U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

No, we're not blissfully ignorant of how police are TRAINED.

By all means, educate me. How precisely are police trained?

I stand ready to eviscerate your cluelessness.

To obey the law and Department Policy, you dolt!
Oh, that's not all there is to it.

It goes much deeper than simple obedience.

Situational awareness, psychological training, negotiating tactics, mitigation procedures, marksmanship training.

But you must believe cops are automatons who can be programmed, right?
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
It is wrong and irresponsible to ever point any gun at anyone who was not already threatening others with a visible weapon.
Yeah, and Babbit was unarmed. The officer did not assess the threat. He just pulled the trigger.

Babbit was the MOST threatening of the three, and the one who KNEW the consequences of an attack on the Capitol. She knew that insurrectionists would be shot. She was a fucking soldier, and she attacked the US government she was sworn to protect.
Babbit was attacking the Capitol in violation of her oath to defend the Constitution, and threatening the lives of both the police officers there, and the people in the House Chamber.

Is that worthy of death?

I'm pretty sure she thought she was defending the Constitution by being there, in a place she had every right to be in. Her tax dollars paid for the upkeep of that building, she should have been allowed to go anywhere in the building she wanted to, within reason.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.

Actually, police rarely point guns at people. Turn off the TV and go out into the real world once in a while
No, we're not blissfully ignorant of how police are TRAINED.

By all means, educate me. How precisely are police trained?

I stand ready to eviscerate your cluelessness.

To obey the law and Department Policy, you dolt!
Oh, that's not all there is to it.

It goes much deeper than simple obedience.

Situational awareness, psychological training, negotiating tactics, mitigation procedures, marksmanship training.

But you must believe cops are automatons who can be programmed, right?

Well if cops are programmed to kill, it's time to get rid of them and get a force into place which actually does serve and protect.

American police killed 1500 suspects last year - 1000 of them by shooting them to death.

Here is the data on police killings of civilians. This isn't police policy. This isn't serving and protecting. This is a voilent police state where the police murder citizens with impunity.
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

Wait, weren't people like you referring to Bush and Trump as Hitler?

Where are you going with this, exactly?
Did I? Feel free to show where I did so.

It's like finding your condemnation of violence when it's done by leftist groups like antifa and BLM, huh? It's like it doesn't exist, no one can find it. Including you.

What letter does "Fish" start with? Do you know?
I continue to condemn all rioting, looting, burning, and vandalism by any and all groups....left or right. And now, I've just done it again. And, of course, you will ignore it again. Maybe if I threw around your N-word, you'd notice.

Yet you can't say you condemn rioting from leftist groups like antifa and BLM. You won't say the words. You just piss in the air and hope no one will notice.

I condemn rioting by LEFTIST groups, including antifa and BLM.

It's pretty easy to say, yet you won't.

When you asked, I immediately said I condemn rioting, including by Trump supporters on January 6 and I condemn anyone who went into the Capital whether they rioted or not.

See how easy that is? Yet you simply can't do it

Anyone who condemns rioting when warranted, is wrong and complicit in perpetuating the original crime the rioting is about.

Is rioting warranted over the murder of Ashli?
Of course it is.
The fact she was of the right and I am of the left is irrelevant.
She was conducting protected political expression, and was not a lethal threat to anyone.
Anyone who could pull the trigger on an obviously unarmed woman, is sick and a clear and present danger to the entire society.
Anyone who could protect or endorse such a murder is a dangerous individual who should not be allowed any power or weapons.
It is wrong and irresponsible to ever point any gun at anyone who was not already threatening others with a visible weapon.
Yeah, and Babbit was unarmed. The officer did not assess the threat. He just pulled the trigger.

Babbit was the MOST threatening of the three, and the one who KNEW the consequences of an attack on the Capitol. She knew that insurrectionists would be shot. She was a fucking soldier, and she attacked the US government she was sworn to protect.

She was unarmed. That's it, that's all. No weapons of any sort.
She was a fucking soldier, and she attacked the US government she was sworn to protect.
Yeah, or are you not aware of the oath she took?

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962)."

