Twenty threads a day?

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The mods here (not all of them, thanks God!) tend to ban the conservatives for posting the truth and almost never ban liberals.

Look at Vigilante 's example: he has been banned several times before the election and is still banned while a lot of posters you've mentioned have had quite a few of racist comments and get away with that..
Its what the others say, too.

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.
I think of MindWars as our InfoWars magazine subscription. Easy65 is our Breitbart news conduit. Remember the guy who was posting all the articles from Nigeria around Christmas time? That was kinda weird. Then we have our Stormfront contingent. I don't think it's necessarily trolling, but it definitely flavors the board with news I would never see otherwise.
I don't know why you see the threads themselves as trolling or derailing though. We are here to argue, aren't we?
So you want to limit the ability of those to speak their mind on a board designed to allow people to speak their mind? If you limit the number of threads started by people you have no idea how much it might stunt the growth of the forum. There are a lot of people on this forum that post in threads but never start threads.

Now if you have a problem with threads being about the same topic or in the wrong forum, report them. I do. Once I had some threads moved or closed I decided it was time to follow the rules the best I could, BUT I also decided it was time to make sure others did as well. If a thread is a like to other's report them to get merged. If it is in the wrong forum, report it to get moved to the right one. Now something I did learn recently, is if tow threads are a like, but one is in Zone 2 and the other is in the flamezone, they can't be merged because the threads follow different rules.

Now as far as your complaint and idea of limiting posters to starting threads, no, and it is mostly because you don't agree with their view point. As far as accusing people of being sock accounts, you need to have better proof than what you just came up with. And are sock accounts illegal here? Can one person have two accounts?
So you want to limit the ability of those to speak their mind on a board designed to allow people to speak their mind? If you limit the number of threads started by people you have no idea how much it might stunt the growth of the forum. There are a lot of people on this forum that post in threads but never start threads.

Now if you have a problem with threads being about the same topic or in the wrong forum, report them. I do. Once I had some threads moved or closed I decided it was time to follow the rules the best I could, BUT I also decided it was time to make sure others did as well. If a thread is a like to other's report them to get merged. If it is in the wrong forum, report it to get moved to the right one. Now something I did learn recently, is if tow threads are a like, but one is in Zone 2 and the other is in the flamezone, they can't be merged because the threads follow different rules.

Now as far as your complaint and idea of limiting posters to starting threads, no, and it is mostly because you don't agree with their view point. As far as accusing people of being sock accounts, you need to have better proof than what you just came up with. And are sock accounts illegal here? Can one person have two accounts?

Not true.
Take the Politics forum...when Obama was President there might, literally, have been 25 threads a day started by only 2-3 members that are all just basic crap threads...nothing new or informative, just some useless crap derived from some useless crap website. Today - there are easily that many generic junk threads about Trump.
This pollutes the forum, then idiots come in and take the troll bait and now you have today's, yesterdays junk threads clogging up the whole thing
So you want to limit the ability of those to speak their mind on a board designed to allow people to speak their mind? If you limit the number of threads started by people you have no idea how much it might stunt the growth of the forum. There are a lot of people on this forum that post in threads but never start threads.

Now if you have a problem with threads being about the same topic or in the wrong forum, report them. I do. Once I had some threads moved or closed I decided it was time to follow the rules the best I could, BUT I also decided it was time to make sure others did as well. If a thread is a like to other's report them to get merged. If it is in the wrong forum, report it to get moved to the right one. Now something I did learn recently, is if tow threads are a like, but one is in Zone 2 and the other is in the flamezone, they can't be merged because the threads follow different rules.

Now as far as your complaint and idea of limiting posters to starting threads, no, and it is mostly because you don't agree with their view point. As far as accusing people of being sock accounts, you need to have better proof than what you just came up with. And are sock accounts illegal here? Can one person have two accounts?

