Two questions for theists

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
Yeah. I believe that destiny is not necessary. Why do we have to have anything other than now? This is the problem with theists. You all spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, that you end up missing today. The vast majority of pagan theists are so concerned with yesterday (reincarnation) that they, too, are missing out on today. Why not just worry about today. Spend to day living the best day, doing the most good, for yourself, and those around you, that you can. Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.
I always had a thing for the Easter Bunny, too. Those big fat ears of his. Please. Jesus is a metaphor for ...sacrifice? Just playing the Devils advocate here.
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
Yeah. I believe that destiny is not necessary. Why do we have to have anything other than now? This is the problem with theists. You all spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, that you end up missing today. The vast majority of pagan theists are so concerned with yesterday (reincarnation) that they, too, are missing out on today. Why not just worry about today. Spend to day living the best day, doing the most good, for yourself, and those around you, that you can. Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.
Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I agree with your post except for the above ... in that you are agreeing to possibilities without the aspiration to accomplish them. not that that may not work but throwing paint at a board seldom creates a Mona Lisa.
The universe is wonderful and well-designed so God exists.

What is the "fine-tuning" of the universe, and how does it serve as a "pointer to God"?

We see evil and suffering so Satan (and cruel people) exist.

God brings good out of evil.
There are a number of problems with the "fine tuning" argument for God. First, the "fine tuning" argument is not an argument for a designer, but against it. Consider this analogy. Suppose that to function we required a specific level of oxygen, and that any other level would cause suffocation. This would count as "fine tuning" as it is presented in the argument. The atmospheric composition in question would be the only one capable of supporting life, and this would therefore demand “explanation”.

But even if that was true, how would this fine-tuning justify design explanations? A designer would not make it so that humans would constantly face the danger of suffocation! An intelligent designer would try, whether possible, to ensure that a given system could keep functioning under different conditions. Such is the case with humans, who can breathe in atmospheres thin or rich in oxygen. The precarity of a system’s functioning is not evidence of design, but rather of natural law.

Consider also, that we should not be surprised, or befuddled that the universe is adapted to our survival. After all, we evolved within the universe according to its parameters. Evolution tends toward adaption of life to its environment. Therefore we should be no more surprised how well we fit the universe than we are that a baked cookie fits its mold. This is known as WAP.

For further explanations of the shortcomings of the "fine tuning" defense of God I recommend Francois Tremblay's The Many Problems with the Fine-Tuning Argument.
You seem to have missed the point of his answer to your questions. It is understandable because what you really want to argue is the existence of God. His answer to your questions was similar to my answer... God brings good out of evil.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
A couple of questions for believers.

1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Now, I have heard, as a response to this second question, an analogy to Parents not stopping their children from engaging in less than safe behaviour - touching a live wire, touching a hot stove, that sort of thing. The argument being that a loving parent wants their children to "learn" through experience. However, I find this answer more than a little inadequate. After all, what parent, when they are confronted with a rapist throwing their daughter down, and ripping off her dress would not pounce upon the monster, stop him, and destroy him? Would a loving parent allow the rapist to complete his task, in order to allow their child to "learn" some valuable lesson? And just what lesson might that be?

So, yes. That answer to the second question is woefully lacking.
God is spelled with a capitol G.

1. There isn't a human being on earth who does not go through trials and tests. For the unbeliever, it could be the catalyst that will lead to their crying out to God. Hopefully it will. For the believer it is written:

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
James 1: 1-3 KJV

It is written:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

2. God has given man free will. There are consequences for the choices we make in life and this would include whether we choose to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior or reject Him. It's our choice and ultimately it will determine where we spend eternity.

Before you rush to the conclusion that God is sending people to hell consider it is the person who has chosen to send themselves there. One could choose to live a life apart from God and decide to remain a stranger to God wanting no relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. One day the person dies and finds themselves in hell. You may say this is unfair. But is it?

We are created in the image of God, a spirit who has a soul and lives in a body (on earth). Angels are ministering spirits and they are eternal beings too.

Imagine someone goes to a beautiful neighborhood and finds the nicest home on the block. They knock on the door, the owner answers and the person says let me in. I want to live here. The owner says I do not know you and shuts the door.

Now imagine someone goes to a beautiful neighborhood and finds the nicest home on the block. They knock on the door,the owner answers and before the person can say anything the man says welcome home son, come on in, dinner will be ready soon and I'm so happy to see you!

