Turns Out Michelle Is Really An Evil B Word

You're just jelly of the Obama's. Don't be jelly

I thought this board was for adults only.

I must have been mistaken.

If they allow children in -- people who use words like "jelly" in this way -- I guess I ought to watch my language. Don't want to be a bad influence on minors.


Does nobody else here know that HE is Michael Robinson and , to spell it out , is Obummer's husband .

Many -- even most ---- will yell out -- Conspiracy crap .

I suggest you DYOR before getting too apoplectic .

Of course Obummer has always been Gay and the support evidence is , imho , beyond huge . See who his mentors were, and still are in many instances , in gender and political terms .His crime was to lie by being dishonest.

The two girls are easily explained , again with huge support evidence, but the whole story before that chapter will have had most of you in choke mode already .So that chapter is for another time .

It's no good going to Goggle Search ( WEF controlled ) and expecting to find out answers .
You must engage in proper research .
Prepare to be surprised and disgusted to find out what lies you may have swallowed . All imho.

And invective aimed at me is water off my back so try less insult and more discussion . Or simply ignore me .

No matter what they are shown they never believe.
No matter what they are shown they never believe.
Hard to see when you are a Marxist.

Michael Robinson is the next best thing to heaven on earth for Republicans if he and the Obummer team ever decided he should run for anything of importance .

Even if the Michael Robinson narrative is pure garbage ( and it isn't ) its effect would be ovewhelmingly ruinous for him/her./it .

As Goebbels et al should have said ,The bigger the lie , the more it sticks .
Obama won two terms. How many did Trump win again? Oh yea one. Obama had more votes than Hillary. Trump couldn't even beat Hillary in votes. And now we find out his Wife beat Trump. Priceless!

Keep it up.

I love that high-pitched little leftist SQUEEEEEEEEEEAL that you all do when you realize that we're not buying your lies about President Trump!

Obama won two terms. How many did Trump win again? Oh yea one. Obama had more votes than Hillary. Trump couldn't even beat Hillary in votes. And now we find out his Wife beat Trump. Priceless!
Obama only won two terms because of the stiffs he ran against that were picked for him.
McCain was literally hated because of his amnesty tendencies and he was a cripple who looked like shit on the stage compared to the taller, younger Obama. Mitt Romney was a plant who put up a good fight till the last month of the race and practically disappeared after Obama colluded with the moderator at the debate to bushwack him. And the way Romney's been acting since he lost it's not a stretch to think he was picked to lose.
And Trump got more votes in the last election than both Hillary and Obama yet somehow he still lost to the demented fool Fuck Joe Biden.
Obama only won two terms because of the stiffs he ran against that were picked for him.
McCain was literally hated because of his amnesty tendencies and he was a cripple who looked like shit on the stage compared to the taller, younger Obama. Mitt Romney was a plant who put up a good fight till the last month of the race and practically disappeared after Obama colluded with the moderator at the debate to bushwack him. And the way Romney's been acting since he lost it's not a stretch to think he was picked to lose.
And Trump got more votes in the last election than both Hillary and Obama yet somehow he still lost to the demented fool Fuck Joe Biden.

Lolol 😂😂😂😂

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