Not true.
Take the Politics forum...when Obama was President there might, literally, have been 25 threads a day started by only 2-3 members that are all just basic crap threads...nothing new or informative, just some useless crap derived from some useless crap website. Today - there are easily that many generic junk threads about Trump.
This pollutes the forum, then idiots come in and take the troll bait and now you have today's, yesterdays junk threads clogging up the whole thing

It's because of the shit Trump does that makes it so that so many threads get created. That's what you get when you have a TV personality that becomes President. Not to get off point, but he was a troll during his campaign and his followers ate it up and said that U.S. politics needed more of it. Well now he's become President and he hasn't done what he said he would do, which was become more Presidential. That's why you get so many threads about him. That's not the fault of the posters, it's the nature of the time we now live in. We should actually have MORE threads. The candidate to become the Secretary of Labor withdrew from the position and there isn't a single thread about it on the first page. Russia broke a treaty with the U.S. and moved a nuclear tipped cruise missile... and it isn't being talked about like it is a big deal. Obama might have been disliked by a lot of Republicans, but fact is, other than Obamacare and a few other issues, he wasn't anywhere near as controversial as Trump is.
So you want to limit the ability of those to speak their mind on a board designed to allow people to speak their mind? If you limit the number of threads started by people you have no idea how much it might stunt the growth of the forum. There are a lot of people on this forum that post in threads but never start threads.

Now if you have a problem with threads being about the same topic or in the wrong forum, report them. I do. Once I had some threads moved or closed I decided it was time to follow the rules the best I could, BUT I also decided it was time to make sure others did as well. If a thread is a like to other's report them to get merged. If it is in the wrong forum, report it to get moved to the right one. Now something I did learn recently, is if tow threads are a like, but one is in Zone 2 and the other is in the flamezone, they can't be merged because the threads follow different rules.

Now as far as your complaint and idea of limiting posters to starting threads, no, and it is mostly because you don't agree with their view point. As far as accusing people of being sock accounts, you need to have better proof than what you just came up with. And are sock accounts illegal here? Can one person have two accounts?

Not true.
Take the Politics forum...when Obama was President there might, literally, have been 25 threads a day started by only 2-3 members that are all just basic crap threads...nothing new or informative, just some useless crap derived from some useless crap website. Today - there are easily that many generic junk threads about Trump.
This pollutes the forum, then idiots come in and take the troll bait and now you have today's, yesterdays junk threads clogging up the whole thing

It's because of the shit Trump does that makes it so that so many threads get created. That's what you get when you have a TV personality that becomes President. Not to get off point, but he was a troll during his campaign and his followers ate it up and said that U.S. politics needed more of it. Well now he's become President and he hasn't done what he said he would do, which was become more Presidential. That's why you get so many threads about him. That's not the fault of the posters, it's the nature of the time we now live in. We should actually have MORE threads. The candidate to become the Secretary of Labor withdrew from the position and there isn't a single thread about it on the first page. Russia broke a treaty with the U.S. and moved a nuclear tipped cruise missile... and it isn't being talked about like it is a big deal. Obama might have been disliked by a lot of Republicans, but fact is, other than Obamacare and a few other issues, he wasn't anywhere near as controversial as Trump is.

He wasn't as controversial because the media left him alone, today the MSM is little more than garbage collectors using anything they can find to throw out there against him hoping something sticks.
But that is besides the point. It doesn't matter what the threads are about, they can be about donkey racing...25 threads a day from only a few members is garbage no matter what they are about.

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.

Are you done whining? If you don't like them, don't read them.

But, your transparent attempt to censor what is said on this forum is disgusting. I guess I would have to ask ... who the hell are you to judge what they do or don't do? Just because it doesn't fit your political narrative, or it offends your precious sensibilities, is not justification to censor them.

The more the merrier..




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I think when someone starts a new thread every 20 minutes, some on topics that have already been covered, and doesn't maintain them, it's crap.

Oh and they mostly just post some bs, no source or anything.

