Turns Out The Only Collusion Was Between The Media And Democrats

After all this time and all this money wasted, the Democrats who fervently desire to get The Goods on The Donald have come up with...bupkis.

If they had ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER OF COLLUSION, it would have been published on the literal and figurative Front Page of every MSM rag in the world. But they have nothing.

And the whining about the publication of this conclusion is pathetic. Seriously.
In all seriousness, the FBI was investigating Trump as far back as June 2016. If they had any "goods" on him, it would have been used to tank his campaign.

^If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. I've said it before. It's a "common sense" thing. I think there should be an investigation into using the FBI against political opponents.
Morning, so why is it again that we are supposed to take this CNN analyst word for anything? I mean come on, he sounds like the same sort that Peter Strozk came from....
Grow Up...what you are doing is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "tra la la I can't hear you"...Grow up

you call Phillip Mudd , who spent 20 years at the CIA, and ten at the FBI, and was Deputy Director of the CIA's Counter Terrorism Center, and is a veteran intelligence professional just a "CNN Analyst" if it makes you feel better ...

Now who are your sources that you trust LOL

Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
Republicans are like the OJ jury. They didn't find anything either.

Morning, so why is it again that we are supposed to take this CNN analyst word for anything? I mean come on, he sounds like the same sort that Peter Strozk came from....
Grow Up...what you are doing is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "tra la la I can't hear you"...Grow up

you call Phillip Mudd , who spent 20 years at the CIA, and ten at the FBI, and was Deputy Director of the CIA's Counter Terrorism Center, and is a veteran intelligence professional just a "CNN Analyst" if it makes you feel better ...

Now who are your sources that you trust LOL

Fail! Argument from authority fallacy. ipse dixit

Appeal to Authority
This ain't Opalocka Iron Triangle ...get real deal Duke
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) told CNN that “there is evidence” the Russians worked to help Trump.

There is just as much evidence that they worked for Hillary.
Serious question: If the Democrats were in charge, shut down a probe of a Democratic President and declared him innocent, would the GOP take that seriously?

Would the GOP expect the country to take it seriously?

That's pretty much what Dems and media did with every probe launched against Barry and his admin during his presidency. That one time when probe came too close, there was "executive privilege" invoked.

House Intelligence Committee investigation debunks many Benghazi theories

2 years and how long has Devil Nunes spent on Trump , all the while protecting his arse. He best go back to farming.
Morning, so why is it again that we are supposed to take this CNN analyst word for anything? I mean come on, he sounds like the same sort that Peter Strozk came from....
Grow Up...what you are doing is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "tra la la I can't hear you"...Grow up

you call Phillip Mudd , who spent 20 years at the CIA, and ten at the FBI, and was Deputy Director of the CIA's Counter Terrorism Center, and is a veteran intelligence professional just a "CNN Analyst" if it makes you feel better ...

Now who are your sources that you trust LOL

Fail! Argument from authority fallacy. ipse dixit

Appeal to Authority
This ain't Opalocka Iron Triangle ...get real deal Duke
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) told CNN that “there is evidence” the Russians worked to help Trump.

There is just as much evidence that they worked for Hillary.
No there is not if you have links to such then do it

‘We’ve lost all credibility’: GOP House intel member contradicts his own party’s Russia probe conclusion
Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
I have asked several times let me ask again..who do you believe ? who is the real deal as to fact and news ? LOL
Doesn't matter.
The Democrats don't care if there is evidence or not.
They will believe there was collusion simply because they want there to be collusion.
Just like they refuse to talk about or even acknowledge Clinton's Uranium deal because they don't want there to be one.
Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
I have asked several times let me ask again..who do you believe ? who is the real deal as to fact and news ? LOL

If Trump did something wrong, why didn't they use that knowledge before he was elected? :bigboy:

Because they didn't have a damn thing on him, that's why.
Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
You can have Blind Faith in Trump however that is "Highly Illogical"

Take a look at who is spreading falsehoods

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Morning, so why is it again that we are supposed to take this CNN analyst word for anything? I mean come on, he sounds like the same sort that Peter Strozk came from....
Grow Up...what you are doing is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "tra la la I can't hear you"...Grow up

you call Phillip Mudd , who spent 20 years at the CIA, and ten at the FBI, and was Deputy Director of the CIA's Counter Terrorism Center, and is a veteran intelligence professional just a "CNN Analyst" if it makes you feel better ...

Now who are your sources that you trust LOL

Fail! Argument from authority fallacy. ipse dixit

Appeal to Authority
This ain't Opalocka Iron Triangle ...get real deal Duke
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.) told CNN that “there is evidence” the Russians worked to help Trump.

There is just as much evidence that they worked for Hillary.
No there is not if you have links to such then do it

‘We’ve lost all credibility’: GOP House intel member contradicts his own party’s Russia probe conclusion

You don't believe me, why not believe one of your own sources?.....

"The dossier is actually a series of memos, apparently based on conversations with Russian sources..."

Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI?
Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
You can have Blind Faith in Trump however that is "Highly Illogical"

Take a look at who is spreading falsehoods

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Maybe the idiot couldnt handle the job, he probably wanted to coast through it all and bit more than his pathetic mouth can chew. He was pretty bad at his job according what I'm reading.
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Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
I have asked several times let me ask again..who do you believe ? who is the real deal as to fact and news ? LOL

If Trump did something wrong, why didn't they use that knowledge before he was elected? :bigboy:

Because they didn't have a damn thing on him, that's why.

Dan Bongino laid it out expertly on the Mark Levin show on Feb 1....Take a listen...

Tyrone needs to go back to his safe space. Stop spamming that silly crap in here.

PS: I know you're baked like a cake right now.

Most cakes can only dream of being as baked as Tyrone.
Is that not what he is?

I would thank him for his service if I were to ever meet him in person, but that doesn't mean that I don't, or can't disagree with his political stance.....See, that is the problem with liberal arguments, either you agree with what I call the "infallable arguers" or somehow you are labled as some sort of dupe that is easily led...I reject that...

Look, if you believe people based solely on thier past credentials then I would say, YOU are the dupe.
You can have Blind Faith in Trump however that is "Highly Illogical"

Take a look at who is spreading falsehoods

ICE spokesman quits after saying he ‘couldn’t bear the burden’ of lying for the Trump administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesman James Schwab on Monday resigned from his role with the San Francisco division, citing the “burden” of spreading falsehoods from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

You accuse me of "blind faith" yet you seem to be only posting those whom are against Trump or his agenda to make your case....Seems like a bit of projection to me....
Tyrone needs to go back to his safe space. Stop spamming that silly crap in here.

PS: I know you're baked like a cake right now.

Nah, Tyrone is fine....He's just a liberal....He can't help it if all he can do is follow the guidelines of Rules for Radicals....It's what they do....

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