TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

because it's not proven, to even be possible. Not without being caught.... 2020 was a very very contentious pulled near everyone out to vote, even the infrequent passive voters.... and EVERYONE was predicting such, a huge turnout, long before election day...

there is no way that such a scheme would not be exposed near immediately, with people trying to cast their vote, only to find someone sent in a a fraudulent absentee ballot in their name.

All the election office would need to do to track who did it, is get the address the thief had the ballot mailed to, and trace it from there if needed.

you are talking 11,780 votes that would be needed in fraudulent absentee ballots in order for Trump to beat Biden in Georgia,

and then you would need three additional states out of the swing states to be reversed to Trump, in order for Trump to win the electoral college vote that he lost to biden.

and a non profit would not set up such an operation in plain view at their headquarters....

if they ever turned crooked and contemplated would be undercover, like the Republican operative who committed absentee voter fraud thru harvesters in North Carolina.
No no no, you’re missing the point. The Democratic Party who the Right believes is completely incompetent to run any kind of effective or efficient program was able to pull off a multi state campaign to fake votes and steal an election without leaving any evidence. Until some dude that Trump pardon met with a guy that lied about having evidence of 3 million fake votes in the 2016 election, these two unlocked the key find is by buying geo data from cell phones that showed a bunch of little dots moving around. In the dots they found what they were looking for 💩
No no no, you’re missing the point. The Democratic Party who the Right believes is completely incompetent to run any kind of effective or efficient program was able to pull off a multi state campaign to fake votes and steal an election without leaving any evidence. Until some dude that Trump pardon met with a guy that lied about having evidence of 3 million fake votes in the 2016 election, these two unlocked the key find is by buying geo data from cell phones that showed a bunch of little dots moving around. In the dots they found what they were looking for 💩
If they had the FBI and the whole bureaucracy with them it could be done easily. Most likely that is what happened.
If they had the FBI and the whole bureaucracy with them it could be done easily. Most likely that is what happened.
Oh yeah if they had a little thing like the FBI and all of bureaucracy with them. All those people betraying their country’s and risking their freedom. No big deal, easily done. You’re retarded
Oh yeah if they had a little thing like the FBI and all of bureaucracy with them. All those people betraying their country’s and risking their freedom. No big deal, easily done. You’re retarded
Organized crime can do about anything. And after all this you have not explained the multiple trips to drop boxes by the same people all day long. No way to get around that.
The pings say they were there. I am sure they could show that out of 4 million minutes. Is that all you need to believe them?
The pings say they were there? Then it should be pretty easy to get video to see what they were doing, right? You know the time and location and ballot boxes have video surveillance. So did they show you video of the same person dropping multiple ballots at multiple boxes?
The pings say they were there? Then it should be pretty easy to get video to see what they were doing, right? You know the time and location and ballot boxes have video surveillance. So did they show you video of the same person dropping multiple ballots at multiple boxes?
If that all you need for proof?
I am guessing the computer could very easily produce the videos. Just program to look for it.
Why wouldn’t your blockbuster movie have the videos? Why wouldnt they show a car drive from a non profit to a ballot box then cut to the video of the person dumping ballots and then Follow them to another ballot box and then cut to video of them dumping more ballots. If they aren’t showing that then it means they don’t have it. But instead they show you a bunch of dots and tell you what you can assume might be happening. And turds like yourself buy it and lie about it.

One thing is for sure… you certainly don’t have the proof that you claim you have
Why wouldn’t your blockbuster movie have the videos? Why wouldnt they show a car drive from a non profit to a ballot box then cut to the video of the person dumping ballots and then Follow them to another ballot box and then cut to video of them dumping more ballots. If they aren’t showing that then it means they don’t have it. But instead they show you a bunch of dots and tell you what you can assume might be happening. And turds like yourself buy it and lie about it.

One thing is for sure… you certainly don’t have the proof that you claim you have
They said there is more to come. You just keep sweating.
They said there is more to come. You just keep sweating.
Hahahaha, Please just pretend for one second that I made these claims and you were pressing me for proof and details… and then I respond with the crap you are responding with. “They say there is more to come”

You just told me that the proof that would verify your claims does not exist in the video but they said there is more to come. You’ve got to be shitting me. So we are back to “wait and see”

You been ranting for days about the absolute proof that this movie presents. And now it’s wait and see. You’re a joke man, give it up, you’re not even good at this.
Hahahaha, Please just pretend for one second that I made these claims and you were pressing me for proof and details… and then I respond with the crap you are responding with. “They say there is more to come”

You just told me that the proof that would verify your claims does not exist in the video but they said there is more to come. You’ve got to be shitting me. So we are back to “wait and see”

You been ranting for days about the absolute proof that this movie presents. And now it’s wait and see. You’re a joke man, give it up, you’re not even good at this.
I doubt it. The addresses of the non-profits should be coming out. Who knows what threats have been made by the FBI.
I doubt it. The addresses of the non-profits should be coming out. Who knows what threats have been made by the FBI.

Fact remains that the movie does not have the proof that you said it had. You’ve been lying this whole time
It has enough proof for me and any other sane person. No one who makes up fairy tales about people appearing at fifty boxes like it is normal. And then going back.
It has enough proof for me and any other sane person. No one who makes up fairy tales about people appearing at fifty boxes like it is normal. And then going back.
Of course it has “enough” proof for you. If somebody told you a fart proved the election was stolen you’d support it. But back in reality proof is a simple thing your claims are not proven in this video… you’ve been lying about it.

You have no damn clue who showed up at 50 boxes… could have been the ice cream truck guy… the easiest way to connect the dots would be to show video of the same dude dropping multiple ballots at 50 different boxes. If there was video of that don’t you think it would have been front and center?? not hidden away for a rainy day?!

Face it. You got conned and now you’re stuck with your foot in your mouth.

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