Turley Explains Why An Impeachment Inquiry is Warranted

Because their investigations are centered around PRIVATE CITIZENS, and into their PRIVATE BUSINESS.

If they think Joe did something, his finances are an open record for the last 50 years. They should be looking at every one of Joe's financial disclosures. But instead they're chasing private citizens.

They must look into Hunter to put all the pieces together. The Democrats don’t want that because 1) Hunter is as corrupt as they come and it is a bad look for Joe and 2) they very well may have forgotten to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s and ole’ Joe‘s scam may be uncovered.

It is abundantly clear that Hunter was into some shady buisiness. It is also abundantly clear that Joe was involved at least to some extent as he was on 20+ random phone calls to discuss the weather and the upcoming episode of Yellowstone. Both Hunter and Joe must be investigated. If they did nothing wrong, he has nothing to worry about. He may have nothing to worry about regardless due to the extreme partisanship of this DOJ and this Senate, but nonetheless, it needs to be investigated.
evidence continues to mount and today we saw Joe Biden has lied to the American people. He knew exactly who his son was getting those millions and millions of dollars of wires from, he spoke to them, and he spoke to them often,

A. He knew what company his son worked for.

B. He speaks to his son often.

Lock him up!

He often spoke to Hunter’s business partners but evidently had no clue that he was being used nor that his son was selling the “illusion of access”. He just assumed his heavily drug addicted son was being paid a bunch of money for his immense knowledge. Yeah, ok.
There is no factual information that Republicans have on Joe Biden. It's just grievance. As far as his son goes, the justice system (and the IRS) will take care of him.

If justice is on the up and up, which it likely isn’t under this administration, Hunter has a lot more to worry about that just the IRS. So does Joe. “Illusion” doesn’t pay the kind of money Hunter was making, particularly in large lump sum payments.
They don't like direct questions like that.

This is so simple. If he broke the law, prove it, and we nail him. Just like Trump. And in fact, even if Joe Biden didn't officially break the law, maybe he still peddled influence in some way. That would be actionable too if it reached a provable level.

Just. Prove. It.

They want to believe that everyone else is as shifty and hypocritical as they are.

That is the point of the inquiry., What don’t you understand?
Why was Joe even there? What was the purpose? Joe can’t be dumb enough to be on calls for absolutely no reason. He knew exactly why he was on those calls. Lets just assume that it was just to show the “illusion of access” as the Democrats like to say. An illusion would only go so far for companies and adversaries to continue to pay big money to Hunter. At some point, they expect some real results for their money. Being on the month-month payroll at Burisma is one thing(corrupt as well given the outcome), but receiving lump sum payments for an “illusion“ is quite another. That doesn’t happen. I might also add that may of these payments line up with actual policy changes made while Joe was in office.
He wasn’t there
He calls his son frequently. Hunter, showing off, puts him on speaker phone where others can hear

All those calls and Archer couldn’t identify one where business was discussed

Impeach that
It can be, it can also, as in the case with hunter, be a felony under IRC 7201 of the federal tax code

Either way, glad you acknowledge the criminality of hunter’s overt act of trying to laundering the money coming into the family

Jumping to conclusions must be the only exercise you get.

There is no effort on the part of Hunter or other family members to "launder money". Please stop quoting Republican talking points which have no basis in fact or evidence.

You're a complete idiot to believe Republicans.
Actually it's a simple question. Do you have any direct knowledge of Joe Biden committing a crime?

No different than what they asked witnesses to alleged election fraud?
Actually the house investigation has plenty of evidence.
Did you have any direct knowledge of Donald Trump commiting any crimes?
The impeachment inquiry started with the first three witnesses being asked……..Are you going to present any evidence claiming wrongdoing by President Joe Biden?

Every witness said NO

Republicans can expect every one of their witnesses to face the same question
It must just kill you that things in this process are being done correctly….
The story changes based on the audience. Go on Fox News, and they’re ready to convict. Get under oath before Congress and there’s not yet a crime.

Right wingers have been horribly misled by their media, but it is effective.

Sure seems like it is left wingers who are being misled. The simple FACTS don’t lie and they directly point to the POTENTIAL of some serious wrongdoings by both Hunter and Joe, this why there is an inquiry. Left-wingers don’t even know the FACTS because they are scrubbed or omitted all together by the MSM.
Even Turley said there's nothing there. He just wants a fishing expedition

But he didn’t say that. You misunderstood his statement or perhaps fell for the left wing spin the MSM put on it. Did you not read the linked article on the first page of this thread written by Turley himself?
Sure seems like it is left wingers who are being misled. The simple FACTS don’t lie and they directly point to the POTENTIAL of some serious wrongdoings by both Hunter and Joe, this why there is an inquiry. Left-wingers don’t even know the FACTS because they are scrubbed or omitted all together by the MSM.
The FACTS are that you have no evidence of wrongdoing by Joe Biden

The FACTS are you still haven’t proven illegal business dealings of Hunter
Biden MUST be guilty of…. SOMETHING!

He’s CORRUPT after all
Republicans start the process by making it clear……We got nothing

Dems smear it in their faces with every witness
He should be impeached and removed for this, along with his criminal acts in Ukraine.
None of this is evidence. It's right wing wishful thinking. :auiqs.jpg:with a side of clever cartooning.
Again, no one appearing before a committee when asked the direct question, "is there anything implicating Joe Biden"....has said yes.
They've all said no.

Ooops..there goes that narrative.

There is plenty of circumstantial evidence linking Joe. For example, why was Joe on muliple phones calls with Hunter’s business partners? What was the point of the calls? Were they his buddies? He said he didn’t even know them. It is a little fishy that Joe would get on multiple phone calls(and in-person meetings) with people he didn’t even know to talk about “nothing”. Common sense should prevail here.

The point of hte inquiry is to see if there is more or perhaps a smoking gun. It is understandable why the Democrats don’t want to look into this any further.
1. He did amend. You’re wrong.
2. Irrelevant.

There is no violation of campaign finance laws, Hunter was not running for office and the money was a loan.

This would ordinarily be a civil issue, but it’s politicized so it becomes criminal.

Roger Stone did far worse and it was handled with a civil fine. But you ignorant right wingers aren’t allowed to know that.

Hunter’s problems go far beyond tax fraud. That is just a smoke screen. The man wasn’t being paid for large lump sums from US adversaries, including China, for no results. Just like a Democrat to believe such ridiculous things.
There is plenty of circumstantial evidence linking Joe. For example, why was Joe on muliple phones calls with Hunter’s business partners? What was the point of the calls? Were they his buddies? He said he didn’t even know them. It is a little fishy that Joe would get on multiple phone calls(and in-person meetings) with people he didn’t even know to talk about “nothing”. Common sense should prevail here.

The point of hte inquiry is to see if there is more or perhaps a smoking gun. It is understandable why the Democrats don’t want to look into this any further.
You tried that already

We have Blockbuster testimony from Devon Archer who will report over 20 phone calls with Joe Biden on speaker phone!

Problem is, Archer testified they were just routine calls between Hunter and his father…..Business was never discussed

Keep beating that Dead Horse

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