Two lib morons running for mayor of Detroit

I wonder what they're debates are going to be?

Candidate A: I'll raise taxes, increase spending, and expand welfare!
Candidate B: I'll do all that; plus, I'll free a bunch of criminals for jail and give them welfare!
who cares who runs there for a mayor?

all the reasonable people have left that dump already
They're Dems, but only because they know where all the bigots

Detroit will come back- EVEN FROM LOSING 90 PER CENT OF IT'S AUTO MANUFACTURING- but thanks for the depression and the PUB APPOINTED SCAM OF A BANKRUPTCY LAWYER CITY ''MANAGER''...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...
They're Dems, but only because they know where all the bigots

Detroit will come back- EVEN FROM LOSING 90 PER CENT OF IT'S AUTO MANUFACTURING- but thanks for the depression and the PUB APPOINTED SCAM OF A BANKRUPTCY LAWYER CITY ''MANAGER''...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

What Detroit needs is
1. Strengthen its educational system
2. Get businesses and innovators to form or move there.
3. Strengthen its tax base
3. make things ;)
Nolan Finley is a GOP hack. Finley knows damn well that Mike Duggan has repeatedly said that Detroit needs to grow the tax base by dealing with all of the vacant property within the city and has focused his campaign almost exclusively on eliminating blight in order to fix many of its problems but Finley portrayed Duggan as a man who has his head stuck in the sand and is operating on the assumption that population and revenue will remain static. Finley also knows that other cities in Michigan have received the emergency manager bankruptcy treatment and it was a death sentence for all of them but because its a GOP governor doing this to Detroit Finley gives him a pass.

Its alright to disagree with someone's position on something but at least accurately report the position before you disagree. Duggan is not clueless, Napolean on the other hand...:eusa_whistle:
Nolan Finley is a GOP hack. Finley knows damn well that Mike Duggan has repeatedly said that Detroit needs to grow the tax base by dealing with all of the vacant property within the city and has focused his campaign almost exclusively on eliminating blight in order to fix many of its problems but Finley portrayed Duggan as a man who has his head stuck in the sand and is operating on the assumption that population and revenue will remain static. Finley also knows that other cities in Michigan have received the emergency manager bankruptcy treatment and it was a death sentence for all of them but because its a GOP governor doing this to Detroit Finley gives him a pass.

Its alright to disagree with someone's position on something but at least accurately report the position before you disagree. Duggan is not clueless, Napolean on the other hand...:eusa_whistle:

Good God! Someone who actually knows something about the Detroit Mayoral race has posted. How refreshing.
Detroit needs manufacturing and education ;)

Oh they also need to learn something about economics.

They need money so they can bulldoze half of the city, literally. Real estate investors don't want to purchase any of this land because the cost to demolish everything that is still standing is too costly. If these old buildings were gone, the land would have value and real estate investors would develop this land. The second problem is removing stragglers in these areas. In order to develop these large swaths of land, they need to remove everyone. You can't develop an area with new homes and businesses when every fourth lot is a dump where someone is still living. It all has to go.

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