See that word "domestic" there? That's why she was there. She saw this as a domestic threat.
Shooting an unarmed suspect in the back as he's running away, is not only a violation of their training, it's against the law. Even for a cop.

The same could be said for Babbit, but since you disagree with her, she isn't deserving of the same type of veneration of say George Floyd for example.

Or that wannabe murderer Makiyah Bryant, perhaps.

Babbit was attacking the Capitol in violation of her oath to defend the Constitution, and threatening the lives of both the police officers there, and the people in the House Chamber.

George Floyd threatened no one and was murdered in public for the crime of being too big to fit into the back of the cruiser.

Makiyah was defended herself when the police rolled up and shot her without hesitation.

You're so full of shit
No, we're not blissfully ignorant of how police are TRAINED.

By all means, educate me. How precisely are police trained?

I stand ready to eviscerate your cluelessness.

To obey the law and Department Policy, you dolt!
Oh, that's not all there is to it.

It goes much deeper than simple obedience.

Situational awareness, psychological training, negotiating tactics, mitigation procedures, marksmanship training.

But you must believe cops are automatons who can be programmed, right?
his misconceptions are his misconceptions.
No, we're not blissfully ignorant of how police are TRAINED.

By all means, educate me. How precisely are police trained?

I stand ready to eviscerate your cluelessness.

To obey the law and Department Policy, you dolt!
Oh, that's not all there is to it.

It goes much deeper than simple obedience.

Situational awareness, psychological training, negotiating tactics, mitigation procedures, marksmanship training.

But you must believe cops are automatons who can be programmed, right?

Well if cops are programmed to kill, it's time to get rid of them and get a force into place which actually does serve and protect.

American police killed 1500 suspects last year - 1000 of them by shooting them to death.

Here is the data on police killings of civilians. This isn't police policy. This isn't serving and protecting. This is a voilent police state where the police murder citizens with impunity.

You'll have to do better than a helplessly biased site rooted in activism, not in portraying the facts accurately.
It is wrong and irresponsible to ever point any gun at anyone who was not already threatening others with a visible weapon.
Yeah, and Babbit was unarmed. The officer did not assess the threat. He just pulled the trigger.
Let me ask you. It's been a week, and I haven't heard anything of them actually filing a lawsuit.

What gives?

There is a thing called "time", and it takes some of that to get the ball rolling.

And what makes you think you are privy to the details of their actions?
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

Wait, weren't people like you referring to Bush and Trump as Hitler?

Where are you going with this, exactly?
Did I? Feel free to show where I did so.

It's like finding your condemnation of violence when it's done by leftist groups like antifa and BLM, huh? It's like it doesn't exist, no one can find it. Including you.

What letter does "Fish" start with? Do you know?
I continue to condemn all rioting, looting, burning, and vandalism by any and all groups....left or right. And now, I've just done it again. And, of course, you will ignore it again. Maybe if I threw around your N-word, you'd notice.

Yet you can't say you condemn rioting from leftist groups like antifa and BLM. You won't say the words. You just piss in the air and hope no one will notice.

I condemn rioting by LEFTIST groups, including antifa and BLM.

It's pretty easy to say, yet you won't.

When you asked, I immediately said I condemn rioting, including by Trump supporters on January 6 and I condemn anyone who went into the Capital whether they rioted or not.

See how easy that is? Yet you simply can't do it

Anyone who condemns rioting when warranted, is wrong and complicit in perpetuating the original crime the rioting is about.

Is rioting warranted over the murder of Ashli?
Of course it is.
The fact she was of the right and I am of the left is irrelevant.
She was conducting protected political expression, and was not a lethal threat to anyone.
Anyone who could pull the trigger on an obviously unarmed woman, is sick and a clear and present danger to the entire society.
Anyone who could protect or endorse such a murder is a dangerous individual who should not be allowed any power or weapons.

No, peaceful demonstrations are warranted. And leftists don't just riot, you loot and set fires and destroy the property of innocent people.

Note all the silence from other leftists while you actually call for violence
You'll have to do better than a helplessly biased site rooted in activism, not in portraying the facts accurately.

Are you referring to this site, with the topic:

U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Yet no word of an actual lawsuit yet. Just spreading rumor.
Babbit was attacking the Capitol in violation of her oath to defend the Constitution, and threatening the lives of both the police officers there, and the people in the House Chamber.

