Two questions for theists

1) If god knows everything about you, then why would he test you? He should already know how you would behave in any situation.

Maybe God isn't testing you, maybe you have been given options and choices with the proviso that you will have to live with the consequences of whatever you decide to do.
So, when theists, particularly Christians, talk about God, or Satan "testing" them, they're full of shit, and just don't want to take responsibility for their own shitting decision making skills?

2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Maybe God has given mankind the power of reason and knowledge but also the responsibility for whatever happens when we use it. Is man's inhumanity to man his/her fault or ours? Do you really want a life with no pain, no suffering, and no death? What would be the point of having the ability to reason and learn if we have no problems to solve?
Actually, that is no better than the parent analogy. That answer would be perfectly understandable, if our lives had difficulties, and challenges. It does. But, what? God decided my life wasn't challenging enough, so he decided my son needed to contract a fatal disease, and die, while I could do nothing? God decided that my life was not difficult enough, so, he sat back, and did nothing as a rapist violated my daughter? Really? And just what made me so special? Why were the normal difficulties, and challenges that life presents to...well...everyone, allowing them to grow, and develop their reason, and intellect simply not enough, that I required such special, particular attack from outside, that I did nothing to incur? And this is your benevolent God? Really?

Here is the Jewish answer. I have no doubt this wisdom will be wasted on you.

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

07 Judaism
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so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
[SIC] pagan theists
I suggest you stop associating with pagan theists.
I prefer to not associate with theists of any flavour, thanks...
I think I hear a sigh of relief from theists around the world.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.
I see that you are incorporating some of my arguments. That is good. It is progress. Now all you need to do is realize that cause and effect and the evolution of matter tell you that your purpose here is to progress as a human being and maybe then you won't be such a horse's ass. But make no mistake, He has given you all the evidence you need to believe in Him so that you are without excuse for when you come up short.
I love you, but I your response is more than I ever got from prayer. I want GOD to respond, but all I get is random bullshit. Roll the dice, and's that pretty much the same as god's will, But God doesn't gamble, does he?
so [they] should and could prevent people from doing evil.

The Triumph of Good vs Evil is the goal set by the Almighty for a Spirit to be set free by their Admission to the Everlasting.

the Spirit can not exist without its physiology in Garden Earth the failsafe from their becoming a part of the Everlasting without first being freed and if accomplished will be Judged and if unfit will be destroyed. The Almighty is the gatekeeper, sink or swim or just parish with the demise of one's physiology - at least the Spirit that is born is given an opportunity of an extended existence when accomplishing the set goal of Purity, one or the other, or simply a (good) life on Earth that will come to a short end for most.
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?
So, basically, you are saying that the, supposedly, benevolent God, plopped us here, left us to our own devices, and whatever we do we do, it's not his problem. His attitude is, Not my circus, not my monkeys". That's the extent of it. And you still maintain that this is a benevolent God?

the discussion would have to begin somewhere - and is inclusive for all beings, both Flora and Fauna.

as well the Apex of Knowledge would be necessary to accomplish for a Spirit to be set free.

the Genome of Life gave us our beginning and is somewhere a Free Spirit is able to return to in time.

so you believe you exist as a physiology that is "aware" but has no other destiny possible but extinction. no aspirations are possible.
[SIC] pagan theists
I suggest you stop associating with pagan theists.
I prefer to not associate with theists of any flavour, thanks...
Then why start this thread?
I've been laughed at and mocked for this but I've often compared God as Spiritual Energy to other energy sources we can relate to.... There is electricity in the outlet on the wall. You can't see it, smell it or taste it... but it's there nonetheless. You can tap in to that energy and utilize it to your advantage if you so choose... or you can live like a Mennonite. But the electricity doesn't love you... it doesn't care if you use it or not... it isn't wanting you to appreciate it or worship it. And if you don't respect it you'll pay a consequence but it's not because it's angry at you or punishing you.

Actually it does love you.
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
Some people would prefer a existence filled with robots.
I presume you don't mind what goes on the animal kingdom.
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.
I see that you are incorporating some of my arguments. That is good. It is progress. Now all you need to do is realize that cause and effect and the evolution of matter tell you that your purpose here is to progress as a human being and maybe then you won't be such a horse's ass. But make no mistake, He has given you all the evidence you need to believe in Him so that you are without excuse for when you come up short.
I love you, but I your response is more than I ever got from prayer. I want GOD to respond, but all I get is random bullshit. Roll the dice, and's that pretty much the same as god's will, But God doesn't gamble, does he?
I don't know what it has been like for you, but for me, when I finally woke up, I could see that everything that I thought was bad for me was really good for me. Have you ever pruned shrubs before? Or seen what they look like after they have been pruned?
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
That's a really bad reason not to believe in God. Effectively you are saying unless everything is perfect there can be no God. Why?
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Let's start with the fact that you have been the most precious gift in the universe; life as a being that knows and creates. Rather than complain that life is not perfect, you should be grateful for what you were given. But instead you are thankless and choose to only see the bad and ignore all of the good. So clearly you are lacking in objectivity.