The person who is shut out has only one place to go now. Hell.
The person who enters in will never see hell but spend eternity with God. In Heaven.

Where are you going to spend eternity? It's up to you. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Are you going to repent of your sins and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you? Will you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ died on the cross and God raised him from the grave on the 3rd day? If you will call upon the name of the LORD you will be saved and receive everlasting life. If you refuse to you will not be able to enter heaven when you die. It is your choice. Choose life.
1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

Maybe God isn't testing you, maybe you have been given options and choices with the proviso that you will have to live with the consequences of whatever you decide to do.

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Maybe God has given mankind the power of reason and knowledge but also the responsibility for whatever happens when we use it. Is man's inhumanity to man his/her fault or ours? Do you really want a life with no pain, no suffering, and no death? What would be the point of having the ability to reason and learn if we have no problems to solve?
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
Yeah. I believe that destiny is not necessary. Why do we have to have anything other than now? This is the problem with theists. You all spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, that you end up missing today. The vast majority of pagan theists are so concerned with yesterday (reincarnation) that they, too, are missing out on today. Why not just worry about today. Spend to day living the best day, doing the most good, for yourself, and those around you, that you can. Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.
Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I agree with your post except for the above ... in that you are agreeing to possibilities without the aspiration to accomplish them. not that that may not work but throwing paint at a board seldom creates a Mona Lisa.
You seem to be suggesting that I am arguing that random behaviour will accomplish ordered ends. I'm not. You're right. Throwing paint on a canvas will not result in the Mono Lisa. But, sitting in front of an easel thinking about how cool the Mono Lisa would look, and waiting for some muse to magically guide your hand to the canvas will not result in the Mona Lisa, either. Taking the time to do what needs to be done will result in getting done what needs to be done. No need for any outside influence. Just taking responsibility for one's self to do what one need to do.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
[SIC] pagan theists
I suggest you stop associating with pagan theists.
So, this all-powerful, all-knowing God gets credit for every good thing that happens, but is responsible for not a single bad thing that happens. How convenient.
That only seems fair since you blame Him for all the bad and don't give Him any credit for the good.

So, whenever bad things happen, it was Satan's doing? How does that work? God is supposed to be All-Knowing. How does Satan catch God "Asleep at the wheel", and get away with causing bad shit to happen, unless God makes the conscious choice to say, "Yeah, fuck it. Let Satan have that one,"? You're going to need to reconcile this with either a) and omnipotent, omniscient God, or b) a benevolent God. If Satan gets to get away with these things, both of those conditions cannot simultaneously exist.

This has been answered several times. Evil exists so that good can come from it. You don't believe in God, so you refuse to see anything that does not confirm your bias.

I dare you to tell a rape victim that her rape is going to lead to good. And, don't give me some anecdotal tale of a rape victim who went on to have a kid, blah, blah, blah. I want you to go to a rape crisis center, video yourself telling an actual rape victim - or, better, yet, one of her family members - that God is going to make "something good" come from her rape, and post the results of that encounter online. I think the video would be most enlightening for both of us.

Why stop with rape? Why not bring up murder and genocide too?

Martin Luther King Jr. understood evil better than most. Here is what he has to say on this subject. It's a good read that will most likely be lost on you. Here is his conclusion:

The existence of evil in the world still stands as the great enigma wrapped in mystery, yet it has not caused Christians to live in total despair. The Christian religion has offered men a way for the overcoming of evil through insight and faith and a life in right relations with God and man.34 It is right and inevitable to attempt to come to an intellectual solution of this problem.Rall, Christianity, p. 343: "It is inevitable and right that men seek all possible light on this darkest of problems." Men of all ages and all religions have set out on this difficult venture. Yet some of the proposed solutions are no solutions at all. To deny the reality of evil is all but absurd. To posit the existence of another cosmic power opposed to God is taking a speculative flight which can have no true philosophical grounding. To suggest a finite God as a solution to the problem is to fall in the pit of humanizing God.35 The discussion which we have offered above on this dark problem seems to me to shed more light on the problem than most of the familiar theories; It maintains the triangle of the sovereignty of God, the goodness of God, and the reality of evil, attemptint to shed new light on each of these old corners of the triangle. Yet with all of the new light that has been shed on the old problem we still come to a point beyond which we cannot go. Any intellectual solution to the problem of evil will come to inevitable impasses. The ultimate solution is not intellectual but spiritual. After we have climbed to the top of the speculative ladder we must leap out into the darkness of faith. But this leap is not a leap of despair, for it eventually cries with St. Paul, "For now we see through a glass darkly; . . . but then shall I know even as I am known."36 The Christian answer to the problem of evil is ultimately contained in what he does with evil, itself the result of what Christ did with evil on the cross.

