about making a labor shortage, and now all of a sudden that's the worst thing in the world.

In short, there's no consistency on your side. Zero. You'll say one thing one day, then the exact opposite the second it becomes convenient.

One day people without college degrees are left behind in the economy as people with college degrees take the technical high skilled work. The next thing the people with college degrees have wasted time and effort for nothing and those without college degrees are raking in money hand over fist.

There's no honesty here.
Look i did it without a college education. I make what I need. Most of the people that are making minimum wage, it's mainly their fault. I haven't made minimum wage since the first job I got when I was 15. Biden letting millions of illegals across the border is going to make it worse.
The professors are NOT teaching a "liberal agenda". In fact, there is a pretty good body of evidence that most of your economic woes today are caused by Harvard University teaching "bottom line management" to business students. Bottom line management disregards the interests of the workers or the community and squarely requires that management's sole consideration in making decisions is the bottom line and the interests of the shareholders.

Generations of Supreme Court decisions in shareholders' rights cases have always sided with the shareholder's over any other corporate responsibilities. With no workers' representatives on the Board - Germany has this, and unions a thing of the past, nobody has spoken up for American workers since Reagan was in office.

Geez, Louise, all of your Presidents, both Republican and Democrats were educated at Harvard and Yale, as were all of those conservative judges on the Supreme Court.
Lol, colleges are stopping conservatives from speaking on their campuses. Because they cannot have a difference of opinion.
Lol, colleges are stopping conservatives from speaking on their campuses. Because they cannot have a difference of opinion.

It's because they are scared to death of conservative speakers.

When liberals speak, we conservatives want everybody to hear what they have to say: defund the police, take guns away from law abiding citizens, the earth is going to end in 10 years, getting rid of all fossil fuels and depending on solar and wind, letting illegals in because we need them and so on. We ask if there is anything we can do to help them get their message out; pass out flyers, turn up the PA system a little bit?

But when a conservative speaks, it's all common sense. When some with an open mind hear what we have to say, they abandon ship and come over to our side. This is what they are scared of. So they protest, threaten violence, threaten the schools and so on.
Look i did it without a college education. I make what I need. Most of the people that are making minimum wage, it's mainly their fault. I haven't made minimum wage since the first job I got when I was 15. Biden letting millions of illegals across the border is going to make it worse.
Great. So the blue collar are doing super great and Trump’s who campaign against globalism was a lie.

Is that right?
Great. So the blue collar are doing super great and Trump’s who campaign against globalism was a lie.

Is that right?

How well you do in blue collar depends on what kind of blue collar work you chose, how much effort you put into it, and how hard you are willing to work. Blue collar jobs range from minimum wage work to six figures in some instances.
How well you do in blue collar depends on what kind of blue collar work you chose, how much effort you put into it, and how hard you are willing to work. Blue collar jobs range from minimum wage work to six figures in some instances.
So let’s get this straight.

The blue collar workers voting for Trump who felt left behind economically are just lazy. Right?
8 pages of thread, and I'll bet that not even two people watched the video.

Who watched it?

Yes, I know. People have tried to use that argument before. Well..........isn't a house a national investment? I mean, if people have to work, they need a roof over their heads where they can get sleep, right? Why shouldn't taxpayers fund housing? And what about transportation? Would it not be a national investment to make sure people can get to work and buy them all cars? The Democrats want to spend billions to make sure people in rural areas and poor in the cities can get taxpayer funded internet. I grew up without any internet. Didn't have it until I was in my 40's.

You can make that phony claim about national investment and apply it to just about anything. However people who get jobs because of college are no more valuable than people who work that didn't, and perhaps even less valuable. After all, if not for me, how would products get to your store?

And so you want me to pay for some kid to be a lawyer, and then when I need a lawyer in 10 years from now, he's going to charge me $150.00 an hour. Does that sound right to you?

People make more on average going to college than people who don't, and that makes college a personal investment. This national investment just doesn't fly because we all equally contribute to our economy and society.
No, a house isn't a national investment. Your ability to have a house is not beneficial to me.

However, an economy where workers are more productive is beneficial to me. More productivity means bigger economy, which means less people relying on government services, which means more people with money to spend.

People who go to college are on average more valuable than people who don't. Know how we know? Because they make more. Economic value is reflected in salaries.

Not to say that we don't need all kinds of workers and indeed some people don't belong in college. However, if someone would do well in college, I don't think cost should be a barrier. And no, loans is not a suitable remedy, because going into debt is not possible for some people who are economically vulnerable.
Not as well as you could have in previous generations
Previous generations had the American Dream
A job you could have for life that paid well enough to support a family, buy a house, not worry about getting fired or getting sick

Reagan sold out the American worker
Previous generations also didn't have the millstone of the bloated welfare state, and had the benefit of all of Murica's economic competitors being bombed back to pre-industrial revolution days for over three decades.

I know that these little facts have been pointed out to you numerous times, but you're just too fucking dishonest to admit them.
Previous generations also didn't have the millstone of the bloated welfare state, and had the benefit of all of Murica's economic competitors being bombed back to pre-industrial revolution days for over three decades.

I know that these little facts have been pointed out to you numerous times, but you're just too fucking dishonest to admit them.
We are the wealthiest nation on the planet
Our richest 10 percent control 75 percent of our wealth

We can afford to make sure Americans are not starving

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