Is that worthy of death?

I'm pretty sure she thought she was defending the Constitution by being there, in a place she had every right to be in. Her tax dollars paid for the upkeep of that building, she should have been allowed to go anywhere in the building she wanted to, within reason.

She was WRONG, and yes, if she can be fooled into doing something like this, that's on her. She has an obligation to uphold the law.

She should have obeyed the LAW she swore to uphold. Insurrection isn't a "demonstration" or a "protest". They were equipped and prepared to kill the leadership of both parties. That's been proven, over and over, and over.

Stop talking about the estoterics of demonstration, and start looking at the evidence of what the Oath Keepers and other right wing militias were up to that day.
Let me ask you. It's been a week, and I haven't heard anything of them actually filing a lawsuit.

What gives?

There is a thing called "time", and it takes some of that to get the ball rolling.

And what makes you think you are privy to the details of their actions?

Time? It's been over a week.
It's not like there's new evidence they have to wait for.
No, we're not blissfully ignorant of how police are TRAINED.

By all means, educate me. How precisely are police trained?

I stand ready to eviscerate your cluelessness.

To obey the law and Department Policy, you dolt!
Oh, that's not all there is to it.

It goes much deeper than simple obedience.

Situational awareness, psychological training, negotiating tactics, mitigation procedures, marksmanship training.

But you must believe cops are automatons who can be programmed, right?
his misconceptions are his misconceptions.
Indeed. But a repeatedly held misconception stops being a misconception and becomes an accepted fact to the one holding the misconception...

If that makes any sense.
Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't
Speaking for that poor avatar of mine, what he is attempting to convey to the poster 'Kaz' is that.......you haven't offered proof of your assertion that the elections was stolen.

If you have, well, we haven't seen it.
If you have.....may we ask you to link us to it so we can read the quality of your proofs and, either side with you, or state that you are wrongheaded.

Be our sherpa here, poster 'kaz'........are we wrong on your lack of substance on 'the Steal', or do you have substance, after all?

Batter up, mein freund.

"Had I pulled my weapon and shot an unarmed suspect, I would have gone to prison."

Well, that may be. You know your prior record and reputation better than this forum.

However, in the case of the cop who shot Ashli Babbitt, well, who knew she was 'unarmed'? Did the cop? Did her compatriots on the other side of the barricaded door? She and they battered it down, she jumped into the breach despite being warned by the cops --and her compatriots. She still jumped.

It's on her.

May her family be comforted.
If only she'd complied...

Something you never say when it's a black shot by the cops.

You support her death because of your politics, just like you are against the cops every other time because of your politics.

Own your actions and stop lying
You know so much about me!

Well, it's not like you post your racist Democrat Nazi shit all over the site every day. Oh wait, you do ...
N-word again....cha-ching!

Wait, weren't people like you referring to Bush and Trump as Hitler?

Where are you going with this, exactly?
Did I? Feel free to show where I did so.

It's like finding your condemnation of violence when it's done by leftist groups like antifa and BLM, huh? It's like it doesn't exist, no one can find it. Including you.

What letter does "Fish" start with? Do you know?
I continue to condemn all rioting, looting, burning, and vandalism by any and all groups....left or right. And now, I've just done it again. And, of course, you will ignore it again. Maybe if I threw around your N-word, you'd notice.

Yet you can't say you condemn rioting from leftist groups like antifa and BLM. You won't say the words. You just piss in the air and hope no one will notice.

I condemn rioting by LEFTIST groups, including antifa and BLM.

It's pretty easy to say, yet you won't.

When you asked, I immediately said I condemn rioting, including by Trump supporters on January 6 and I condemn anyone who went into the Capital whether they rioted or not.

See how easy that is? Yet you simply can't do it
See? I knew you would ignore my posts.....I didn't put any N-words in.
She was WRONG, and yes, if she can be fooled into doing something like this, that's on her. She has an obligation to uphold the law.

So did the cop. But you don't care.

Cops are only good when they do something you agree with, to someone you don't like.

You are entering dangerous territory, miss.

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