Two Presidents who went Off the Reservation


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Several years ago, President Soetoro asked Congress to pass a law to protect people who were brought over the border illegally as small children, but who had done nothing else wrong and were trying to make a life for themselves in the U.S. Congress didn't do it, so Soetoro, after acknowledging many times that he lacked the power under either law or the Constitution to do so, announced an illegal, unconstitutional non-enforcement policy that has at times been referred to as the DREAM Act (or the legislation would have been called that). It is still NOT the law of the United States, and those people are STILL in the country illegally.

Illegal, unconstitutional, and a violation of Soetoro's oath of office. From the Leftists: no reaction.

Now President Trump asks Congress for a small amount to fund sections of border wall that our immigration professionals have requested. Congress gives him a small fraction of what he wants. So he utilizes legitimate, legal, constitutional means to accumulate the funds he wants, and proceeds to plan for the Wall that he promised to build when he was running for office. Apparently, when a Republican wins an election, elections do NOT have consequences, eh?

And the Leftists go bat shit crazy.

Do you see the contrast?

Regardless of your political persuasion, Trump's wall will make America safer from southern invasion to some extent. and when one considers the inevitable civil wars, insurrections, and various catastrophes that are certain to happen in coming years south of our border, all of which will result in migrations of would-be immigrants trying to cross our border illegally, it's not a bad idea.

the sources of Trump's funding are perfectly fine with the rearrangement. The amount is, relatively speaking, a pittance.




Do you get it now? It doesn't matter what he does, whether it's legal, whether it's sensible, or any of that. WHATEVER he does, the Leftists and the Media will attack him for it.

Whatever he does.
Who is President Soetoro?

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