Two lib morons running for mayor of Detroit

Detroit is liberalism in action.

And most of the southeastern US and plains are full of hick towns.

What do hick towns make? Extreme tea partiers!
-No science
-No tech
-Little infrastructure
-No understanding of economics
-Fuck most of them don't go to college or finish high school


hick towns have most of the best schools, the students from these schools go on to do great things.
They're Dems, but only because they know where all the bigots

Detroit will come back- EVEN FROM LOSING 90 PER CENT OF IT'S AUTO MANUFACTURING- but thanks for the depression and the PUB APPOINTED SCAM OF A BANKRUPTCY LAWYER CITY ''MANAGER''...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

What Detroit needs is
1. Strengthen its educational system
2. Get businesses and innovators to form or move there.
3. Strengthen its tax base
3. make things ;)

You're dumb.

Your answer is:
1 Spend money you don't have
2 Cut taxes that you already don't have enough of due to welfare and subsidies.

You need to learn some economics.
Detroit is liberalism in action.

And most of the southeastern US and plains are full of hick towns.

What do hick towns make? Extreme tea partiers!
-No science
-No tech
-Little infrastructure
-No understanding of economics
-Fuck most of them don't go to college or finish high school

And progressive utopias like you want offer bankruptcy, high UE, low income, massive welfare and lights being turned off on as many streets as possible.

Matt, you're a progressive that got everything you wanted. You're biggest issue with Detroit is not how they got where they did but to argue they simply needed to spend more while cutting taxes.... It's just stupid to watch you post here these days.
They're Dems, but only because they know where all the bigots

Detroit will come back- EVEN FROM LOSING 90 PER CENT OF IT'S AUTO MANUFACTURING- but thanks for the depression and the PUB APPOINTED SCAM OF A BANKRUPTCY LAWYER CITY ''MANAGER''...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

What Detroit needs is
1. Strengthen its educational system
2. Get businesses and innovators to form or move there.
3. Strengthen its tax base
3. make things ;)

You're dumb.

Your answer is:
1 Spend money you don't have
2 Cut taxes that you already don't have enough of due to welfare and subsidies.

You need to learn some economics.

This is what the classes in it I've taken says to do.

The entire world from Africa to East Asia agrees with the investing in infrastructure, education and r@d method. You're a fucking morons fool.:eusa_boohoo: Spending money on building Iraq was what I'd call dumb you fucking retarded child.
well we are getting close to the bitter winter, and like i mentioned, wait till another bad storm hits them with vengeance and detroit becomes hell when they have a major electricity brown out. then it will be Ted Cruz's fault.

Say what you will about the city's finances but the utilities here are exceptional.
Can anyone here want to describe what the Mayor's office looks like? I already vision a few rats "Hanging Out" on the desk, along with a very disorganized wall size shelf unit. and probably a 1980 typewriter still in use.

It's pretty modern. Accessed through an outer waiting room, it is a suite with several people working in it, totaling I would guess about 4000 square feet. No rats, no typewriters, several shelf units. Great view.
They're Dems, but only because they know where all the bigots

Detroit will come back- EVEN FROM LOSING 90 PER CENT OF IT'S AUTO MANUFACTURING- but thanks for the depression and the PUB APPOINTED SCAM OF A BANKRUPTCY LAWYER CITY ''MANAGER''...
what a pile of Pubcrappe...

What Detroit needs is
1. Strengthen its educational system
2. Get businesses and innovators to form or move there.
3. Strengthen its tax base
3. make things ;)

You're dumb.

Your answer is:
1 Spend money you don't have
2 Cut taxes that you already don't have enough of due to welfare and subsidies.

You need to learn some economics.

Not worth a response. Barely worth reading.
Dumb and dumber running for the office of biggest moron. Big surprise.

Exactly what makes you characterize Mike Duggan as dumb? I'll wait.

Because "They" said that Duggan is dumb, :lol: This thread and others about Detroit are hilarious. It's funny reading people who think they understand an issue try to "break it down all scientific like", it's incredible what some people in this forum believe.

Anyway, I don't care what they think because I live in the city of Detroit and Duggan is now going to be the next Mayor no matter what anyone on this forum thinks about him. :)
Dumb and dumber running for the office of biggest moron. Big surprise.

Exactly what makes you characterize Mike Duggan as dumb? I'll wait.

Because "They" said that Duggan is dumb, :lol: This thread and others about Detroit are hilarious. It's funny reading people who think they understand an issue try to "break it down all scientific like", it's incredible what some people in this forum believe.