“Religion’s Answer to the Problem of Evil”

Me personally? I don't know. It hasn't happened to me, so I would not be able to tell you what I would have learned from it. The answer very well could be, I suffered so that others might be spared it. "the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

Not only is that sophistry, it is completely irrelevant to the questions I asked.

Your questions are irrelevant because you don't believe in God so you don't believe the premise of your questions. Your only purpose here is to subordinate religion. You actively seek out people who believe in God for the express purpose of condemning respect for them. You build strawmen arguments based on the misrepresentation of their beliefs for your own amusement. You demand proof of His existence and when presented with proof of His existence you claim it is not possible for their to be proof of His existence thereby revealing the idiocy of your demands and your true nature.

If God's goals include the rape of my 19-year-old daughter, or my having to outlive my 10-year-old son, then there is nothing noble bout those goals, and to suggest so is shameless sophistry.

You can take up His goals when you meet Him. He will literally say to you, who do you think you are? What have you done to question me? And He will be right to say that. Trust me, the error is yours, not His.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

Maybe God isn't testing you, maybe you have been given options and choices with the proviso that you will have to live with the consequences of whatever you decide to do.
So, when theists, particularly Christians, talk about God, or Satan "testing" them, they're full of shit, and just don't want to take responsibility for their own shitting decision making skills?

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Maybe God has given mankind the power of reason and knowledge but also the responsibility for whatever happens when we use it. Is man's inhumanity to man his/her fault or ours? Do you really want a life with no pain, no suffering, and no death? What would be the point of having the ability to reason and learn if we have no problems to solve?
Actually, that is no better than the parent analogy. That answer would be perfectly understandable, if our lives had difficulties, and challenges. It does. But, what? God decided my life wasn't challenging enough, so he decided my son needed to contract a fatal disease, and die, while I could do nothing? God decided that my life was not difficult enough, so, he sat back, and did nothing as a rapist violated my daughter? Really? And just what made me so special? Why were the normal difficulties, and challenges that life presents to...well...everyone, allowing them to grow, and develop their reason, and intellect simply not enough, that I required such special, particular attack from outside, that I did nothing to incur? And this is your benevolent God? Really?
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.
I see that you are incorporating some of my arguments. That is good. It is progress. Now all you need to do is realize that cause and effect and the evolution of matter tell you that your purpose here is to progress as a human being and maybe then you won't be such a horse's ass. But make no mistake, He has given you all the evidence you need to believe in Him so that you are without excuse for when you come up short.
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so [he] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
[SIC] pagan theists
I suggest you stop associating with pagan theists.
I prefer to not associate with theists of any flavour, thanks...
so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
Yeah. I believe that destiny is not necessary. Why do we have to have anything other than now? This is the problem with theists. You all spend so much time worrying about tomorrow, that you end up missing today. The vast majority of pagan theists are so concerned with yesterday (reincarnation) that they, too, are missing out on today. Why not just worry about today. Spend to day living the best day, doing the most good, for yourself, and those around you, that you can. Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.
Do that, and tomorrow will take care of itself.

I agree with your post except for the above ... in that you are agreeing to possibilities without the aspiration to accomplish them. not that that may not work but throwing paint at a board seldom creates a Mona Lisa.
You seem to be suggesting that I am arguing that random behaviour will accomplish ordered ends. I'm not. You're right. Throwing paint on a canvas will not result in the Mono Lisa. But, sitting in front of an easel thinking about how cool the Mono Lisa would look, and waiting for some muse to magically guide your hand to the canvas will not result in the Mona Lisa, either. Taking the time to do what needs to be done will result in getting done what needs to be done. No need for any outside influence. Just taking responsibility for one's self to do what one need to do.
Sure, but failing to understand the bigger picture is keeping you from doing it.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
But it is more than that, the stuff that you are made of existed when space and time were created. He knew you then and you knew Him then. You have just forgotten Him. Life is a forgetting. Death is a remembering.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
Existence is anything but a waste of time. If I gave you 1 million dollars and told you I would give you 1 million dollars tomorrow and everyday after that IF you spent the previous days money, you would find a way to spend it. That is exactly what you have been given. You are given 24 hours each day but you must spend it before you can have the next 24 hours. Choose widely how you spend it.

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