IMO people like that need their own sub-forum. I'd call it "the sewer"

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.
The only way the board makes money is post count. That's why this board caters to the socks,spammers and trolls. They aren't going to do anything about them ...they encourage them and let them run the board. They aren't interested in debate...just spam and bullshit. It has been this way for years. Not going to change any time soon.

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.
The only way the board makes money is post count. That's why this board caters to the socks,spammers and trolls. They aren't going to do anything about them ...they encourage them and let them run the board. They aren't interested in debate...just spam and bullshit. It has been this way for years. Not going to change any time soon.
Ahem, do you think that anyone can survive what with adblock users?

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.
The only way the board makes money is post count. That's why this board caters to the socks,spammers and trolls. They aren't going to do anything about them ...they encourage them and let them run the board. They aren't interested in debate...just spam and bullshit. It has been this way for years. Not going to change any time soon.
Ahem, do you think that anyone can survive what with adblock users?

I'm a proud ad block user.

I know there are many people here who are tired of about ten people each posting twenty threads a day each in Politics and Current Events and it's always the same people, one has just posted his FOURTEENTH THREAD today in about six hours, that one is almost certainly a sock, joined six years ago, has less than 400 posts and 250 of those posts have been in the past day and a half.

I think it would be a very good idea that these ten people are limited to posting two threads a day because posting so many multiple threads and twenty threads a day every day is a combination of Spamming and Clogging both Politics and Current Events.

I add that the vast majority of these twenty threads a day each are pretty much designed to get people arguing with each other.

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
IMO - it makes absolute sense to limit ANYONE's ability to make a thread to no more than say - 5 a day.
I do not believe any member under any normal circumstance would want to create more than 5 threads in a single day. I would say 90% of all members here create less than one a day.
Lucy has a point, and I have noticed this long ago...the Politics thread especially is polluted with repeated garbage and numerous threads that are simply a rehash spin of the same thread created by the SAME person earlier.
Way too much of this.
out of courtesy posters should not do that...but i personally don't want to see more rules or more zones or basically more moderating....

basquebromanc, easy65, mindwars , bassman etc.... you have a gazillion of them that just posts new thread after new thread after new thread....

makes this site, richer! ;)

Rich with laughter but poor with material...

Stay in The Rubber Room Bruce if you think it's funny. I posted this as a serious thread, but we already can see who supports this Trolling and Derailing OP Twenty Threads A Day, why half of these people are even here I don't know, they have no interest in debate about anything, they are just here to Troll and Disrupt they illustrate this on a daily basis.
The only way the board makes money is post count. That's why this board caters to the socks,spammers and trolls. They aren't going to do anything about them ...they encourage them and let them run the board. They aren't interested in debate...just spam and bullshit. It has been this way for years. Not going to change any time soon.

Well, this is one of the better ones I've seen. FWIW.

I know there are many people here who are tired of about ten people each posting twenty threads a day each in Politics and Current Events and it's always the same people, one has just posted his FOURTEENTH THREAD today in about six hours, that one is almost certainly a sock, joined six years ago, has less than 400 posts and 250 of those posts have been in the past day and a half.

I think it would be a very good idea that these ten people are limited to posting two threads a day because posting so many multiple threads and twenty threads a day every day is a combination of Spamming and Clogging both Politics and Current Events.

I add that the vast majority of these twenty threads a day each are pretty much designed to get people arguing with each other.

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
Don't make me laugh so hard, I'm congested and it makes me cough...
I've never seen this board tolerate socks...when a sock account is found, it was zapped, permanently banned, there was no exception and the original poster who created the sock was banned for a certain period of time...or permanently if a repeat offender. No one told us mods to allow socks so the site could have more posts or posters, EVER!

Sure, some socks get by for a while, when using a Proxy ip address, but there were other ways to catch them....with a little patience and sleuthing... I loved that part of moderating....we had very few rules at the time and no zones and rules for zones so catching the socks was like a full time job.... now, with the zones and rules, mods may not have as much time to find the socks, but I would bet 10 to 1 no mod was told to leave them on the board and not ban them.
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