U.S. Police Chiefs Call For Background Checks For All Gun Purchases

It's sadly funny when gun nutters try to act smarter than nationwide police officials. If gun nutters simply allowed "universal background checks" - this debate could end. What's the problem?

The problem….Weimar Germany, Post World War 1 France, Britain, Australia….and any time there has been a genocide, mass murder or ethnic cleansing…they first registered the guns to keep people safe….and then the murder started….

Who is talking about "registering" guns? Who is talking about "gun-grabbing"?

The only way for background checks for private sales to work is to register guns…otherwise both parties could deny the sale was made.

That is why they are pushing so hard for universal background checks even though criminals will get around them as easily as they get around current, federally mandated background checks.

Once they implement background checks, those checks will also fail to stop criminals and mass shooters…in fact mass shooters already either pass background checks or ignore them…….and once they have a good case where a criminal or mass shooter kills a lot of people even with the background checks, they will say…."Well obviously, universal background checks are going to fail to stop criminals and mass shooters if we don't have universal gun registration…."

Even if true, if any such guns were misused - the misusers would be severely prosecuted.
Like we prosecute car lots for selling to convicted DUI offenders?
Bullshit. I've been a dealer for 10 years and never had someone prosecuted for attempting falsely to buy a gun.

Sorry, but an anecdotal story is not evidence the facts are bullshit. It's just evidence you have no idea what you are talking about. There is more going on than what is happening in your little corner of the world.

Former metro nashville Police officer convicted of making false statements to a firearms dealer

During the attempted purchases, Morales, a Nashville police officer since September 2007, falsely represented on a Firearms Transaction Record, commonly known as a 4473 Form, that he was the actual buyer of handguns that were actually intended for Rojas-Lopez, who was illegally transporting guns to Guatemala.
Read the article. It was a gun trafficking case because the actual buyer was shipping the guns to Guatemala.
And the incident is already 6 years old.
So yet another fail from one of the stupidest fuckers on this site.
You said you have been a dealer for 10 years. That story is well within the time frame YOU CHOSE. I bet you didn't expect me to find an actual example where you live, did you. Don't be all sore now.

The cop was attempting to falsely buy a gun. Parameters YOU CHOSE.

I don't know why your panties are getting in a bunch over the fact 80,000 people a year are turned away due to background checks. No matter how many times you cry "bullshit", it is still the truth.

The 80,000 people denied a first time background check are not criminals….they are normal citizens who get bounced because their names are similar to actual felons….felons who don't get background checks anyway….

Mexican Drug Cartels nor any blackmarket outfit conduct UBC's - so relax.

Bullshit. I've been a dealer for 10 years and never had someone prosecuted for attempting falsely to buy a gun.

Sorry, but an anecdotal story is not evidence the facts are bullshit. It's just evidence you have no idea what you are talking about. There is more going on than what is happening in your little corner of the world.

Former metro nashville Police officer convicted of making false statements to a firearms dealer

During the attempted purchases, Morales, a Nashville police officer since September 2007, falsely represented on a Firearms Transaction Record, commonly known as a 4473 Form, that he was the actual buyer of handguns that were actually intended for Rojas-Lopez, who was illegally transporting guns to Guatemala.
Read the article. It was a gun trafficking case because the actual buyer was shipping the guns to Guatemala.
And the incident is already 6 years old.
So yet another fail from one of the stupidest fuckers on this site.
You said you have been a dealer for 10 years. That story is well within the time frame YOU CHOSE.

The cop was attempting to falsely buy a gun. Parameters YOU CHOSE.

I don't know why your panties are getting in a bunch over the fact 80,000 people a year are turned away due to background checks. No matter how many times you cry "bullshit", it is still the truth.
I said I had never had one prosecuted. That is true. Guns and Leather, the dealer quoted, is one of the biggest in this area. BUt ATF would never have prosecuted the guy except for the fact that he was invovled in a gun running operation. He wasnt in fact prohibited as a felon.
So your point is doubly stupid.
The cop was prevented from buying guns for a gun smuggler!

How does that not vindicate background checks?!?!?

Do you realize how stupid you are sounding right now?

This link doesn't show how they caught the cop……….you point is not true. He passed the background check so they must have captured Lopez and then had him rat out the cop….who they then prosecuted…the background check did not stop the illegal transfer of the gun…you are wrong…he passed the background check.

If not for SCOTUS interpretations of the Second Amendment - this is all that would currently be legal to own.
Bullshit. I've been a dealer for 10 years and never had someone prosecuted for attempting falsely to buy a gun.

Sorry, but an anecdotal story is not evidence the facts are bullshit. It's just evidence you have no idea what you are talking about. There is more going on than what is happening in your little corner of the world.

Former metro nashville Police officer convicted of making false statements to a firearms dealer

During the attempted purchases, Morales, a Nashville police officer since September 2007, falsely represented on a Firearms Transaction Record, commonly known as a 4473 Form, that he was the actual buyer of handguns that were actually intended for Rojas-Lopez, who was illegally transporting guns to Guatemala.
Read the article. It was a gun trafficking case because the actual buyer was shipping the guns to Guatemala.
And the incident is already 6 years old.
So yet another fail from one of the stupidest fuckers on this site.
You said you have been a dealer for 10 years. That story is well within the time frame YOU CHOSE.

The cop was attempting to falsely buy a gun. Parameters YOU CHOSE.

I don't know why your panties are getting in a bunch over the fact 80,000 people a year are turned away due to background checks. No matter how many times you cry "bullshit", it is still the truth.
I said I had never had one prosecuted. That is true. Guns and Leather, the dealer quoted, is one of the biggest in this area. BUt ATF would never have prosecuted the guy except for the fact that he was invovled in a gun running operation. He wasnt in fact prohibited as a felon.
So your point is doubly stupid.
The cop was prevented from buying guns for a gun smuggler!

