Two years and no science around masks?

U-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e how stupid US-Americans are able to think - if they are able to think at all. Covid-19 is a natural catastrophe which needs support from everyone to be able to be solved. I do not see any sense to discuss with a natural catastrophe about politics.
Look at this Democrat covering up for its Chinese masters.
The "dark ages" were not dark. We call it the middle ages.

Yellow, red and black (as well as white) had been color codings from cartographers. No Red Indian is red. Not any Chinese is yellow and only very few Blacks are nearly black. The skin color of all mankind is the Earth color white <-> brown <-> black in very fine nuances.
Medieval time was the era where all the colors of races had their chance to be dominant. The Yellow race defaulted by not traveling around the world and they had that ability. I use colors by the the colors we use here. White and Black and the such. The Dark Age was around the fall of Rome to the Renassance of a few centuries later from the than center of the world . The Yellow race had their tech advancements but their caste system was brutal and their naval travels stopped to become localized.
Information about someone who made a differnce between the life of "the vulnerable" and the life of "the not vulnerable" because he thought he is not vulnerable:

Robin Fransman, a well-known critic of the Dutch coronavirus policy and an outspoken skeptic of the Covid-19 vaccines, died on Tuesday from Covid-19. The 53-year-old first revealed on Twitter that he tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on the evening of December 3. His life came to an end on December 28 at the OLVG hospital in Amsterdam, Parool reported.
In a later interview with newspaper AD, he said that what Herstel-NL wants is to give industry sectors space to make their own safe decisions for everyone. Lockdowns and strict measures may help some but not others, he argued. "Because this is not safe for students, for people in the hospitality industry, for shopkeepers and many other groups in society. The lives of the vulnerable are important, but also the lives of the less vulnerable. It's really not our intention to just throw open every door. We need to find a better balance."
Source: Covid-19 kills coronavirus and vaccine skeptic Robin Fransman, 53
Medieval time was the era where all the colors of races had their chance to be dominant.

What do you think about a cheap exchange brain?

The Yellow race

Who? ¿The people in Asia? btw: It exist no human races.

defaulted by not traveling around the world and they had that ability.

Genghis Khan did not travel?

I use colors by the the colors we use here. White and Black and the such.

And such? No one ever saw any "red" Red Indian.

The Dark Age was around the fall of Rome to the Renassance of a few centuries later from the than center of the world .

A dark age had been in Germany as a result of the nonsense the allies of world war 1 had done (also a dark age) under Hitler from 1933-1945.

The Yellow race had their tech advancements but their caste system was brutal and their naval travels stopped to become localized.

Okay - you need an exchange brain, colonialist with the grey brain. Do you like one in pink? Ladies could love your X-ray portraits.

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What do you think about a cheap exchange brain?

Who? ¿The people in Asia? btw: It exist no human races.

Genghis Khan did not travel?

And such? No one ever saw any "red" Red Indian.

A dark age had been in Germany as a result of the nonsense the allies of world war 1 had done (also a dark age) under Hitler from 1933-1945.

Okay - you need an exchange brain, colonialist with the grey brain. Do you like one in pink? Ladies could love your X-ray portraits.

You speak fantasies. I exist on realities. If a race has massive teenage pregnancies with no father figures that produce two and half to three generations from those who do the same in two, and they exist on massive taxpayer social programs/private side subsidies will get the the greatest results of poverty. On other issues the world is about conquering. You seem to be blaming me for it.
I doubt there's any science that you would bother to accept.
So the geniuses have been able to fast track a treatment that hijacks the body's protein system to create foreign spike proteins that ostensibly force the immune system to fight Covid, but after two years they haven't been able to present any science around the simple problem presented below - do masks work?

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Surgeons have been wearing masks for generations because they DON’T work? RIIIIGHT!!!
osha 1910-1030 is the science

breaking the 'chain of infection' isn't a lofty concept>>>


everytime i see someone exit a store, and stuff their week old mask in their pocket, i know they've blown it

Well, remember the calculus here: If masks are not 100% effective, they don't work at all. If vaccines are not 100% effective, they don't work at all.

