Tulsi Gabbard was a rising star within the Dem party…what led to her leaving the party?

When you publicly criticize Russia's Czar or organize any sort of serious opposition you end up in jail or dead.

In what universe is that similar to America and it's full time bashing of the POTUS by opposition and it's friendly media?

You ignorant fools will fall for anything.
Moron, she was simply speaking to the fact that Russian media is a shill for Putin. They are. Because they are under threat to be a shill for him.

What is the excuse for the shills in our media? They are NOT under any threat, yet they are every bit as much a shill for Democrats as their Russian counterparts are for Putin.

Try to keep up.
hahah geez man...he literally said "this is my last election...."

He wanted space until after the election...he wanted Putin to give take it easy on him, and in exchange, he'd be more flexible with him if he won.
There is nothing about "taking it easy on him". You are out of your fucking mind.

What does Putin "taking it easy" on Obama in terms of American election even looks like?? He is running against Republicans like McCain and Mitt Romney who are even more hawkish on Russia.

You have no clue what you are saying.
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Moron, she was simply speaking to the fact that Russian media is a shill for Putin. They are. Because they are under threat to be a shill for him.

What is the excuse for the shills in our media? They are NOT under any threat, yet they are every bit as much a shill for Democrats
FOX News that non-stop bashes Democrats "shills for Democrats"?

Were you dropped on your head?
You really are that gullible after all!
Behold the shilling for Democrats :cuckoo:





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Anyone that has actually read your mountains of nutbag bullshit here knows thats not even close to being true.
I encourage everyone to read the articles, reports, documents, laws, etc... I post, lil' snowflake.

What I have posted is reported, recorded, factual.

Everyone knows by now of Hillary's 'Russian Collusion' scandal.

Everyone knows by now FBI Agent testimony of how the FBI knowingly engaged in a plot to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sutting President AFTER an internal FBI investigation proved there was nothing to Hillary's scandal.

Everyone knows Obama and his administration knowingly took the scandal and ran with it

- Records and Photos show Biden and Rice attending planning meetings on this

- Evidence / testimony exposed the fact that the FBI defrauded the FISA Court (more than a dozen times), violated the Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, violated the Patriot Act, altered docurnts, illegally spied on Americans, the President, and his team...

The problem with indoctrinated, Dem-worshipping / defendin trolls like you is all the evidence in the world against Democrats can be laid out in front of you and you will STILL close your eyes, refuse to acknowledge it, and continue to defend them...because your 'programming'.

You're like a tick in the way your head is buried deep and you won't let go for any reason.

The thing that REALLY puzzles me is WHY leftists / snowflakes are so loyal to / defend such proven self-serving, elitist, corrupt, criminal, treasonous Democrats.

There is no 'WE' as you guys believe. They don't give a damn about you / their loyal sheep.

Several years ago the Democrats literally, openly told their Constituents that they have NO SAY in who wins nominations or about major party issues / agendas. They explained how the Democrat Party was like a club or gym - you can be a member, but tou have no say in the rules / operations.

Snowflakes feelike they are an equal partner in the Party, but Democrats are focused on power and control...over EVERYONE, not just Conservatives.

Snowflakes / sheep are akib to Jews during the Holocaust helping the Bazis seize more and more power / control. Doing so may help make them the LAST ones being used / exterminated , but its never going to make you one of them.

Blacks have FINALLY seen after 100 years of 'Groundhog Day' - same promises from the same racist Democrats, SSDD - have seen the light and are abandoning the Democrat Party.

Unfortunately snowflakes aren't as smart and haven't figured out the Democrats aten't yiur friend, don't do anything for YOU, only themselves.
There is nothing about "taking it easy on him". You are out of your fucking mind.

What does Putin "taking it easy" on Obama in terms of American election even looks like?? He is running against Republicans like McCain and Mitt Romney who are even more hawkish on Russia.

You have no clue what you are saying.
hahah oooook you live in a alternative reality...what do you think he met from Putin when he asked him for more space until after the election, and in exchange he'd be more flexible?

He was actually just running against Romney, and yes, there is no doubt Putin didn't want Romney to win. He wanted more flexible Obama to win.

Obama, Clinton and the Dems bent over backwards for Putin in the 2012 election
I encourage everyone to read the articles, reports, documents, laws, etc... I post, lil' snowflake.

What I have posted is reported, recorded, factual.

The craziest part is that you actually belive that.
She's always been a conservative, but being from Hawaii, she knew she had to run as a (D).
She left the party, the party didn't leave her.

If she ever plans to run for a State Office, expect her to Move, like OZ did, and run to a Red State where she knows she has a better chance of winning as a (R).
Always been a conservative?

What positions does she take that make her a conservative?
hahah oooook you live in a alternative reality...what do you think he met from Putin when he asked him for more space until after the election, and in exchange he'd be more flexible?

He was actually just running against Romney, and yes, there is no doubt Putin didn't want Romney to win. He wanted more flexible Obama to win.

....you don't even realize that in this post you are explaining how stupid what you are saying is.

Obama didn't need to give Putin ANYTHING AT ALL for Putin to prefer him in 2012 to more hawkish Republicans like Romney and McCain. DUH. He was looking for Russia to stop pushing the issue as a matter of foreign policy.
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The craziest part is that you actually belive that.
The crazy part is how much evidence, how many links, news, reports, testimony, etc...I and others on this board have spoon-fed you, and you still cling to ignorance.
....you don't even realize that in this post you are explaining how stupid what you are saying is.

Obama didn't need to give Putin ANYTHING AT ALL for Putin to prefer him in 2012 to more hawkish Republicans like Romney and McCain. DUH. He was looking for Russia to stop pushing the issue as a matter of foreign policy.
No, but he needed Putin to go easy on him, to help him win. Romney was correctly calling out Putin for his tactics, Obama need him to give him some space, and in exchange, he promised to be more flexible. He did.
FOX News that non-stop bashes Democrats "shills for Democrats"?

Were you dropped on your head?
FoxNews is no right-wing outlet. Were you dropped on your head?

BTW, why are you deflecting to FoxNews? I was speaking about the total sum of all media outlets in this country.

I note that you did not refute that the media is a shill for the DNC and they don't have to be threatened to do so.

Game, set, match.

Go do whatever it is you fascists do. This discussion is finished.
Yep, there is no fixing this stupid.
Oh it changed the entire narrative of the 2012 election.....Romney was talking tough, called Russia the greatest geo-political threat....when Obama got Putin to go easy on him, the dems turned around and mocked Romney....it really helped push Obama over the top, and in turn, he was flexible with Putin....and Romney turned out to be only half right....Russia AND the Dems are the greatest geopolitical threat facing the world today

Tulsi Gabbard was a rising star within the Dem party…what led to her leaving the party?​

Sanity, honesty & personal integrity.
FOX News that non-stop bashes Democrats "shills for Democrats"?

Were you dropped on your head?

He defined it too narrowly.

The media
911 w Zionist "Biden republicans"

Are all on the same team, the team of zionist fascism, the team that wanted to stop Donald trump from re-opening the 911 investigation....

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