Putting that aside, who are you to question the Creator of Existence? Do you think you know better than Him? What is it that you have done that makes you think you know better? Is it your belief that since life is not all honey and unicorn milk that there can be no God? This is a child's argument. The answer to this question is the same as the first; If we assume that the purpose of Creation is to create beings that know and create for the express purpose of progressing consciousness to that of beyond your puny consciousness, then it is all a part of that process. In other words, it is necessary for our growth that we experience life for ourselves and go through trials and tribulations to purify us much like gold is purified in the crucible of fire.

A man once came to a great Rabbi, very troubled. He said to the Rabbi, "Please pray to Hashem to take away my Evil Inclination. I do so many sins, and I want to stop sinning!"

The Rabbi answered, "Then what would be your purpose in this world, if you had no Evil Inclination? Your purpose in life is to overcome your personal Evil Inclination. That is what you were created for! Hashem has enough angels in heaven. He doesn't need one more. He created you human, so that you could improve yourself."

A woman went to that same great rabbi and said "what did you say to that guy yesterday because after he talked to you he came over and raped me. What did I do wrong? Why would that be a necessary life experience? Will it make me stronger? Oh thank you God"
2) If god is all powerful, and evil exists, and god is benevolent, and caring, why does he do nothing to stop evil? God is also supposed to be a loving god, so he should and could prevent people from doing evil.

Let's start with the fact that you have been the most precious gift in the universe; life as a being that knows and creates. Rather than complain that life is not perfect, you should be grateful for what you were given. But instead you are thankless and choose to only see the bad and ignore all of the good. So clearly you are lacking in objectivity.

Putting that aside, who are you to question the Creator of Existence? Do you think you know better than Him? What is it that you have done that makes you think you know better? Is it your belief that since life is not all honey and unicorn milk that there can be no God? This is a child's argument. The answer to this question is the same as the first; If we assume that the purpose of Creation is to create beings that know and create for the express purpose of progressing consciousness to that of beyond your puny consciousness, then it is all a part of that process. In other words, it is necessary for our growth that we experience life for ourselves and go through trials and tribulations to purify us much like gold is purified in the crucible of fire.

A man once came to a great Rabbi, very troubled. He said to the Rabbi, "Please pray to Hashem to take away my Evil Inclination. I do so many sins, and I want to stop sinning!"

The Rabbi answered, "Then what would be your purpose in this world, if you had no Evil Inclination? Your purpose in life is to overcome your personal Evil Inclination. That is what you were created for! Hashem has enough angels in heaven. He doesn't need one more. He created you human, so that you could improve yourself."

A woman went to that same great rabbi and said "what did you say to that guy yesterday because after he talked to you he came over and raped me. What did I do wrong? Why would that be a necessary life experience? Will it make me stronger? Oh thank you God"
If god knows everything, why does he need tests? Why drown people in mystical floods? I love the idea of a god, especially a Christian one. I like the idea of Mythos, a belief in something outside yourself.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
Existence is anything but a waste of time. If I gave you 1 million dollars and told you I would give you 1 million dollars tomorrow and everyday after that IF you spent the previous days money, you would find a way to spend it. That is exactly what you have been given. You are given 24 hours each day but you must spend it before you can have the next 24 hours. Choose widely how you spend it.
I am real and so are you. I want god to step out and prove him/her self. We Know God isn't going to say a bloody thing. I like religion, but if GOD was really out there, we wouldn't need all the subterfuge I ask for GOD and all I get is emptiness.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
Existence is anything but a waste of time. If I gave you 1 million dollars and told you I would give you 1 million dollars tomorrow and everyday after that IF you spent the previous days money, you would find a way to spend it. That is exactly what you have been given. You are given 24 hours each day but you must spend it before you can have the next 24 hours. Choose widely how you spend it.
I am real and so are you. I want god to step out and prove him/her self. We Know God isn't going to say a bloody thing. I like religion, but if GOD was really out there, we wouldn't need all the subterfuge I ask for GOD and all I get is emptiness.
Can you describe this appearance of God that would convince you it's actually God?
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
That's a really bad reason not to believe in God. Effectively you are saying unless everything is perfect there can be no God. Why?
I realize nothing disproves a creator but it does disprove every religion who claims a creation story. Or the stories that he cares.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
Existence is anything but a waste of time. If I gave you 1 million dollars and told you I would give you 1 million dollars tomorrow and everyday after that IF you spent the previous days money, you would find a way to spend it. That is exactly what you have been given. You are given 24 hours each day but you must spend it before you can have the next 24 hours. Choose widely how you spend it.
I am real and so are you. I want god to step out and prove him/her self. We Know God isn't going to say a bloody thing. I like religion, but if GOD was really out there, we wouldn't need all the subterfuge I ask for GOD and all I get is emptiness.
Maybe that's because you don't understand how He works. Have you ever pruned shrubs before? Or seen what they look like after they have been pruned?
How does Satan catch God "Asleep at the wheel", and get away with causing bad shit to happen, unless God makes the conscious choice to say, "Yeah, fuck it. Let Satan have that one,"?
I think you missed my point. God gives freedom which is good. Sometimes God's creations (people, angels) do bad things.