Anyway, I don't care what they think because I live in the city of Detroit and Duggan is now going to be the next Mayor no matter what anyone on this forum thinks about him. :)

It is odd isn't it? In order to get to one post that actually has a brain behind it one has to wade through dozens of dogmatic comments about the impact of liberal policy (usually comments of little or no substance), racist jokes, and the inevitable and by now infinitely boring jokes about turning off the lights, or cesspools, or population.

This thread is like so many others. Go to google, find some points that align with your own slanted view, post them, and mysteriously disappear if anyone asks you to expand on your views, which you can't because they weren't your own views and you don't understand them. :lol:

I guess it has always been so.
You're right, it's interesting how even with access to Google no one has managed to hit on the important points.

Duggan is not a moron, in fact he's a highly respected turn-around specialist who has a proven track record not only in the public sector but in the private sector as well.

Detroit made another huge change last night that no one is talking about, city council members are once again elected by district and are not all "at-large" anymore. This means that the racial majority in the city can no longer impose its will on individual districts with a more diverse population.

Detroit is not bankrupt no matter how many people say that it is. The state appointed Emergency Financial Manager has filed for bankruptcy protection on behalf of the city but the city itself is fighting this in court, right now, so no protections have been granted and the city doesn't want this to happen. The state has been having a much more difficult time in court than they thought they would and the election of Duggan may increase the likelihood of an out of court, non-bankruptcy solution.

The auto industry has almost nothing to do with the city of Detroit so if this is something that someone is about to post...don't, it'll just make you look ignorant.

The real That's what this whole EFM thing is about, who is going to profit from redeveloping the city. With an EFM in place and put there by a GOP governor there are a couple of wealthy GOP donors who also just happen to be real estate developers who stand to profit big time from the special status the EFM is already talking about granting to them.
You're right, it's interesting how even with access to Google no one has managed to hit on the important points.

Duggan is not a moron, in fact he's a highly respected turn-around specialist who has a proven track record not only in the public sector but in the private sector as well.

Detroit made another huge change last night that no one is talking about, city council members are once again elected by district and are not all "at-large" anymore. This means that the racial majority in the city can no longer impose its will on individual districts with a more diverse population.

Detroit is not bankrupt no matter how many people say that it is. The state appointed Emergency Financial Manager has filed for bankruptcy protection on behalf of the city but the city itself is fighting this in court, right now, so no protections have been granted and the city doesn't want this to happen. The state has been having a much more difficult time in court than they thought they would and the election of Duggan may increase the likelihood of an out of court, non-bankruptcy solution.

The auto industry has almost nothing to do with the city of Detroit so if this is something that someone is about to post...don't, it'll just make you look ignorant.

The real That's what this whole EFM thing is about, who is going to profit from redeveloping the city. With an EFM in place and put there by a GOP governor there are a couple of wealthy GOP donors who also just happen to be real estate developers who stand to profit big time from the special status the EFM is already talking about granting to them.

You're attitude is why Detroit is so fucked up. Development is good thing idiot, the EFM is also a good thing. Duggan can have a fresh start when the bankruptcy is over. Were do you live? in my old neighborhood in SW Detroit, on my street there are hardly any fucking houses left, only burnt up, stripped out, shells. You should have voted Neapolian he was the same old bullshit they've had there in the past, and you push the same old stupidity as well
You're attitude is why Detroit is so fucked up. Development is good thing idiot, the EFM is also a good thing. Duggan can have a fresh start when the bankruptcy is over. Were do you live? in my old neighborhood in SW Detroit, on my street there are hardly any fucking houses left, only burnt up, stripped out, shells. You should have voted Neapolian he was the same old bullshit they've had there in the past, and you push the same old stupidity as well

Where did I say development was bad? Duggan's campaign was almost entirely about redeveloping the blighted areas, and I've already said that in this thread. Do you read before you criticize?

My objection to the EMF is that the office of the EMF wants to give preferential treatment and to control who benefits from the re-development, not the fact that they want re-development to happen because it's going to happen and needs to happen, I'd prefer that Duggan manage that rather than Kevyn Orr.

By the way, not that it's any of your business but I live in Northwest Detroit not too far from Old Redford, a couple blocks off of McNichols between Lahser and Telegraph. My neighborhood is not blighted but if you go a couple of miles south into Brightmoor they have entire city blocks with no houses standing. SW Detroit is also blighted. Psrts of the Northeast aren't so bad.

One more thing, I've had you pegged as a phony ever since you got into a discussion with someone about the auto industry and the UAW and their effect on the city. If you really knew what you were talking about you'd know that the auto industry, and therefore the UAW, has almost no presence in the actual city. You'd also know that the $18 Billion debt figure put out by the state has been contested. It's obvious to me after seeing you in action in both of these threads that you don't know what you're talking about but by all means go ahead and say that I'm the problem, call me out :lol:

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