How does that not vindicate background checks?!?!?

Do you realize how stupid you are sounding right now?
It does not vindicate background checks. He had alreay purchased a number of guns for the smuggler and of course the background check didnt prevent any of that. It didnt prevent this either. He was prosecuted after the plot was blown.
How did the dealer know the cop intended it for his friend?

If not for SCOTUS interpretations of the Second Amendment - this is all that would currently be legal to own.

When the Founders wrote the Constitution, the 2nd and 9th Amendments they gave the federal government 0 - zero authority - to regulate firearms.


So, are you suggesting that COTUS and SCOTUS should be prosecuted for violating the Constitution?
Breaking News: You can't make already law abiding citizens more law abiding with more gun control laws. In related news you can't force criminals who already don't obey existing gun control laws obey new gun control laws.

This is for gun control advocates.../eyeroll
Citing the popularity of an idea is not the same as showing it will be effective in reducing crime. It will not. Oregon has UBC and we see how that turned out a couple of weeks ago.
Such measures are nothing more than an attempt to stick it to lawful gun owners. It will not reduce crime one bit.

So just drop the idea? Anything that comes up that can possible prevent a gun from getting in the hands of a nutcase, is summarily dropped by the RWers. This is an idea that will happen. It will take time and lots of money to stop the GOP from buying off GOP Congressmen, but it will happen.

If not for SCOTUS interpretations of the Second Amendment - this is all that would currently be legal to own.

When the Founders wrote the Constitution, the 2nd and 9th Amendments they gave the federal government 0 - zero authority - to regulate firearms.


So, are you suggesting that COTUS and SCOTUS should be prosecuted for violating the Constitution?

Yes, indeed they ought to be prosecuted for treason against the Constitution (1787). Someday Americans will find their nuts again and will kick ass.

Breaking News: You can't make already law abiding citizens more law abiding with more gun control laws. In related news you can't force criminals who already don't obey existing gun control laws obey new gun control laws.

This is for gun control advocates.../eyeroll

So, should we also abolish all vehicle laws and regulations?
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

I don't oppose it for one. Just don't think it's gonna do anything.

If it saves one kid sitting in a classroom trying to learn, is it worth a try? Of course it is.
There is already a law mandating background checks on gun purchases.
Not at gun shows. Did you even read what you quoted?

Allow me to show you the relevant part:

Current rules on background checks apply to licensed dealers, but up to 40 percent of firearms sales involve private parties or gun shows and do not require checks, the chiefs said.

You people are the dumbest I've ever seen. Putting more restrictions on law abiding citizens will not stop law breakers from acquiring guns.
First, I am pro-gun.

Second, you made a false statement in a topic in which police chiefs are calling for background checks at gun shows, which I corrected. The truth trumps bias. Don't be a sore loser and start making assumptions.

You didn't correct squat. My statement was accurate. They are talking about universal background checks which covers all gun purchases as if that will stop criminals from obtaining guns. For a pro-gun advocate you sure don't sound like one.
Breaking News: You can't make already law abiding citizens more law abiding with more gun control laws. In related news you can't force criminals who already don't obey existing gun control laws obey new gun control laws.

This is for gun control advocates.../eyeroll

So, should we also abolish all vehicle laws and regulations?


Do you want to learn how to drive an automobile ?

Then watch You Tube - that's the way God intended.

Citing the popularity of an idea is not the same as showing it will be effective in reducing crime. It will not. Oregon has UBC and we see how that turned out a couple of weeks ago.
Such measures are nothing more than an attempt to stick it to lawful gun owners. It will not reduce crime one bit.

They know it won't reduce crime, the goal of gun control advocates is to make it so expensive, confusing, and legally risky for law abiding citizens that they just give up their 2nd amendment rights. We know what these lying scum are up to.
Why would any law-abiding gun owner oppose universal background checks for ALL firearms purchases? Right now, about 40% of all gun purchases are falling through the legal cracks. We should close those cracks!

The 40% number is a lie…and that he repeated that lie shows he is an asshole gun grabber…...

All these Police Chiefs are lying and you know better.....Right....
Breaking News: You can't make already law abiding citizens more law abiding with more gun control laws. In related news you can't force criminals who already don't obey existing gun control laws obey new gun control laws.

This is for gun control advocates.../eyeroll

So, should we also abolish all vehicle laws and regulations?


Do you want to learn how to drive an automobile ?

Then watch You Tube - that's the way God intended.


Which God? There are thousands. My personal favorite is Horus.
Should criminals, mentally ill, and domestic abusers be allowed to own guns?

Are they allowed to now?


The Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits certain people from possessing a firearm. The possession of any firearm by one of these "prohibited persons" is a felony offense. It is also a felony for any person, including a registered Federal Firearms Licensee to sell or otherwise transfer any firearm to a person knowing or having "reasonable cause" to believe that the person receiving the firearm is prohibited from firearm possession. There are nine categories of persons prohibited from possessing firearms under the Gun Control Act:

Persons under indictment for, or convicted of, any crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding on year;
  • Fugitives from justice;
  • Persons who are unlawful users of, or addicted to, any controlled substance;
  • Persons who have been declared by a court as mental defectives or have been committed to a mental institution;
  • Illegal aliens, or aliens who were admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa;
  • Persons who have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces;
  • Persons who have renounced their United States citizenship;
  • Persons subject to certain types of restraining orders; and
  • Persons who have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

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