This is the kind of "thinking" that is keeping us in this mess.
If drivers are exceeding the posted speed limit let`s get rid of speed limit signs. Are these people just pretending to be stupid?
Surgeons have been wearing masks for generations because they DON’T work? RIIIIGHT!!!

I'm sorry, but the ignorance is astounding.

Surgical masks are used to prevent splatters from the surgeons' nose and mouth from going into open wounds. That's it. They are not and never were meant to prevent an *airborne respiratory virus*. Never.

The charade of Covid is falling apart for Branch Covidians. Even that nut Wen had to admit that ONLY K95 and N95 can even begin to do a thing for said viruses.

Not surgical masks. Not cloth masks.

It's all been one big joke. Many of us knew this from the start.
Well, they have a political ideology to push. Push too hard, drop the mirror, and you look like a clown.

You all keep going. You just continue to look more and more foolish as even your own team abandons the cause.
Present it.

The simple fact of viruses is how they're transmitted.

A virus needs to get from one person's body to another. Some like HIV have to be passed blood to blood. This is why HIV is quite slow at spreading. Ebola is the same. The reason why Ebola isn't that deadly is because it kills 90% of the people it infects and does so quite quickly, 2 to 21 days. This means it doesn't spread easily. HIV/AIDS can take 8-10 years.

The flu is a virus. It's far more common. The CDC estimates that about 8% of the country gets the flu in any one year. (Between 3% and 11%). Clearly this is much higher than the number of people with HIV/AIDS and the number of people with Ebola.

The reason why the flu is more prevalent is because it spreads much easier.

Children are most likely to get the flu.

"The same CID studyexternal icon found that children are most likely to get sick from flu and that people 65 and older are least likely to get sick from influenza. Median incidence values (or attack rate) by age group were 9.3% for children 0-17 years, 8.8% for adults 18-64 years, and 3.9% for adults 65 years and older. This means that children younger than 18 are more than twice as likely to develop a symptomatic flu infection than adults 65 and older."

Child are unhygienic, they cough openly, pick their noses, touch themselves with impunity and interact a lot with their peers.

And the ways the flu passes itself on is mostly through air droplets. i.e., someone sneezes and it then lands in someone else's mouth.

It can also spread when people wipe their nose, put their fingers in their mouth etc, touch something and then someone else touches this.

The coronavirus is pretty similar to the flu in some respects.

The Spanish Flu and the coronavirus are looking pretty similar. Because of actions of governments and the better sanitary conditions the number of deaths is lower. They're from different virus families, but they both spread really quickly, and they both kill a small percentage of people they infect.

The Spanish flu ended up just becoming the flu. The coronavirus might just end up becoming something like the flu. Something people die from, mostly older people, something that attacks more in winter.

The reason it attacks more in winter is more evidence of it being transmitted via coughing.

"wherever there is winter, there is flu"

Here are the most popular theories about why the flu strikes in winter:

1) During the winter, people spend more time indoors with the windows sealed, so they are more likely to breathe the same air as someone who has the flu and thus contract the virus (3).

2) Days are shorter during the winter, and lack of sunlight leads to low levels of vitamin D and melatonin, both of which require sunlight for their generation. This compromises our immune systems, which in turn decreases ability to fight the virus (3).

3) The influenza virus may survive better in colder, drier climates, and therefore be able to infect more people"

"Palese found that the virus was transmitted better at low temperatures and low humidity than at high temperatures and high humidity (see Figure 1)."

You can look at figure one for the nice picture view.

"A paper from the 1960s may provide an alternate explanation. The study tested the survival time of different viruses (i.e. the amount of time the virus remains viable and capable of causing disease) at contrasting temperatures and levels of humidity. The results from the study suggest that influenza actually survives longer at low humidity and low temperatures."

The coronavirus works in the same way. Much higher figures in colder weather.
The same white people who gave you most of the comforts and medicines and discoveries of the world. The world or western world recovered from the dark ages and it was not the yellow people or the black people or the brown people or the red people who took the mantle. They had their religions. If more enlightened why did they not take control and win the prize? For they had all the same flaws as the white man.

Da fuck are you talking about?
Da fuck are you talking about?
Live by nature. Live by what you spout. No electricity. No high tech. No medical. Live like the Amish or others by using hard work for the commune. You won't. But you will condemn others for inventing the ways of an easier life.

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