I dare you to tell a rape victim that her rape is going to lead to good. And, don't give me some anecdotal tale of a rape victim who went on to have a kid, blah, blah, blah.
Of course many beautiful, wonderful children came about because of rape. Surely you acknowledge this.

Think of some kind of disaster and the people who heroically rescue old people or children. Again God (and the rescuers) bring good out of evil.

If God's goals include the rape of my 19-year-old daughter, or my having to outlive my 10-year-old son,
I didn't say those are God's goals.
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
That's a really bad reason not to believe in God. Effectively you are saying unless everything is perfect there can be no God. Why?
I realize nothing disproves a creator but it does disprove every religion who claims a creation story. Or the stories that he cares.
How does it do that? Is it because you believe that unless everything is perfect there can be no God?
Why does God allow suffering and evil? Christians can answer:

1) It is good for God to give people freedom, but some people misuse their freedom and reject Jesus' call for forgiveness, kindness, and human dignity.

2) God also gives angels freedom. Some angels are fallen (like Satan) and cause suffering - for example bringing about natural disasters.

Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments – ReKnew
Book Review: Satan and the Problem of Evil: Constructing a Trinitarian Warfare Theodicy - Gregory A. Boyd

Satan has suffered defeats, but he is still powerful:

Ephesians 6:12 - For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

3) Suffering can lead to good. I'm sure we can all think of times when suffering has led to personal growth. What would life be without challenges? Should we spend our lives lounging on comfy pillows eating potato chips and watching reruns while someone tells us how wonderful we are?

4) The earthly death we suffer is not the end, but the beginning.

5) God's noble goals come intertwined with suffering.

Dr. Francis Collins: the same forces that produced a life-sustaining planet including the laws of physics, chemistry, weather and tectonics, can also produce natural disasters.

Here's John Polkinghorne: Cosmic Questions - Polkinghorne: The Problem of Evil
You know how murdering or raping someone wouldn't even cross your mind? And that's true for most people, right? And yet every minute on this earth someone is murdered or raped. Don't you think this is a flaw in his design?

A god could have easily designed this flaw out of his most perfect creation.

If there were a perfect God that made us and cares at all he would design us a little better.

We are evolving so hopefully the rape and murder gene eventually dies. For example look how seldom women rape and murder. Maybe we need to have the china one kid rule and favor parents who have girls. More women might cure us. Don't wait for God to do us. He just planted the seed and is off making other universe. How much do you care about the Tardigrade in your fish tank? Do you care if they rape and murder each other?
That's a really bad reason not to believe in God. Effectively you are saying unless everything is perfect there can be no God. Why?
I realize nothing disproves a creator but it does disprove every religion who claims a creation story. Or the stories that he cares.
More vague...please.
see, I don't. I prefer order, and reason, and logic. I don't need some great beyond. I am perfectly happy knowing that I am made of the same stuff as stars, and that, when I die, I will, ultimately, return to those stars. No God necessary.

You turn to dust, you don't return to the Stars, you are dead and won't know a thing. You live and die, that is it.
Well, except that dust is made of the same stuff that stars are made of. And I never suggested that I would be conscious. I'm waxing a bit poetic about the basic chemical similarities between us, and everything in the universe. Nothing more.
Waxing poetic Is what we humans do best. I love the ideal of religion, poetic waste of time. The leaves of grass, we opine about the waste of time that is existence.
Existence is anything but a waste of time. If I gave you 1 million dollars and told you I would give you 1 million dollars tomorrow and everyday after that IF you spent the previous days money, you would find a way to spend it. That is exactly what you have been given. You are given 24 hours each day but you must spend it before you can have the next 24 hours. Choose widely how you spend it.
I am real and so are you. I want god to step out and prove him/her self. We Know God isn't going to say a bloody thing. I like religion, but if GOD was really out there, we wouldn't need all the subterfuge I ask for GOD and all I get is emptiness.
I am real and so are you. I want god to step out and prove him/her self. We Know God isn't going to say a bloody thing. I like religion, but if GOD was really out there, we wouldn't need all the subterfuge I ask for GOD and all I get is emptiness.

quite whining ...
Maybe God has given mankind the power of reason and knowledge but also the responsibility for whatever happens when we use it. Is man's inhumanity to man his/her fault or ours? Do you really want a life with no pain, no suffering, and no death? What would be the point of having the ability to reason and learn if we have no problems to solve?

Actually, that is no better than the parent analogy. That answer would be perfectly understandable, if our lives had difficulties, and challenges. It does. But, what? God decided my life wasn't challenging enough, so he decided my son needed to contract a fatal disease, and die, while I could do nothing? God decided that my life was not difficult enough, so, he sat back, and did nothing as a rapist violated my daughter? Really? And just what made me so special? Why were the normal difficulties, and challenges that life presents to...well...everyone, allowing them to grow, and develop their reason, and intellect simply not enough, that I required such special, particular attack from outside, that I did nothing to incur? And this is your benevolent God? Really?

You didn't answer my questions. Why?

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